1 AARON HAQADESH Hebrew term for the Ark of the Covenant, the Omphalos center point of the earth found in the Holy of Holies chamber of the B.A. Temple of Suns Ahman Israel. Symbol of the B'Qor Covenant, the place where Deity traditionally told Moses They would commune with him, and thus with all who raise themselves up to a high enough level thru the initiation program offered to the elect.
2 AARONIC "PRIESTHOOD" A "Priesthood" whose function was to preside over the temporal matters of a fallen people on a fallen earth. The purer Enshroudment Priest(ess)hood of the Order of O:N:E: replaces this "Priesthood" when a people are living unitedly and purely on a redeemed or semi- redeemed portion of Mother Earth.
3 ABBA Hebrew and Aramaic term referring to our Heavenly Father & related to the third Sephirah of Binah. Said by Apostolic Paul to be the name uttered by early followers of Xristos when filled with the Ruach Ha-Qadesh. Also an honorary title for the head of a Nazorean Monastery. Used as a title of respect by early Desert Fathers of Egypt.
4 ACADEMY OF ABBACY Ten leveled Zadokian School of the Prophets organization, composing the first half of the Meenzar Monastery level of Suns Ahman Israel.
5 ADAM Hebrew term meaning humanity, referring to the 144,000 souls who entered into physical temples of flesh in Eden. The Hebrew spelling ADM being composed of the first letters of the words spirit, blood, & water; said also to compose the initials of Adam, David, & the Messiah, representing the three levels of humanity. Nazorean texts speak of two Adams.
6 ADAMIC LANGUAGE Pure language of light brought by the Adamites into the Garden after descending down from higher worlds of light to t ake upon themselves the task of inaugurating the human family. This language consists of thirty basic sounds, eight of which are vowels which are the animating power which the twenty-two consonants channel in various manners. Each utterance is associated with an emotion, image, thought, color, organ of the body, etc. This language is taught in the thirty Holy Convocations of the Patriarchal Enshrouding of Sun Ahman.
7 ADAMIC RACE The Adamites of Eden before they mixed with the Nachashim, or seed of the serpent, who were inhabiting this sphere when they arrived.
8 AEON Gnostic term denoting a unit of creation, with its corresponding time frame, level of light, law & rulers & denizens.
9 AH-BROAM According to Joseph the Seer's Egyptian Alphabet: One who possesses great knowledge.
10 AHLISH The invisable & eternal Godhead, the first being, supreme intelligence, supreme power, supreme glory, supreme justice, supreme mercy; without beginning of life or end of life, comprehending all things, seeing all things.
11 AHMAN (Also Aumen, Amen, Amin, etc) Multi-cultural title for the highest God. Used by Manichaeans, Nazoreans, and others. Also an Adamic title of Heavenly Father as well as Heavenly Mother revealed thru Joseph the Seer in a private revelation in the early 1800's. The Son of the Father and Mother he called Son Ahman, & the seed of the Holy Spirit he called Sons Ahman. Also the vibratory sound occurring in the third ventricle of the brain when the Leviathan energy surges up the hollow of the spine during intense spiritual awakenings.
12 AIMA (Also Amma, 'ma, ect.) Hebrew term referring to Heavenly Mother, & related to the Sephirah called Binah, the Bride of Abba.
13 AIN SOF AUR Qabbalistic Hebrew term meaning Endless and Eternal Light. Said to be three veils of Negative or non-material existence from whence Keter, the first manifestation of Deity originated. The nine letters of AIN SOF AUR representing the nine hidden Sephiroth secreted in Yetziric Keter, which when added to the three Supernals Keter, Chockmah, and Binah make up the twelve kingdoms or houses of the Briatic or Terrestrial Treasury of Light. These are spoken of as the Five Trees and Seven Amens in the Pistis Sophia codex, and correlate with the 12 Thoracic vertebrae and their 7 pairs of connected and five pairs of floating ribs.
14 AKH An Egyptian term referring to the level of the soul associated with the Throat Chakra area and with the Mazzalothian Order.
15 ALEPHBET Twenty-two Hebrew hieroglyphics which are expressions of cosmic forces, powers, and attributes especially in the Yetziric or spiritual portion of the Telestial Kingdom.
16 ALPHA-BETA Twenty-four Greek hieroglyphics expressing the twelve male-female forces of the Briatic or Terrestrial Treasury of Light.
The Qilpoth Altar represents the fallen carnal inclinations in man.
The earthen Altar outside Solomon's Temple, where the stench of burning
animal flesh arose, was one such, corresponding to darkened man's dark
worship. On the Jaradite Order, this earthen Altar is replaced with one
free of the residue of animal sacrifice.
The Malkuthian Altar in the first Temple
chamber is a marriage Altar corresponding to the sacrifice of the self
unto another in marriage in the lower Telestial or Yetziric world.
The Golden Altar of Incense in the Yetziric
upper Telestial Gan- Eden chamber of the Temple is where the Enochian Enshroudment
petitions Deity on behalf of those written on its prayer scroll.
The Ark of the Covenant Altar in the Terrestrial
Briatic Qadesh Qadeshim chamber is where the 'Atriarchal Enshroudment sacrifice
their souls to Deity and one another in a mystical marriage rite more pure
and holy than the Zadokian Rite of the Malkuthian chamber.
The Altar in the Upper Atziluthian Celestial
chamber corresponds to total sacrifice of all levels of the self unto complete
re-absorption into the unity and oneness of Deity.
The various temple Altars also function
as repositories for the written account of the various Temple Endowments,
each in its corresponding Altar, and as places of prayer were initiates
can enter into sacred and solemn covenants and contracts with the Elohim
18 AMEN (also Aumen, Amin, Ahman, etc.) Egyptian title of the Head of the Gods, also Hebrew term meaning so be it, and a Greek Gnostic term meaning truly, or verily. Used as a spiritual utterance ending by those in agreement with what has been uttered.
19 ANAEL One of the seven spirits or Archangels before the throne. Presides over the Sphere of Netzach in the Tree of Life. Rules the Beni-Elohim, and the planet Nogah or Venus. There are 12 members in this Archangelic Quorum.
20 ANCIENT OF DAYS Aatic Yomen, or He of the Vast Countenance, who presideth as the great and grand Patriarch over all the universe worlds below the Atziluthian Celestial worlds of the Pleromah.
21 ANCIENT OF DAYS SCROLLS The portion of the secret Zohar comprised of the Scroll of Concealed Mystery, the Scroll of the Greater Assembly, and the Scroll of the Lesser Assembly; all scriptures of the Chevrah B'Qor Society of the Firstborn.
22 AND (Also u in Aramaic) Name of Deity frequently encountered in Sacred Scrolls such as OM.
23 A.N.D. A term used for divine DNA. The A.N.D. genetic code which is passed between the Patriarchs and Matriarchs of a Holy Order thru the Infusion Ceremony.
24 ANGELS (Also Malakia in Aramaic) Personifications and archetypes of natural and cosmic forces, as well as actual spiritual entities who inhabit other planes of existence. Called Malakias in Aramaic. Archangels being called Uthras.
25 ANOINTING (1,2,3,4) First anointing,
given in the Mystical Anointing Ceremonony of the Jaradite Enshrouding,
corresponding to the oily vernix covering on a newborn infant in our temporal
world of Assiah.
Second Anointing corresponds to the oil
covering on a newborn in the Yetziric Telestial Kingdom or Universe.
It is meant to be performed on the Zadokian level of the Temple which is
of the Yetziric Telestial world.
The Third Anointing corresponds to the
oil covering of a newborn in the Briatic Terrestrial Treasury of Light.
It is performed in the Qadesh Qadeshim or Holy of Holies Chamber which
represents that universe within the Temple.
The Fourth Anointing corresponds
to a newborn's vernix covering in the Celestial Atziluthian World of the
Pleromata & is performed in the Holy Chamber above the Qadesh Qadeshim.
26 APOCATASTASIS Gnostic term referring to the ascension or re- absorption of the universe back into the unity & purity of Deity. Personally occurs in the 32 degree of Nazirutha.
27 ARK OF THE COVENANT Sacred symbolic furniture belonging in the Qadesh Qadeshim Chamber composed of a hollow wooden box overlaid with gold which represents the universal waters of the cosmic womb; all of which is crowned with a golden Mercy Seat flanked by two cherubs. The male cherub is called Metatron, the female Sandalphon. Ancient records attest to the fact that these Cherubim were shown in concubinal embrace to show forth the mystery of Eternal Marriage above. Because of the controversial significance of this depiction, the author of the Biblical book of Hebrews expressed reluctance to discuss them in detail.
28 ARCHANGELS (Also Uthras in Aramaic) Supreme archetypes of spiritual forces and energies. Term usually applies to the seven major forces, or spirits before the throne, in the Yetziric or upper Telestial world. These are Uriel, Tzukiel, Kommiel, Michael, Anael, Raphael, and Gabriel.
29 ARCHON Gnostic term, usually employed in a derogatory manner, to denote the rulers of the lower fallen heavens.
30 ARI Hebrew term meaning lion; being the Hebrew name of the zodiacal sign of Leo. Also the title given to Rabbi Issac Luria who was extremely instrumental in expanding the Qabbalah during the sixteenth century.
31 ASSIAH (Also Tibil in Aramaic) Hebrew term meaning Making, it being the lowest of the four Qabbalistic worlds or kingdoms.
32 ATZILUTH Hebrew term meaning Emanations, it being the highest of the four Qabbalistic worlds corresponding to the Celestial Kingdom in Mormonism, and the Pleromata or fullness of light of Gnosticism.
33 AUM Sanscrit term, sometimes spelled OM, which is the root sound of the Adamic name of Ahman. Said to be the universal sound of oneness uttered by all creation, and sounded within man when he is one with all creation. Sometimes referred to as the sounding of the conch, meaning the sound heard within the brain when the Leviathan/kundalini fire arises.
34 AURA/HALO Spiritual robe of light emanating from the body, whose color and intensity expresses the spiritual stature of its source.
35 AUR Hebrew term meaning light, and also gold; it being the root word from whence the term aura originated, and perhaps ore as in gold ore.
36 AURARIUM Name coined for the Planetarium mentat program utilizing star fields of the heavens as projected on a dome interior for use in categorizing various fields of knowledge, and then accelerating ones cross referencing of this information thru certain exercises designed to increase intelligence thru the heating up process of quick flitting from one point of data to another.
