Author: *
Cleomenes - 254 Posts Date: Jul 21,
2003 - 04:31
I would like to post a message
concerning the question, was or wasn’t Proclus a
Few words for his life; In
Constantinople at the year of ~410 Proclus was born. He was raised
under the notion of an ethical and moral way of living and
because of that he believed for him that was a continuation of the
Neo-Pythagoreans, as he stated that was a reincarnation
diadoch” of the Pythagorean
It was believed that Proclus
was a follower of the theorgical “qeourgia”
Neo-Platonism. He believed to the separation of moralities to,
ethical, political, theoretical and theorgical. He accepted the
ascetic way of living. A way that was first introduced in Egypt
and the Egyptian clergy, hence, when Proclus went to Egypt and
studied philosophy under the orders of Oriona he learned their
Like a number of the
Neo-Platonists lived in the ages of anxiety for the polytheists,
Proclus was accused as a magician and he was sent in Syria.
Although he return buck to his beloved Athens with the favor of
Christian emperor, the accusation continued until he died in 485
after of 75 years of glorious life. So what
was his relation with magic? Can we link magic with the
philosophical based theorgia? How can we find a fair way to find
that out?