37 B.A. Abreviation for Beth Ahman meaning House of Ahman or Temple of the "Lord".
38 BA An Egyptian term referring to the level of the soul associated with the heart and with the Berashithian Order.
39 BABYLON Spiritual opposite of Zion or the pure in heart, both of which have the same numerical value of 156 in Hebrew. Also a generic term for the world in general, with all its corruption, selfishness and darkness. Can be used to express several of the preliminary stages of self rebirth thru the sowing of ones soul into a Babylonian or imperfect womb.
40 BAHIR Hebrew for brilliance, being the title of one of the oldest of the Qabbalistic scrolls.
41 BAPTISM Greek term meaning to immerse.
The first O:N:E: Maswetta Immersion corresponds to the womb
waters from whence all emerge who have entered our physical Telestial world
of Assiah.
The second Enochian Immersion corresponds
to the waters of the womb of one being born into the Yetziric world of
the Enochian Enshrouding.
The Third is Patri-Matriarchal birth into
the Briatic Terrestial world.
The Fourth relates to birth in the Celestial
Atziluthian world of pure spirit.
42 BEAST The king of Babylon. A title claimed by Aleister Crowley whose name and disposition add up to 666.
43 BEASTS OF THE FIELD Code word encountered in the Zohar, meaning the higher angels. Also related to desires of the flesh in the Zadokian Endowment sequence.
44 BERASHITHIAN ENSHROUDMENT A level of Light and Authority associated with M'shoosheh Hexad organizations and the Sandhedrin of Seers.
45 BETH-AHMAN Hebrew and Adamic term for a Temple of Light where the higher and more holy ordinances and endowments of Ahman are performed. Also referring to the resurrected flesh of one sealed into eternal life. Manda.
46 BETH-EL Hebrew for House of El or Temple of "God". A place for the performance of the Rites & Ordinances of Elohim. Also signifying the physical temple or body of one redeemed in the light.
47 BETHULAH Hebrew term for virgin, being the name of the sixth zodiac sign of Virgo & the moonth which begins in it.
48 BIBLE Collection of scriptures containing writings meant for those young and immature in the light. The higher and meatier scrolls were purposely left out of the Bible by its compilers in order that their greater truths be not distorted or abused by the masses. Nazoreans are a non biblical Order.
49 BINAH Hebrew for Understanding. Third supernal of the Tree of Life, being the masculine yang expression of Deity in contrast to the feminine yin of Chockmah. The gender of this third Sephirah is often referred to as female in Hermetic literature, but is considered more male in Suns Ahman Israel due to its odd numerical value. Represented in the Qadesh Qadeshim chamber of the Temple by the left male Cherub on the Ark who is called Metatron.
50 BITTER SEA The salt sea behind the veil of Nesher in the Temple wherein baptisms symbolizing death are conducted. See Sweet Sea.
51 BLOOD To be of one heart and one mind is to be of one blood. The chemical composition of the blood, and hence the mind which is nourished and affected by the blood, is directly related to the type of food and drink consumed. Those that wish to be in harmony emotionally and intellectually must consume the same type of food. Fresh, alive, wholesome and seasonal grains, legumes, nuts, seeds, vegetables and fruits, are the most condusive diet for pure blood and the spirituality that flows from such. The B'Qor has 32 types of food which it promotes to its members. The Blood of Christ is the Family of Christ and the living soul essence within it and within the all plant foods it consumes.
52 B'NAI AUR Hebrew term for Children of Light, signifying those under the New and Everlasting Covenant who conform their lives to a heavenly pattern.
53 BODHIDHARMA Founder of the Zen sect of Buddhism which stressed enlightenment, creativity and humor thru the practicing of zazen or structured meditation, and the contemplation of koans, or nonsensical parables to throw the mind in quandry and unleash the inner understanding.
54 BORN AGAIN The spiritual counterpart to the outward form of the "baptismal" ritual. There are varying degrees of new birth, the higher of which actually signifies complete transformation into godliness. This term should be used sparingly because of the false Christian notions concerning it.
55 B'QOR Hebrew term meaning "firstborn" and "dawn", used frequently in Suns Ahman Israel to denote the Chevrah B'Qor or Firstborn Family as a whole, and also to denote the fiery ball of Light passed back and forth between the elect.
56 BREASTPLATE Mystical instrument for receiving oracles, consisting of twelve colored stones of the Zodiac inscribed with the names of the twelve tribes of Israel. It is said that when desiring an answer to a question, the High Priest could see certain of the inscribed letters glowing with a spiritual light & thru combining them together the answer was received.
57 BRIAH Hebrew term meaning world of creation. The third of the Qabbalistic worlds when descending upwards, being the Treasury of Light spoken of in the Pistis Sophia, and the Terrestrial Kingdom of glory by Joseph the Seer. Subdivided into twelve degrees or mansions, the lower three of which are Keter, Chockmah and Binah; or the three Supernals on the Tree of Life. The upper nine are the hidden Sephiroth of Keter.
58 BRITISH ISRAEL Concept that the majority of the lost ten tribes of Israel, and especially Ephraim, migrated to the present day British Isles and western-most Europe and eventually into the Americas. Spoken of by Joseph the Seer in his White Horse prophecy.
59 BUDDHA Sidhartha Guatama, the enlightened one, said to have become enlightened and mystico unio with Deity after meditating forty nine days under a bodhi tree. Incarnation of Mani-Hayya, the Parklete. Yeshua is called Buddha-Messiah.
60 CANCELLARIUS-CANCELLARI First Officer presiding over the first and highest Quorum on any one Enshroudment level.
61 CAVE OF ADAM Jaradite name of their cavern of initiation wherein they conducted the Rites of Enshrouding, similar to the caverns of initiation used by the esoteric society of Mithras in the Roman era. Also the heart of man where the love of Xristos is centered and amplified thru the Mysteries of the Messiah.
62 CELESTIAL KINGDOM Term used by Joseph the Seer to denote the Atziluthian world, the highest of the three kingdoms of Glory, where abide those who are eternally sealed through the Everlasting Covenant of Marriage, and who reign as Gods & Goddesses over their posterity. Often used in Suns Ahman to denote lower heavens.
63 CELESTIAL MARRIAGE The form of non-monogamous marriage practiced in heavenly places and shadowed on earth in the marriages of the Family of the Firstborn. A term used erroniously by the tribe of Ephraim (Mormons) to denote their temple marriages which are but watered down shadows of true temple sealings of Suns Ahman Israel.
64 CENTRAL COLUMN (Also Adakias in Aramaic) Bearing the name Maha-Bone, the middle pillar forms the connecting link between the right & left, between Jachin & Boaz, the source of day typifying mildness, tempered mercy & inward balance. In the body, it is the Shushumna or central spinal canal flanked by the currents of Ida & Pingala. Also called Column of Glory and Perfect Man.
65 CHAKRA Sanscrit for wheel, referring tothe five (or seven) swirling energy vortexes that form the link between the physical & spiritual bodies of man. The lower three, called root, navel & solar plexus Chakras are linked to the gonads, spleen & adrenal glands; & are the home of the Nephesh spirit in man. These three centers are most active in carnal worldly man & are seldom purified to their proper state. The middle Heart Chakra, associated with the thymus gland, is the home of the Ruach spirit & is seldom fully functional except in exceptional cases where earthbound souls purify their passions & desires to the point of Xristos-like love. The upper three Chakras called throat, brow & crown are associated with the thyroid, pituitary & pineal; & are the home of the Neshamah spirit of man. Neshamah proper in the throat chakra, Chiah in the brow, Yechidah in the Crown or Thousand Petaled Lotus Chakra located at the crown of the head. These three centers are rarely fully activated in man save when one is filled with the Neshamah Ha Qadesh which elevates ones consciousness far above that of other mortals.
66 CHERUBIM Angelic choir overseen by the Archangelic quorum of Gabriel, related to Yesod & the lunar orb of Levanah. This is the angelic office associated with the first degree of Enoch & the first of the seven heavens called Wilon.
67 CHESED Sephiric sphere on the male pillar of the Tree of Life. The Sephirah of Mercy presided over by the Archangel Tzukiel.
68 CHIAH Qabbalistic term referring to the middle third of the soul level of Neshamah.
69 CHEVRAH B'QOR Hebrew term meaning the "Church of the Firstborn". Its numerical value being 443 the same as "Beth-El" the Temple of "God" & "Bethulah" meaning Virgin. Hence the 144,000 "virgins" spoken of in Revelations are those of this Firstborn Family & House of Elohim.
70 CHOCKMAH Second of the manifest Sephiroth meaning Wisdom in Hebrew, being considered the masculine of the three Supernals, and the polar opposite of the feminine Binah in most Hermetic literature. Because of its numerical value of two, an even and thus female number according to Pythagorian philosophy, Suns Ahman Israel associates this Sephirah with femaleness more than maleness, although it certainly partakes of both when viewed from below the abyss. Represented in the Qadesh Qadeshim Temple chamber by Sandalphon, the right female Cherub on the Ark of the Covenant.
71 CHORONZON Name of a demon who resides in the Abyss whose soul function seems to be the promotion of confusion and disorientation. Encountered in the writings of John Dee and others.
72 CHRIST The Xristos or the anointed one, sent of the Father-Mother to heal the deficiency of the lower worlds. This is Miryai (Mary Magdalene) and "Jesus" Nazaras Mashiach, the Nazorean Messiah who stands at the Door of the Briatic Treasury of Light from whence He dispenses pure love to all the universes. Suns Ahman often uses Xristos instead of "Christ" to avoid the false icon association created by fallen Christianity.
73 CHRISTHOOD The attainment of oneness with the Xristos wherein one is anointed as He was anointed.
74 CHURCH OF THE FIRSTBORN The Chevrah B'Qor, or Siddur Qadeshim (Holy Order), is the Order or esoteric society composed of those in possession of the Patriarchal and Matriarchal Enshroudings, who have received initiation into that spiritual realm represented by the three Supernals Keter, Chockmah and Binah. Organized in the beginning by father Adam; reinstituted after numerous falling aways. An attempted restoration was done in January 1836 at Kirtland, Ohio by Joseph the Seer, but fell into obscurity after his death. Preliminary steps toward its restoration occured on January 25, 198l and is called Suns Ahman Israel.
75 CODEX Sacred corpus of 22 writings used in the Yohonian portion of the School of the Prophets.
76 COLLEGE OF VISIONARIES School of the Prophets program of the Yohonian Enshroudment, making up the first half of the MeeQadosh level of Suns Ahman Israel.
77 CONSECRATION That effulgence of the heart that manifests itself in the giving of all things for the welfare of others. The freewill offering of ones material goods and time on the Zadokian level. The giving of ones heart and soul unto Deified Ones on higher levels.
78 COVENANT A series of formal written contracts entered into with the Lords of Light and Their elect on earth on such Holy Days as Rosh- Hashana. These marriage contracts between Deity and man are represented by the sacred scrolls and scriptures, each level of which serves as a marriage contract to those sealed up on their corresponding levels.
79 CROSS Symbol of the Covenant between the crucified Xristos & the outer Church. Also the physical body with outstretched arms, upon which the spiritual man is crucified.
80 CROSS OF LIGHT Pleromatic veil of the Atziluthian Celestial world which arose thru the praise of the Aeons. Known as Horos in the Greek, hinting at an association between this palisade and the Egyptian "God" of that name. Also the Buddha nature of Christ infused into lower cretion and mined thru vegan eating.
81 CROWNS (Also Tagha in Aramaic) Proper names of Deity formed by combinations of letters. Headbands of Nazorean Priestesses.
82 CULTUS Term employed in the Lyceum of the Presbetery to denote the thirt-two various philosophical schools of thought explored in that educational level.
83 DAATH The void left in the Tree of Life when the fourth Sephirah fell into the position of Malkuth. With the restoration of the fall, Malkuth becomes Daath, the Sephirah of the Archangel Uriel, and of the planet Shabathai (Saturn), a fully functioning Sephirah on the Enochian Tree of Life.
84 DAGIM Hebrew term meaning fish; used as the title for the Twelfth Zodiac sign of Pisces and for the "moonth " that falls under its influence.
85 DALETH The fourth letter of the Hebrew alphabet meaning door. The Zoharic symbolism being the earth without the Shekinah. The name of the mystic path betwixt Geburah & Tepheret on the Enochian Tree.
86 DEAD SEA SCROLLS The Qumran texts recently uncovered and decyphered which contain writings and scrolls of the Essene order of Zadok.
87 DECAGRAM Ten leveled Yi Ching type divinatory tool, composed of two pentagrams, yielding 1024 possible answer variations.
88 DELI Hebrew term meaning jug, referring to the eleventh Zodiac sign of Aquarius and the "moonth" that it presides over. Also the "moonth" where the tribe of Zebulan's Sagar Priests preside at the Golden Altar of Incense in the Central Beth-Ahman Temple.
89 DEMIURGE (Also Ruha dHiya and Ptahil in Aramaic) Gnostic term for the Microsopropus, or Zaur Anpin, the Lesser Countenance of the Qabbalistic texts. The Creator and sustainer of the world, but not the Deity of pure light and love. The Demiurge, Sabaoth, rules over the seven heavens of the Yetziric world, ruling the lower heavens according to the dictates of the Holy Spirit which guides Him.
90 DISPORA A psychological state being the dispersion of the elect seed occuring on two main levels. The lesser exile being the expulsion from the Holy Land. The Greater Exile being the expulsion from the paradise of Eden into the lone and dreary world of darkness & despair.
91 DIVINE CALENDAR (Also Shawui in Aramaic) A precious gift of the Elohim wherein man is given a pattern which will enable them to more perfectly center their daily life in the light of truth, walking in harmony with the heavens & earth around him. This sacred Siddur, when properly followed, can restructure the psyche of man & prepare them to receive more pure influxes from the heavenly realms. Lunar in nature in the lower Enshroudings, this calendar begins on Rosh Hashana, the first new moon after the autumn equinox & consists of 12 or 13 twenty-nine & a half day months. Dark moons are fasts, full moons are feasts, the nature of which is set by the celestial influence predominate at the time. In New-Israel each tribe presides over its own "moonth", each day of which is allocated to specific Ordinances and gods and goddesses in accordance with its nature.
92 DOR A term coined by Willheilm Reich referring to Deadly Orgone Energy, being a stagnant form of Nephesh associated with desert regions and melancholy moods.
93 DREAMS Nocturnal images arising predominantly from the Yesod center of ones internal tree, wherein one is symbolically instructed & healed by ones inner light flowing forth from ones inner sephiroth. Keys for the control of & understanding of such are given in the Enochian lecture of the letter Tah.
94 DROSS OF GOLD The Qlipoth, outer shells or lower grade spirits.
95 EHYEH ASHER EHYEH Hebrew name of Deity meaning I AM THAT I AM, associated with the Keter portion of ones inner soul where dwells the veiled Light of the Messiahs awaiting manifestation thru the Endowments of Elohim and used as a meditation mantra to center oneself spiritually.
96 ELOHIM (Also Al in Aramaic) Hebrew term for Divinity, being a feminine noun with a masculine plural ending. Denotes both the male & female aspects of Diety, but with the feminine aspect in ascendancy. The Aramaic term Allaha is preferred in O:N:E:.
97 ELEUSIAN MYSTERIES Ceremonial initiations of the Greek mystery religions, wherein candidates would experience & participate in a symbolic mystery play designed to elevate their spiritual state. These were held every seven years at the town of Eleusias after ritual immersions in the sea.
98 END OF ALL FLESH Zoharic title of Samael the serpent of evil.
99 ENDOWMENTS (Also Ginzi in Aramaic) Ceremonial initiations of Enshroudment which open up channels for the spiritual outpouring of power on an individual seeking the light of heaven & communion with the Elohim above.
100 ENOCH Hebrew name, one meaning of which is the initiated one. The seventh from Adam who is said in sacred writings to have ascended to heaven without tasting death. According to Ephraimite lore, he took his city with him into the heavens.
101 ENOCHIAN ORDER The society growing out of this Enshrouding which enabled Enoch to perfect his city & thus ascend into the heavens.
102 ENOCHIAN ENSHROUDMENT Seven leveled Divine Authority forming the link between the Zadokian & 'Aatriarchal Enshroudings. With its 22 keys of receiving revelation, this order brings light & truth down to the earth from the heavens above & contains in its endowments the power to purge fallen man of his corrupt nature preparatory to entering into the Veil. Its seven degrees correspond to the Sephiroth Yesod thru Daath, the Yetziric portion of the Tree of Life.
103 ENSHROUDINGS A term used in Suns Ahman to denote a higher form of what some call "priesthood". The use of this alternant term is encouraged because of the many negative and erroneous connotations of the overused "priesthood" term. Appreciated also because of its neutral gender, inasmuch as all "priesthood" in Firstborn Families is shared equally by males and females.
104 EPHRAIMITES One of the lost tribes of Israel destined to be in the forefront of the re-gathering of neo-Israel. Many of those espousing the religion of Joseph the Seer are of this bloodline.
105 ESHYOUHOD Hebrew term meaning the Devouring Fire. The purifying light of Messiah hidden in His Mysteries which purges thru & cleanses the darkness within ones soul.
106 ESSENES (Essenoi in Greek and Asayya in Aramaic) An ascetic group flourishing until their mass conversion to Nazorean Christianity in the first century AD. A communal order established in antiquity whose major emphasis was personal purity & holiness, vegetarianism, healing, oneness with Mother Earth & her seven angels & with Heavenly Father & His seven Archangels. Centered at Mt Carmel, begun by Liliuk (Elijah) and Lailaitha. Two other centers were at Qumran & Therapeutae near Alexandria, Egypt.
107 ETH A name of the Shekinah composed of the first & last letters of the Hebrew alphabet, the feminine form of Alpha & Omega, a title of Xristos.
108 ETZ CHAIM (Also Etz dHiya in Aramaic) Hebrew term meaning Tree of Life, referring to the ten Sephiroth & twenty-two connecting paths that form the sacred glyph representing the climb up out of darkness & despair into the pure white light of godhood. Called Jacob's Ladder, it is the symbolic key explaining our fall from & our restoration to the Garden of Eden above.
109 EUCHARIST (Also Mambugha andPihta in Aramaic) Greek term meaning Thanksgiving, referring to the Messianic Meal of wine & bread taken in remembrance of the Blood & Body of Messiah. Being the third of the initiatory rites following Chrism & "Baptism". Lower levels are water mingled with grape juice, then grape juice, then red grape wine mingled with water in progressively lesser amounts until one reaches the Firstborn level where the blood red wine turns to white wine symbolizing resurrected fluid in the veins of the Messiahs. Likewise the bread progresses from unleavened, to leavened, to sprouted wheat cakes in higher levels.
110 EUGENICS Science or study of the perfecting of the human race thru select breeding & genetic combining, of which a more pure form is practiced thru revelation in the Chevrah B'Qor, or Society of the Firstborn.
111 EVERLASTING COVENANT Covenants which center around marriage which exist between members of the Firstborn Family below, & between this lower & the upper "Church" of the Firstborn above.
112 FALL Descent of the Sephirah Daath, fourth on the Enochian Tree of Life, to its position at the bottom of the Tree, where it assumes the title of Malkut in its fallen degenerate state representing both the Fall of the heavens with its angels, as well as the corrupt state of carnal man preparatory to his redemption in the Messiah.
113 FIELD OF APPLES A symbolic title used in Qabbalistic scrolls to describe the Garden of Eden where light & knowledge can be plucked like fruit from the Tree of Life who is the Messiah.
114 FIRMAMENT A reservoir of light or illumination from whence inspiration is drawn.
115 FORESKIN The condition of being unreceptive or inaccessible to the Shekinah.
116 GABRIEL Three member Archangel quorum of the sphere of Yesod who presides over the Kerubim & the orb of Levanah.
117 GAN EDEN Hebrew term meaning Garden of Delights, referring to the seven leveled Yetziric heavens represented by the middle chamber in Solomon's Temple. Signifying also a state of peaceful contentment & harmony. There is also a higher Supernal Eden in the Briatic world above Yetzirah.
118 GEBURAH Hebrew term meaning judgement, it being the fifth Sephirah on the fallen Tree of Life. Found at the head of the pillar of Severity beneath Binah. Its Archangel is Kommiel, its angels the Seraphim, its orb is Madim (Mars), its heaven is Maon meaning Residence & its color blood red.
119 GEDI Hebrew term for goat, referring to the Zodiacal sign of Capricorn & the lunar "moonth" over which it presides.
120 GEHENNA State of mental darkness characterized
by guilt, depression & acute anxiety. Its seven levels beginning
at the lowest are:
Gihebem - Silence
Retzeltoth - Gates of Death
Yadashchom - Gates of the Shadow of Death
Badshechath - Lowest Pit
Tithion - The Bilge
Aboz - Perdition
Sheol - Depth of the Earth
121 GEMATRIA Hebrew mystical science based on the numerical value of various words. When two words have the same value, they are said to have some hidden relationship between them.
122 GILGAL Hebrew term meaning revolving, referring to reincarnation or re-entry of souls into physical earth existence in order to finish a previously unlearned lesson. The Qabbalistic understanding of this doctrine is elaborated on in the Sefir HaGilgal which states that souls belong to a family of 613 individuals, who as a group set forth to fulfill all 613 commandments, each concentrating on those most adapted to their individual nature.
123 GNOSIS (Nazirutha in Aramaic) Greek term meaning knowledge or acquaintance, used by early Xristos followers to denote that state of spiritual enlightenment characterized by those who meet Deity face to face.
124 GNOSTICS (Also Mandayya in Aramaic) Not to be confused with agnostics, Gnostics were early Messiah followers emphasizing a direct communion & experience with Diety in contrast to the then evolving Catholic sect intent on setting up mediators to stand between Deity & mankind, thus preventing direct knowledge of Deity. The Valentinian branch of Gnosticism shown forth as the most sound of these various schools, producing many spiritual writings, some of which are preserved in the Nag Hammadi codex.
125 GOLD Metal of Shemesh (sun) associated with Tephereth because of its great beauty & incorruptability. A symbol of the Pnuematikoi.
126 GOLDEN PLATES Physical repository for certain exoteric writings manifesting thru Joseph the Seer in 1830, entitled the Book of Mormon, and a more recondite esoteric portion sealed up until 1982, coming forth under the title of the Oracles of Mohonri.
127 HAMMEMET An Egyptian term referring to the level of the soul associated with the Crown Chakra area and with the Messianic Order.
128 HASSIDIM Outer social shell of orthodox Jewry preserving the inner Qabbalistic tradition.
129 HEAVEN Our earthly world of Assiah has
seven heavens called the Yetziric world or Telestial Kingdom. They
are in ascending order:
Tebel Wilon Shamaim - the Veil of the Firmament
Raqia - Firmament
Shechaqim - Clouds
Zebhul - Dwelling
Maon - Residence
Makhon - Emplacement
Arabaoth - Plains
130 HEKAS HEKAS ESTE BEBELOI A term used in Chevrah B'Qor Ceremonies, borrowed from ancient Ceremonial Initiation Rites. In the Greek language such is a command for all profane or uninitiated to leave the area preparatory for Magickal Ceremonies to ensue. Hekas is also an Egyptian God presiding over magick, and is probably the origin of the English word Hex, referring to witchcraft magic.
131 HERMETIC ORDER OF THE GOLDEN DAWN The Chevrah Zerach Boqer Or, or Society of the Shining Light of Dawn was founded in 1888 by S. L. McGregor Mathers & proved instrumental in making available in English much Qabbalistic knowledge thru its translation of such scrolls as the Ancient of Days texts, as well as thru the writings of those that attended this school of esoteric learning & practice.
132 HEXAGRAM Six lined figure created by the sixfold toss of three Yi Ching coins. The alternating yin-yang lines determine which of the sixty-four hexagram answers of the Yi Ching are pertinent to ones query.
133 HIKOL VEIL Veil of the Temple Palace that hangs above the abyss separating the M'Shoosheh Hexad Quorums from the lower Enochian Order.
134 HOD Hebrew term meaning Splendour, referring to the eighth Sephirah on the fallen tree. Its archangel is Raphael, its angels the Beni Elohim, its heaven is Raqia, its throne orb is Kokob or Mercury, & its color is orange. Hod is located at the base of the pillar of Severity & is represented in the Temple by the 7 branched Manorah Lamp.
135 HOE-OOPHAH-PHAHEH Patri-matriarchal government or authority; a land governed according to the pattern or order given to the 'Aatriarchs or Spiritual Fathers and Mothers. Rules & laws of a government administered by the direction of heaven or Deity. A people living under the laws of light; or that law by which they may be sanctified & see the face of Deity.
136 HOLINESS State of inward purity characterized by a life led by & filled with the Ruach HaQadesh, which enlightens, purifies & cleanses the souls thru the purging power of the Messianic Mysteries.
137 HOLY GRAIL Chalice said to have captured the spilt blood of Yeheshuah when crucified. A symbolic object representing the womb of Mary Madgalene who thru her seed perpetuated the blood line of the Messiah on the earth. The symbolic quest for the hidden Grail is the spiritual searching for those literal descendants of the Messianic Family who have organized themselves into a Family of the Firstborn capable of administering the Mysteries of Exaltation to those that submit themselves under the loving wings of this Holy Order of Suns Ahman.
138 HOLY ORDER Organized body of Patriarchs & Matriarchs directly sealed in Holy Marriage to the Messiah, & who function in all the Laws & Ordinances of Aatic Yomen the Ancient of Days. Also those attached to such a Family.
139 HYPOCEPHALUS Greek term meaning head warmer, used to describe Eye of Ra talismans placed under the head of dead initiates in ancient Khem (Egypt). The Hypocephalus of Abraham, called Second Facsimile of Abraham in the Pearl of Great Price work of Joseph the Seer, is a corrupt form of the varied hypocephalus prevelant in museums around the globe.
140 I CHING Chinese term meaning the Book of Changes, sometimes spelt Yi King. Composed of 64 hexegrams, it has been used for thousands of years as a means of ascertaining the future. Based on pairings of eight trigrams which reflect the eternal Ogdoad above.
141 IAO Egyptian word meaning Ass. The ancient pronounciation, according to Greek vowels, of the forbidden YHVH Name of Israel's "God". Because the secret name of Israel's "God" means donkey in Egyptian, ancient Jewry received much hassle about worshipping an ass. The fact that horses were forbidden in the Old Testament in favor of the donkey, and that Xristos rode into Jerusalem riding on such a creature does lend certain credence to this accusation.
142 IDA Passive yin nadi, or spiritual nerve current arising from the spinal base, crisscrossing the chakras in its ascension to the left nostril. Breathing thru this nostril excites this nadi current & creates calmness & passivity.
143 INFUSION Refers to the renewal of Enshroudment Authority and power via a fresh enactment of the sacred Agape love feast which perpetuates the A.N.D. Seed of Light amongst the Pneumatikoi.
144 ISIS Egyptian godform, wife of Osiris & mother of Horus. Her mysteries were celebrated thruout the ancient Roman world & were a type of the mission of Mary, one of the spiritual mates of Xristos to come.
145 ISLAM Outer exoteric shell of the inner orders of the Sufi.
146 ISRAEL Hebrew term meaning "he who wrestles with God", referring to those that develop a deep & lasting relationship with Deity thru perseverance of will & thru conformity to the divinely established pattern.
147 JAH-OH-EH Egyptian term used by Joseph the Seer to describe this earth system under the influence of 29 other celestial bodies, fifteen male & fifteen female. These are the other 28 non-luminous orbs & the solar light which reflect in this solar system the higher firstborn constellation of thirty stars of which our sun is one. The governing bodies' powers being Oliblish, Enish-go-on-dosh, & Kae-e-van-rash. These are the grand keys, or governing triune council of worlds, which govern the 15 fixed stars that govern the earth, sun & moon. The other 12 fixed male orbs being Kolob, Limdi, Zip, Vusel, Venisti, Waine, Way- o-ox-oan, Oansli, Skible, Shineflis, Flis, & Os. The Egyptian names of the 15 female moving orbs are: Oan-Isis, Flos-Isis, Flo-ese, Abbesels, Ele-ash, Subble, Slundro, Car-roam, Crash-ma-kraw, Obbles-isim, I-zins- bah, Missel, Nah-messile, Ohee-oop-zah & Zool.
148 JARADITE The first of eight Enshroudings of the Light Robe of Suns Ahman Israel. This ten leveled Order of Light concerns itself with freeing slaves from their dependence on others, especially Babylon, and prepares one for initiation in the higher Mohonrite Order lying just above it on the Tree of Life Ladder of Light. Listener Level of O:N:E:.
149 JEHOVAH The blending of the two divine names of YHVH & Adonai.
150 JESUS (Also Eeshu in Aramaic) Greek form of Yeheshuah, meaning Savior. Avoided as much as possible in Suns Ahman because of its many false notions connected with such by those uninitiated in the world. The "Jesus" worshipped by Christians is not the Messiah appreciated by Suns Ahman.
151 JUBILEE The fiftieth year of liberation after the cycle of 7 times 7 years. This is the fiftieth Gate of Understanding that only Messiah is able to open & close. Thru it the righteous ascend into the Supernal Edens above thru union with the Xristos.
152 KA An Egyptian term referring to the level of the soul associated with the solar plexus and with the Enochian Order.
153 KA-ABBA Muslim temple in Mecca said by them to have been built by Abraham. Its black meteoric corner stone is the adverse of the pure crystal Xristos stone which forms the corner of the true Temple of Ahman.
154 KABBALLA See Qabbalah. When spelled in this fashion, Kaballa signifies the Jewish perversion of this highly recondite philosophy.
155 KADESH Hebrew term meaning holy, associated with Jewish ideas of purity when spelled with the K, but more Qabbalistic connotations of purity when spelled with a Q as in Qadush.
156 KADESHIM (Also Tzadiqs in Aramaic) One who is holy, pure & undefiled. Refers to those that live & work in the House of Ahman. Also means whore in Hebrew but not a common prostitute who is called a "zonah". The title of Kadushim came to be misunderstood by the masses when the Temple "Priesthood" degenerated in darkness & lost the true understanding of the complex marriage systems extent in a Temple Society of Suns Ahman. The alternant spelling of Qadushim is preferred when one is referring to modern B'Qor expressions of this office.
157 KALAH Hebrew term meaning bride. A title of Malkut, meaning the bride of the Microprosopus.
158 KARMA A Sanscrit term meaning accumulated merits, whether good or bad, based on ones actions. As one sows, so one reaps. Thru the quickening grace of Xristos, one ascends above ones karma by becoming pure refined love in & thru Him.
159 KESIL Hebrew term referring to the celestial constellation of Orion.
160 KETER Hebrew for Crown. First Sephirah to manifest out of the unity & oneness of the Ain Sof Aur. Represented by the Mercy Seat over the Ark of the Covenant which is as the Ain Sof Aur which supports the pinpoint of light called Keter, which is the true inner I Am self hidden with the Light of Xristos within us.
161 KEYS Understandings of divine law which, in conjunction with the Power of "Priesthood", enable one to open & close the doors of blessing, revelation & light in those areas over which the Spirit has called one to preside.
162 KHAIBIT An Egyptian term referring to the level of the soul associated with the navel area and with the Zadokian Order.
163 KHAT An Egyptian term referring to the flesh of man which supports the higher seven "souls" whilst they incarnate in this sphere. Associated with the Jaradite Order.
164 KHOIKOI Gnostic term referring to those materialistic ones made from dust, animated only by Nephesh urges like brute beasts, and thus candidates for destruction at the great Apocatastasis.
165 KIMMAH Hebrew term referring to the constellation of the Pleidees, found in the shoulder of Shaur the Bull. The seven stars of this stellar group are associated with the sevenfold formation of our solar & earth system. Called the seven Muses by the Greeks, & Sukkoth Renoth, or Tent of the Maidens by the rabbis.
166 KING (Also Malka in Aramaic) Title given to all males anointed in the Jaradite Order, as is the term "Queen", being given to all yin creatures of that persuasion.
167 KINGDOM (Also Malkuta,meaning Queendom in Aramaic) Title of the lowest Sephirah of Malkuth.
168 KISS OF DEATH Premature departure of the soul from the flesh due to entering into realms of heavenly light without proper preparation. A too great of an influx of light into the soul before its proper purification overloads the system, causing severance of ones soul in a blissful flairup of divine brilliance. The hidden light swallows up all darkness, including those souls not yet purged of that darkness thru redemption in the Messiah.
169 KOHEN (Also Tarmida in Aramaic) Hebrew for Priest. Used in the Jaradite Order to describe its sixth worhipping office.
170 KOHENETH (Also Tarmidat in Aramaic) Hebrew for Priestess and referring to Jaradite offices held by females on its sixth initiation level.
171 KOHEN HA-GADOL (Also RishAmma in Aramaic) Hebrew for High Priest.
172 KOHENETH HA-GADOL Hebrew for High Priestess.
173 KOKOB Hebrew term meaning star, referring specifically to the planet Mercury.
174 KOKOBIM Hebrew for stars, referring to the full expanse of the heavens.
175 KOLOB First manifest Briatic creation whereon dwellest those of the Order of Aatic Yomen the Ancient of Days, who dispenses the Dews of Bdellium that sustain & nourish the lower worlds thru the mystery of Kae-e-van-rash.
176 KOLOB MOUNTAIN Mystical phrase meaning the mountain or manner of ascent into the Mysteries of the Messiah. Compare such with the Mount Abiegnus of the Rosicrucians.
177 KONX OM PAX Corrupt Greek wording meaning Light In Extension, referring to the spread of luminescence over the fields of the Atziluthian worlds.
178 KORAN The horn of the house of Essau, to call them unto repentance before Allah. Bequeathed to them by the Order of Gabriel, lest they degenerate into chaos & forever be cut off from the presence of the Elohim.
179 KUNDALINI Sanscrit term referring to the winding electrical fire stored in the lower root chakra awaiting to be raised thru the unification & balancing of the body. Can cause insanity if raised prematurely without adequate preparation & cleansing.
180 LANGUAGE OF LIGHT The Adamic tongue spoken in the higher Edens but lost unto man as his comprehension of subtle spiritual truths was dulled & obscured by his degeneration into darkness & sin. Each sound of this tongue, when properly uttered, moves one to the very core of ones being. Each utterance has with it a corresponding color & has its source in a particular organ of the body. See Adamic Language.
181 LAST DAYS Period of time prophesied by Adam in Eden when that same Patriarchal-Matriarchal Enshroudment, with its corresponding Holy Order, which existed in the beginning of the world would be restored at the end of the world in order to usher in the reign of the Messiah & a millennial period of peace & joy.
182 LEBANON, CEDERS OF The six days of creation. Referring to application of divine law as vowed in Creation Ordinances.
183 LETTERS The primordial forms of all beings, contained in the original heaven & earth. The twenty-two Hebrew letters have hidden behind them a host of spiritual truths, powers & orders of angels that wield such power, as do the twenty-four Greek Letters, thirty-three Anglo-frisian Runes, etc.
184 LEVANAH Hebrew for the lunar orb of night which is associated with the ninth Sephirah of Yesod & with the first of seven heavens called Wilon.
185 LEVIATHAN Hebrew term referring to the winding crooked serpent, the salted flesh of which the righteous are said to be fed at the Messianic banquet at the end of days. Leviathan is the Qabbalistic equivalent of the Sanscrit Kundalini, referring to the creative spiritual fire hidden at the base of the spine which can be raised up & purified in its ascent toward the head.(see Job 41)
186 LIBER Title given to the 22 lectures of the Messianic Enshrouding, being the last of the Syllabus series of instruction.
187 LIGHT (Also Noohra and Ziwa in Aramaic) Concentrated forms of this substance are most easily gleaned thru the Mysteries of the Messiah who has, like fine aged wine in a bottle, gathered & preserved such for our use & welfare.
188 LILITH One of the three wives of Adam who rebelled against the Holy Order of Elohim & became initiated into the dark rites of Samael the serpent. She adulterized from the true Order & wed her son Cain, & they together became Master Mahan of the false order of Zaiton. Lilith is the symbol of the fallen Nephesh soul within us, who thru purification in the Mysteries of Messiah is redeemed, purified & rewed to our higher selves. In her pure aspect she is lalaitha the wife of Liliukh (Elijah).
189 LOGOS Greek term meaning word, being the fifth male Aeon on the Gnostic Pleromata system.
190 LOVE Related to the Hebrew Lev meaning heart, which has the numerical value of 32, the number of paths on the Tree of Life; which Tree is the Messiah, the ultimate expression of the Love of the Father to usward. Also the 24th female Aeon of the Pleromah, the reflection of the male Aeon called Maternal.
191 LYCEUM OF THE PRESBYTERY Mohonrite level of the School of the Prophets based on 22 Scriptures concerning themselves with 32 cults or philosophies of the world. Lessons in comparative religious thought are the focus of this school.
192 MAAMAR Hebrew term meaning creative utterance, referring to those formulas by which the Elohim create worlds & inhabit them.
193 MACROBIOTICS Secular expression denoting the perfect harmony with nature that comes thru balanced eating & living. Its philosophy is burdened by an overemphasis of Japanese culture & diet, but otherwise reflects well the Essene like philosophy of the Zadokian Order.
194 MADIM Hebrew term meaning force, referring to the orb called Mars which rules Geburah & is the throne planet of Kommiel & the Seraphim.
195 MAHA CHOHANS An order of Angels presiding over the Awakeners.
196 MAITREYA Sanscrit term meaning Messiah. Refers to Mani.
197 MALCIZADOK The Hebrew Malachi meaning angel, and Zadok meaning priest; hence angel-priest. Melechizedec meaning king-priest from Melech meaning king.
198 MALKAH Hebrew term meaning queen, a title of Malkuth.
199 MALKUTH (Also Malkuta in Aramaic) Hebrew term meaning kingdom, the tenth fallen Sephirah on the Tree of Life. In Malkuth is hidden the Keter or Crown of the Tree below it.
200 MALUKE HABALLOM Term meaning cycles of judgments or cleansings. Refers to the cyclic nature of revelation, light, spirit & testing thru which the Elohim pass the elect in their ever ascending spiral into greater light.
201 MAN Gnostic term referring to the Father above, hence Xristos said He was the Son of Man.
202 MAN OF HOLINESS Referring to the Celestial Father above from whence all humanity have originated.
203 MANTRA Sanscrit term meaning magical word. Used repetitively to induce altered states of consciousness. The Greater Hekaloth scroll of the Qabbalah calls for the repetition of one such phrase 119 times preparatory to ascending into heaven in the Merkabah chariot of light. See also Maamar.
204 MANUSCRIPTS Title given to the 22 Jaradite Knowledge Lectures which concern themselves with giving S.A.I. novices an overview of the scheme of initiation employed in Suns Ahman Israel.
205 MARI Latin term meaning sea, referring to Mary the mother & Mary the bride of Xristos who typify the Sephirah Binah which is called in the Qabbalah the Great Sea.
206 MARIA (also Miryai )Pentagrammaton name occasionally used by Suns Ahman to synthesize various universal forces envoked in ritual. Used almost extensively with its masculine complement of YHShVH. Usuallyr eplaced by Miryai and Yeshua.
207 MARIAM (Also Miryam in Aramaic) Hebrew term meaning bitterness, referring to the bitter salt waters of the sea. This is the Jewish name of Mary, the mother of Yeheshuah the Messiah. His wife is called Miryai.
208 MARIAVITES Controversial Catholic movement arising in Poland having certain similarities to the Church of the Firstborn. Under its influence priests & nuns of the Catholic order wed one another in non- monogamous marriages in an attempt to bring forth a perfect race of spiritual children.
209 MARRIAGE/SEALING Thru physical unions here below, we are wed to those above in the mystical marriages of the New & Everlasting Coven or Covenant. Marriages on the Jaradite level are as Betrothals to Messiahs. In Zadok they are sealings as a maidservant; on the Enochian level as concubines; in the Patriarchal as true queen or Shegal wives unto He who is the eternal Bridegroom.
210 MARY (Also Miryai and Mariam) Greek name of the feminine half of Yeheshuah the Messiah. Also an Enshroudment title denoting a Matriarch infused with the Spirit of Binah.
211 MASONIC RITE A heirarchal system of 32 degrees. Initiation into such consists of highly ceremonial rites based on allegories of the building of king Solomon's temple. Ancient Masonic documents state that originally these Masons were workers on Nimrod's tower of Babel. The first three degrees are called the Blue Lodge & are the most encouraging toward goodness of all its rites. The principles of this order are used by both good & evil designing men. Dark reflection of the 32 degrees of Nazirutha.
212 MASTER MAHAN Title of Cain after he became head of his evil "order". Implies one who gets wealth & power thru murder, deceit & robbery.
213 MATRIARCH Office in the Briatic Enshrouding of Aatic Yomen the Ancient of Days, which consists of being a mother among mothers by virtue of an infusion of spiritual waters of life out of the Sephirah of Binah.
214 MATRIARCHAL MARRIAGE System of marriage in the Holy Order among the "Anointed Quorum" which consists of a Matriarch being sealed to more than one man. Said to be adultery by the "Lord" in a revelation received by Joseph the Seer unless done "by the Holy Anointing", that is under the auspice of the direct guidance of heaven thru those that hold the keys to such sealings in the Family of the Firstborn.
215 MAZZAL Hebrew term meaning constellation or luck. The allotted portion of a human being, refering to Horoscope mappings of the subconscious mind.
216 MAZALOTH Hebrew term meaning constellations, referring to distant galaxies. Also, to Quorums of light just below the Yohonian which concern themselves with group marriages.
217 MAZZALOTHIAN Referring to the Mazzalothian Order or its Enshroudment which animates it. The major function of this level of Light is to insure the creation of Firstborn Heirs in Mazzaloth Quorums and to replenish the light entrusted to them thru ordinance renewal.
218 MEDITATION (Also Adeshin in Aramaic) Major emphasis of the Enochian Path of Beth which uses the Sefir Shiur Koma as a meditation on the cosmic body of Adam Havah Kadmon.
219 MEENZAR (Also Shkinta in Aramaic) Hebrew term for monastery, referring to the level of light called Zadokian and Enochian. By monastery we do not mean to imply the segregation of the sexes which occured in mediaeval monasteries under the influence of the celibate age of Virgo-Pisces, for all monastery habitations of Suns Ahman are coed in nature, inasmuch as all oneness or mono-oneness comes to pass thru the union of opposites and not thru celibacy.
220 MEHAYAI HAMETIM Hebrew term meaning who calls the dead to life.
221 MELCHIZEDEC "Priesthood" system consisting of two main levels. The lower among the tribe of Ephraim functioning in an Elias mode, & the higher order typified by the Priest of Salem who blessed Abraham which exists without mother or father, but above & beyond the "Patriarchal Priesthood Order". The higher Melchizedec Order is now referred to as the Messianic Order of Enshroudment to avoid confusion caused by the house of Ephraim after their loss of higher "Priesthood" after the death of Joseph the Seer.
222 MELEK Hebrew term meaning king. A title of male Jaradite receivers of Jaradite Mystical Anointing Rites.
223 MERCABAH Hebrew term meaning chariot, referring to the fiery chariot of Elijah which is the mystical means whereby one ascends into the heavens.
224 MERCY SEAT Golden lid to the Ark of the Covenant which represents the Sephirah of Keter. Above it abode the Shekinah Light, that is the Ain Sof Aur Light of Xristos which comes thru the union of opposites represented by the two Cherubim shown in connubial embrace over the Holy Ark.
225 MESMERISM Means by which certain individuals, by means of an amplified Nephesh spirit, fascinate & attract to themselves followers who become totally dominated by the mesmerizer, who fills the Tephereth void within them in an improper fashion. True servants of mankind teach one how to discover their own personal Tephereth center within, thus allowing all to progress into prophethood themselves, rather than leaning on & losing their light unto others.
226 MESSIAH (Also Shliha and Mashiha in Aramaic) Hebrew for anointed. Several Messiahs are mentioned in the Zohar & other Qabbalistic writings. Yeshua and Miryai are the Saviors of Nazorean Essenes.
227 MESSIANIC MYSTERIES A series of endowment dramas permeated by the Spirit of Xristos, who thru purity of love & conformity to law collected such & deposited this grace in the receptacle of His Holy Ordinances so that thru them we might be spared the necessity of accumulating such an intensity of light ourselves. The intensity of this light increases gradually within the Ordinances lest unpurified man be burnt up by too quick an influx of light. Hence the need to progress in these Endowments in an orderly & proper manner, so that a degree of immunity might be built up which will enable one to one day bear up under the tremendous glory of the presence of the fullness of Yeheshuah Himself.
228 MEE-QADOSH (Also Manda in Mandaic) Hebrew term meaning Sanctuary, usually employed as "Mee-Qadesh Veil", implying the separating Veil hanging above the abyss separating the Mazzalothian Order from the higher Yohonian.
229 METATRON Name of the left male Cherub on the Ark of the Covenant. He is the Angel of the Presence who sits before the Most High.
230 MICHAEL Hebrew term meaning he who is like unto "God". This Archangel consists of a quorum of three who preside at the heavenly Altar of Incense in Tephereth. Their throne orb is Shemesh the solar light.
231 MIDDLE Briatic worlds destined to be peopled by the Psykhakoi after the "great uplifting" destined to occur at the unveiling of the Holy Ark.
232 MILLENIUM The ancient Hebrew School of the Nabia, being proficient in various occult arts, including stellar science, calculated the time of the advent of the Aquarian age, & thus bequeathed to their followers the doctrice of a thousand years of peace & brotherhood, which corresponds to the nature of the Aquarian age of enlightenment & universal brotherhood. They chose to combine this prediction with the doctrine of the Sabbath, being the seventh period of rest after six thousand years of exile. As the spirit of the Shekinah comes Sabbath eve to usher in the seventh day, so they looked forward to the eve of the millennium when the Shekinah returns to earth during the dispensation of the fullness of times.
233 MIND (Also Mana in Aramaic) The turning sword of the Cherubim that keeps the way of the Tree of Life hidden within, lest man in his fallen state allow his darkness to penetrate in & taint the hidden core of purity within. This personal Keter infused with Ain Sof Aur Light of Messiah is manifest in consciousness only after one succeeds in stilling perfectly the turbulent mind which always turns like a whirling sword.
234 MIRROR The Messiah reflecting back to us our own divinity. The source of the prophetic faculty in one or other of the firmaments, luminous for Moses, dim for others.
235 MITHRIC MYSTERIES Secret society prevalent during the days of the Roman Empire, especially among the military. Its secret rites were enacted in cavern like temples & consisted of nine degrees.
236 MITZVAH Hebrew term meaning covenant, referring to the binding agreements between Deity & man which allow for a greater flow of light & love between worlds.
237 MOGAN DAVID Hebrew term meaning Shield of David, referring to the six sided star of David composed of two interlocking triangles. One representing females, the earth, matter, the flesh; the other male, heaven, spirit, & the soul. A symbol of the eternal wedding between opposites which comes thru the seventh sealing factor represented by the center of the star. The seven points of this star represent the seven degrees of the Enochian Enshroudment.
238 MOGAN MESSIAH Hebrew term meaning Shield of Messiah consisting of the twelve pointed star showing forth two eternally united couples represented by two interlaced six pointed stars. Thus showing that the Everlastingly New Covenant of Messianic Marriage consists in the union of a Patriarch & Matriarch on earth overshadowed by the Spiritual Presence of Messiah & His Shekinah Bride from above. The six points of one hexagram representing the six feminine Zodiac signs of Chockmah, the other hexagram being the six masculine signs of Binah. In Keter they have their uniting as a twelve pointed Mogan Messiah which represents the twelve degrees of the 'Atriarchal Enshroudment.
239 MOGAN SOLOMON Hebrew term meaning shield of Solomon consisting of a five pointed star representing the five degrees of the Zadokian Enshrouding & the four elements of fire, water, air, earth & the spirits which rule over them.
240 MOHONRITE Order of light above the Jaradite, but below the Zadokian, which concentrates on administrating the outer Qibbutzes of Suns Ahman Israel, and preparing candidates for Meenzar entry thru a concentrated course of study in comparative religion.
241 MOONTH Term implying/signifying a 29 or 30 day lunar month as opposed to a calender month.
242 MORMONISM Preliminary step established among the house of Ephraim to lay the groundwork for a later full establishment of the Ancient Order of Aatic Yomen. Established by Joseph the Seer to bring in the Fullness of the Gentiles preparatory to a deeper form of the truth returning to the House of Israel. The real import of this movement being the secondary secret "Church of the Firstborn" set up six years after its outer exoteric shell. This short lived Holy Order was begun in January 1836 in Nauvoo, Illinois. Mormonism is filled with mostly Psykhakoi but has functioned as a "dark mother" to nurse the Pneumatikoi until the Chevrah B'Qor could come into full awakening in their behalf. The Order of O:N:E:is not Mormon in essence.
243 MOSHE/MOSES Initiate of the Egyptian temples who learned the mysteries of the Qabbalah while in the desert serving his father-in-law Jethro. His vision of the burning bush was a vision of the Tree of Life on fire with heavenly brilliance. These Qabbalistic mysteries were taught by him to 70 select elders who passed them down in Israel until the time of the Xristos who restored them to their original purity.
244 MOSLEMS Outer exoteric shell of the Sufis begun by the Order of Gabriel acting thru Mohammed. Begun to save the house of Esau from being overrun by the qilpoth.
245 MOTHERS The three Hebrew letters of Aleph standing for spiritual air, Mem standing for spiritual water, & Shin standing for spiritual fire. These represent the Trinity of Father (Shin), Holy Spirit or Shekinah (Mem), & Son of their unity (Aleph).
246 MOZNAIM Hebrew term meaning scales of judgement, referring to the Zodiac sign of Libra & the lunar "moonth" which begins at the sun/moon conjunction therein.
247 M'SHOOSHEH Hebrew term meaning Hexad, referring to the Quorum of Light just above the Enochian where a trinity of Patriarchs and a trinity of Matriarchs congregate together to further the work of light renewal.
248 MYSTERY RELIGION (Also Razia in Aramaic) Religious term used to denote esoteric schools propogating the knowledge anciently taught in the Egyptian, Greek & other schools of thought.
249 MYSTICS Souls seeking union with the spiritual unseen world thru use of meditation, prayer & development of the spiritual senses of clairvoyance, clairaudience, etc.
250 NAAMAH Evil companion to Lilith, called the lovely one. Sister to Tubal-Cain & a queen of demons. Used to refer to those in an Order who entertain emotional darkness, but more passively than the accusing Liliths.
251 NABIA Hebrew term meaning prophet, referring to those learned in the Qabbalistic arts thru participation in a true School of the Prophets.
252 NACHASH Hebrew term for serpent, meaning wizards working magic thru the power of Leviathan. Also a race of serpent worshipping people in the Garden of Eden who taught the house of Adam how to make wine dedicated to the evil dark ones.
253 NADIS Sanscrit term meaning nerve channels in the body.
254 NAG HAMMADI LIBRARY Discovered in Egypt in 1945, this ancient 12 volume, 52 book collection of coptic writings formed the spiritual library of ancient Xristos followers, & includes such priceless scrolls as the "Gospel of Philip", "Gospel of Thomas", & "Apocryphon of John". Its discovery brought to light many forgotten doctrines & teachings of the early Xristos followers prior to the time when libraries such as this were burned in the name of orthodoxy.
255 NAHIR (Also Frash & Yordon in Aramaic) River that cascaded down into the Garden of Eden, thence parting into four heads. Qabbalistic code word for the ejaculation of the light of Xristos into the garden womb.
256 NAZARITES Ancient covenant of personal purity & dedication characterized by letting ones hair grow long after the pattern of the Elohim above. A special chamber existed in Solomon's temple for souls to take upon themselves this covenant, & to end it at the alloted time thru the cutting off of ones locks. Related tot eh vegetarian Nazorean sect of Essenes.
257 NEHUSHTAN Hebrew term meaning a piece of brass, referring to the brass serpent set up by Moses to free them from the bites of the Seraphim serpents out of Geburah. Symbolizing raising up of ones internal serpent, or Leviathan fire, so as to channel it upward rather than allow it to flow out thru the lower centers in the form of sexual perversions, jealousy, & carnal desires.
258 NEO-ISRAEL Those of the elect seed gathered together in the last days out of every nation, kindred & tongue; & who inherit the blessing & promises given to ancient Israel because of their zeal & oneness with the laws of the Elohim above. Suns Ahman Israel initiates.
259 NEPHESH Lowest of the souls or spirits within man, represented by Lilith. Thru this spirit, man mates, reproduces & pursues material pleasures & securities. When purified, this spirit becomes the throne for the higher Ruach spirit. Nephesh has three levels, each with three sublevels according to the Qabbalah. These are Nephesh of Nephesh being total animalistic survival tendencies, Ruach of Neshesh being monogomous mating, and Neshamah of Nephesh being worldly cunning. Two higher levels of Nephesh-Neshamah, Chiah of Nephesh, being worldly aspirations, & Yechidah of Nephesh being an egotistical & inflated sense of self & self importance.
260 NEPHILIM Hebrew term meaning the fallen ones, translated as giants in Genesis. These refer to spirits of fallen angels who take over bodies conceived in "sin", thus allowing them entry into this physical sphere.
261 NESHAMAH (Also Nishimta in Aramaic) Highest of the three souls within man, containing three main levels of Neshamah proper, Chiah or middle Neshamah & Yechida or upper Neshamah. Rare are the prophets who become worthy of this spirit, & even rarer are they that know its higher aspects of Chiah or Yechidah. The animating spirit of the Pneumatikoi elect.
262 NESHER Hebrew term meaning eagle, referring to the Zodiacal sign of Scorpio & the moonth over which it presides.
263 NIRVANA Eastern term referring to the paradisical bliss achieved thru oneness with the light of the seventh heaven of the seventh heaven of Yetzirah.
264 NIYAMA Yoga term employed by Suns Ahman to denote the personal work needed to pass thru the Mohonrite level or Order. Concerns itself with correct attitudes and correct withdrawl from worldly pleasures.
265 NOGAH Hebrew term meaning glowing, being the Hebrew name of the planet called Venus.
266 NOGAN SHELLS Etheric raiment or astral star body woven from ones desires & deeds during earth life. Decomposes after a period of time.
267 NORIA (Also Norea) Frequently encountered name in Gnostic literature. Refers to the overshadowing of a prophetess of purity with the Neshamian Pneuma light. Related to Noohra, meaning lunar light.
268 NOTARIQON Qabbalistic theory that words may hiddenly contain within them the initials of other words in the form of acronyms, such as IXTHUS the Greek word meaning fish, used as a secret sign of early Xristosians during the dawn of the Piscian (fish) age because its letters contained the initials of "Yesu Xristos Son of Theos(God)".
269 OBSESSION Indwelling of foreign entities within the body of man. Most obsessions are partial & temporary & consist of a disembodied spirit attaching itself to the body in one or more of the seven spiritual Chakras which are the connecting link between the physical & spiritual vehicles of man. A very common occurance in alcoholics & drug users. Frequently occurs in the sexual act of fallen man as disembodied spirits long for the pleasures of the flesh & find an open door in the higher spiritual centers of fallen man as they shift all attention to the lower chakras during their time of lust. Thus children are conceived in "sin" (i.e. under the influence of imperfect spirits). Those "BORN PERFECT IN THEIR GENERATION' are those that have their marriage bed overshadowed by the Holy Shekinah Spirit of heaven in the divine counterpart of evil obsession.
270 OCTAGRAMMATON Eightfold Deity Name composed of eight letters of Hebrew and eight letters of Greek. H X R I S T O S and H M H Sh Sh I A Ch both adding up to 666 gematrially, thus manifesting the mystery of the male and female, inasmuch as the two prototype componants of the Messiah, Yeshuah and Mariam, each add up to half this number, or 333 in the following manner: MAMA MARI = 333 (Mother Maria) and ABBA YAHShUH = 333 (Father Yeheshuah).
271 OGDAGRAM Eight line I Ching type "hexagram" having 256 possible variations, thus evolving each of the sixty four 6 line Yi Ching hexagrams into four sub-catagories of earth, air, water and fire derivitives.
272 OIL (Also Misa in Aramaic) Symbolic substance used as a physical vehicle to transmit Ra-shin light generated in the rites & Endowments of Elohim. Consecrated & infused with this light, sacred oil is used in anointings & healings where direct Ra-shin transference is not appropriate.
273 ORDEALS Special trials employed by the Enshroudies to test the endowment of would be Firstborn candidates. The quality control mechanism of Holy Orders which insures that all who abide on any one level have the endowment and will to function properly there.
274 ORGON ENERGY A term used by Willhelm Reich to describe a subtle blue energy trapable by man thru the employing of alternant layers of organic and inorganic materials. Orgone Generators were used successfully by him to cure some forms of cancer and psychosis. Their use was banned in many countries thru influence of the AMA and the FDA and other conspirators against the freedom and well being of man.
275 OSIRIS Egyptian code name of Yeheshuah Messiah used in the Egyptian Endowment which foreshadowed the life & times of Yeshuah of Nazaras.
276 PAPYRUS 22 Sacred texts used to instruct those on a Mazzalothian level.
277 PARADISE PRDS Hebrew term meaning heavenly garden of peace where abideth the Shekinah light. Its four letters form the initials of four Hebrew words referring to the four levels of interpretation of scripture.
278 PAROKET Hebrew term meaning Veil, referring to the curtain separating the middle Gan-Eden chamber from the Holy of Holies. This was a double Veil with a cubit of space inbetween which represents the dark abyss that exists between the three higher Supernal Sephiroth & all that exists on a lesser level below them. A term also used to denote the three higher offices of the Yohonian Enshrouding.
279 PATHS There are 22 mysterious paths on the Tree of Life, each of which relates to a state of consciousness, spirituality & method of revelation. Each of the two halves of the four worlds or universes contain their own set of paths, hence twice 88 mysterious paths of the Messiah exist for the welfare of those that love His and Her Name.
280 PATRIARCH Greek term meaning father of fathers, a "Priesthood" title referring to an anointed & consecrated one who dispenses light & truth to those that come up unto such thru sealing.
281 PATRIARCHAL MARRIAGE That type of plural marriage called polygamy, where a man is sealed to more than one woman under the wings of the New & Everlasting Covenant of Eternal marriage. 'Atriarchal Marriage is called polyandry where a woman has more than one husband.
282 PATRIARCHAL PRIESTHOOD Level of Light & authority originating from the Ancient of Day & the Briatic Terrestrial Kingdom where abide those perfectly sealed up in Xristos thru eternal anointings. More properly called Berashithian and Mazzalothian Enshroudment.
283 PAY LAY ALE Hebrew term used in Temple ceremonies which means Pay - mouth or prayer, Lay - listen, & Ale - Elohim or "God". Thus "O God, hear the words of my mouth". Beyond the Paroket Veil of the Abyss Pay Lay Ale is reversed becoming Ale Lay Pay, the three Hebrew letters of Aleph, Lamed, & Pay which spells Aleph meaning spiritual oneness & unity which exists there. This side of this Veil souls pray for that unity by reciting Aleph backwards letter by letter as Pay Lay Ale.
284 PENIEL Hebrew term meaning the "Face of El", or "God". Used by the Patriarch Jacob to describe the place where he saw Deity face to face thru use of the endocrine gland within the center of the brain which is called after this title.
285 PENTAGRAMMATON Five fold name of Deity employed by Suns Ahman Israel under the form of MARIA and YHSUH.
286 PHAROAH Egyptian title originally denoting one sealed into the lineage of the Gods thru the rites & practices of the 'Atriarchal Order which give one the right to represent & stand in the place of the Deity of this earth during His and Her absence from it.
287 PHRENOLOGY/PERSONOLOGY Study of the shape & contour of the face, head & body in order to ascertain character traits. This once superstitious practice is coming closer to a true science as modern researchers combine modern research techniques with present day psychological understandings.
288 PELEGHESH Hebrew term meaning "concubine", referring to a marriage mate one light level above a Shiphghah or maidservant, but inferior to the status of a Shegal or queen wife-husband. The modern slang word Polyg or Plig, referring to polygamous fundamental Mormons, may have its root in this ancient word.
289 PISTIS SOPHIA Greek title meaning "faith wisdom", referring to the Shekinah in exile within us as she seeks repentance thru 13 special prayers which envoke the 13 fold Ordinances of redemption. Her story is told by the Exalter in the Askew Codex which bears her name & which was found in a wall in Egypt.
290 PLEROMAH (Also Kimsa in Aramaic)
Gnostic term meaning "fullness", referring to the Celestial or Atziluthian
world where a fullness of light & joy prevails. This Pleromah
is surrounded by a veil called Horos & has 30 degrees, tripally divided
into an ogdoad (8), a
decad (10) & a duodecad (12).
The first of these thirty, called Bythos
or Deep is called Forefather & Primal Cause. With him is the
Eternal Mother called Ennoia or Thought, who is also called Grace &
Sige or Silence. This pair conceived & bore Nous or Mind who
is also called Only-Begotten & Father; & with him is the female
Truth. This pair then produced Logos & Life who in turn bore
Man & Church. After producing Man & Church, the divine pair
of Logos & Life brought forth ten other aeons. These five male-
female pairs are Depth & Mingling, Unaging & Union, Self-existent
& Pleasure, Immovable & Blending, Only-begotten & Blessed.
Man & Church then bore the twelve remaining
aeons; Paraclete & Faith, Paternal & Hope, Maternal & Love,
Everlasting Mind & Intelligence, Ecclesiastical & Blessedness,
Desired & the aeon called Sophia who fell & became Pistis Sophia,
the fallen Shekinah wandering in exile in the lower worlds.
The Ptolemy version of the Gnostic Valentinian "myth" also
adds The Xristos and the Holy Spirit to the original Ogdoad, thus bringing
the Gnostic Tree into perfect accord with the 32 Paths of the Qabbalistic
Tree of Life.
291 PNEUMATIKOI Gnostic term referring to the spiritual elect who are not tempted to engross themselves in the world like the Psykhakoi and Khoiki. The modern test of whether one is a Pneumatikoi bears upon ones acceptance of OM and other Suns Ahman Israel scrolls of light.
292 POLYANDRY Dictionary term meaning a man married to more than one woman at one time. See Polyandry & Polygamy.
293 POLYGYNY Dictionary term meaning a man married to more than one woman at one time. See Polyandry & Polygamy.
294 PRANAYAMA Sanscrit term referring to the science of measured & alternating nostril breathing used to induce altered states of consciousness preparatory to deep meditation. Also one of the eight Yoga programs offered by S.A.I..
295 PRAESPE Constellation in the sign of Sartan or Cancer called the beehive. The place whence comes knowledge & light concerning the proper pattern & plan of Zion, said in the Writings of Moroni to fit together as a honeycomb.
296 PRAYER Various levels of the true order of prayer are taught in the Temples of Suns Ahman & are composed of differing styles of dress, posture, language & use of divine names, coupled with varied types of meditation, concentration & interaction with others joined in supplication & worship of the Holy Ones of heaven. Accompanied by prostration done 12 at a time.
297 PRIESTHOODS There is but one true "Priesthood", even that flowing forth from Pleromatic Worlds. This "Priesthood", however, has many levels or degrees. Like white light passing thru a prism, so the power of the Sun of Ahman flows outward from Him to bless the many levels of creation in a multicolored, multidimensional manner. Each of the Mysteries of the Messiah contain a certain level & degree of this power which is passed on to them that abide under the conditions & laws of that degree or level of light. Enshroudment is the term used to denote true "Priesthood" in a Holy Order to help differentiate such from the false orders of priestcraft existent in outer religions.
298 PROPHECY Ascertainment of future events thru inspiration coming from the Spirit of Xristos flowing thru the realm of the Sephirah Binah on the Tree of Life. The technique for the attainment of this prophetic state is taught in the School of the Prophets of Suns Ahman Israel.
299 PROPHET One taught to employ the techniques taught in the School of the Prophets which allow an influx of the Ruach Ha-Qadesh to flow to one out of the fiery sphere of Binah, giving insight, revelation & light into future events. The title of Prophet is used erroneously by the House of Ephraim as a title of the governmental head of their religion independent of his spiritual qualifications or ability to exercise the gift of prophecy. Strictly speaking, one must prophecy to be a prophet, see into the past to be a seer, receive revelation for the present to be a Revelator.
300 PSEUDOPIGRAPHIA Name given to a body of religious writing attributed to certain famous personages of the past, but which are of uncertain authorship in the eyes of scholars.
301 PSYCHE Greek term used in modern psychology to denote the subconscious mind of man. Refers to the spirit of Nephesh & the Yetziric world within man which is restructured & redeemed from darkness thru the light of Xristos hidden in the Enochian Endowments.
302 PSYKHIKOI Gnostic term referring to those of the Middle who are the religious minded intellectuals of the world. Usually denotes the Ephraimite populous in modern B'Qor writings.
303 PYRAMID Greek term meaning fire in the middle. A geometric shape used in the ancient temple at Giza & by the Zadokian Enshroudings in modern Suns Ahman Israel. Its four sides denote the four degrees of Zadok ruling over the four quarters of the earth, with the apex being the fifth unifying degree of Marriage to the Messiah. This shape has the unique abililty of collecting & storing raw Nephesh energy found in nature & so is useful in the functions of the Zadokian Enshroudment which deal with this Nephesh spirit.
304 QABBALAH (Also Qabalta in Aramaic) Hebrew term meaning tradition, referring to the secret lore passed on by Moses to the more spiritually mature in Israel. Its basic texts are the Sephir Yetzira, Zohar & Bahir which explain the Tree of Life with its 10 Sephiroth & 22 mysterious paths of Knowledge. The Qabbalah is the mystic lore taught in the School of the Prophets in the Solemn Assemblies & Knowledge Lectures in the Temple.
305 QASHOT Hebrew term meaning bow, referring
to the constellation of Sagittarius & the lunar month that begins within
306 QILPOTH Hebrew term meaning shells or husks referring to the spirits of darkness outside of the illuminating influence of the Light of Xristos. Sometimes spelt "qlipoth".
307 RAINBOW The seven colors of the seven levels of the Enochian Enshroudment wherein the Promise of Deity to usward is made sure thru covenant & endowment.
308 RA-MEM Spiritual Waters of Life which flow forth out of true Matriarchs who channel light & power into the earth from the Sephirah of Chockmah. A spiritual estrogen. See Ra-Shin.
309 RAPHAEL Hebrew for the "healer of God", referring to the seven who make up the Archangelic office presiding over the Sephirah Hod & the second heaven of Raqia.
310 RA-SHIN (Also Ziwa in Aramaic) Adamic term used in the Writings of Moroni to denote the spiritual fire flowing forth from the Fathers. Ra signifying the Father of Light, Shin standing for Fire & Holy Spirit according to the Qabbalah. Ra-Shin is the polar opposite of Ra-Mem (Also Noohra in Aramaic) which is the spiritual waters of Life flowing forth from the Mothers. A spiritual testosterone.
311 REAPERS OF THE FIELD Qabbalistic term used by Rabbi Shimion Ben Yohai in his Holy Assembly lectures to describe the children of the Secret Doctrine. Refers to those that participate in the School of the Prophets of Suns Ahman Israel.
312 REINCARNATION Spoken of by R. Hayyim Vital in his Sefir Ha- Gilgulim as Gilgul Neshamoth. The revolvings or returnings of the Neshamah Spirit is the return into incarnation of that hidden portion of the threefold soul that remains unknown & unconscious to ordinary man in earth life. Ones Ruach soul which one is seldom even dimly aware of & the Nephesh soul where most have their center of consciousness, is not said to return into earth life. Nephesh decays with the corpse in the grave & Ruach too has a temporary ghost existence beyond the veil until it too dissolves. Only the Neshamah, which is the true spiritual spark, can abide beyond the grave for any extended period. A soul perfected in earth life is said to be able to so purify & perfect their Nephesh & Ruach souls, that they can be wed to the more eternal Neshamah & thus enter into everlasting existence rather than go into entropy like those of unredeemed man.
313 RESURRECTION (Also Masigta in Aramaic) Condition of renewal that happens slightly on a physical (healing) level as well as completely on a soul level. Soul resurrection takes place on a Nephesh, Ruach & Neshamah level & is preceeded by a type of spiritual crisis & death preparatory to inner restructuring by the Holy Breath. This spiritual death is sometimes called the dark night of the soul.
314 RESH Hebrew for head or beginning, the 21st letter of the Hebrew alphabet. Presides over the mysterious Path between Hod & Tephereth.
315 RESIDUE The squeezings or drippings, what is left of the Divine Blessings after the elect have had their portion. Overflow of Infusion Rites which help consecrate holy places.
316 ROOT CHAKRA Spiritual center at the base of the spine where the Leviathan kundalini light is stored. One of seven centers where the spirit of man is sealed to ones flesh. When this center is predominant, the person is selfish, carnal & pleasure seeking.
317 ROOT RACE Theosophical term referring to 7 races representing seven increasing stages in the evolutian of man. Has some relationship to the seven dispensations presided over by the seven Archangels of the seven "churches" of the Yetziric world.
318 ROSH HASHANA Hebrew term meaning Head of the Year, referring to the first new moon after the autumn equinox. A time of spiritual renewal in New Israel when all old covenants come to an end & new covenants are taken. Also called the Day of Trumpets when the shofar horn was anciently blown seven times signifying the sounding of the conch within the third ventricle of the brain when the Leviathan fire ascends thru & purifies all seven spiritual centers within the body of man.
319 ROSICRUCIANS Offshoot of the 18th degree of Masonry consisting of two main modern branches, the largest based in San Jose, California called AMORC, which has formulated a spiritual link with certain questionable sources in the Yetziric world. The smaller more "Christ" centered branch begun by Max Heindel is located in Oceanside, California & is called the Rosicrucian Fellowship.
320 RUACH (Also Ruha in Aramaic)The middle of the three spirits or souls within man, located in the heart region & concerned with love & family.
321 RUACH HA-QADESH Hebrew term meaning "Spirit of Holiness", being one of the three "Holy Spirits". The other two being Nephesh Ha-Qadesh which is the Nephesh Ha-Mashiach & the Neshamah Ha-Qadesh. The Ruach Ha- Qadesh is the Holy Spirit of the Psykhakoi.
322 RUNES Nordic type hieroglyphics figuring predominantly in the occult revival of Germanic countries. 33 Frisian style runes are used in the divination courses of Israel Sun Ahman. The names of the 22 Lectures of the Mohonrite Lyceum of the Presbetery are derived from these ancient symbols.
323 SABAOTH Deity of the Psykhakoi residing in the highest part of the seventh heaven. Said to have "long hair like a woman's" in Gnostic literature. A Just Deity who dictated the Law of Moses and Joseph, and who will one day graduate upward into the place of the Middle.
324 SABBATH (Also Shabba in Aramaic) Day of rest and study sacred to the Jewish "God" Sabaoth. Observed in Suns Ahman in a slightly varied form asa fast day on the seventh day of each lunar week with the true holy day being Hab Shabba ont eh first day of the week.
325 SAHU An Egyptian term referring to the level of the soul associated with the Root Chakra area and with the Mohonrite Order.
326 SAINTS/ZADAKIM (Also Zaddiqim in Aramaic) Those who have purified their Nephesh natures thru conformity to the Mysteries of the Messiah which bring in the purifying light of the Ruach Ha-Qadesh.
327 SAMMADI Sanscrit term referring to a state of spiritual ecstasy where observer & object become one, similar to the Qabbalistic state of Aleph.
328 SANCTIFICATION State of personal perfection which ensues after one has absorbed sufficient transforming light thru the Mysteries of the Messiah.
329 SANDHEDRIN OF SEERS Berashithian level of the School of the Prophets concerning itself with the Sacred Sutras of Hexad Law.
330 SARTAN Hebrew term meaning crab, referring to the fourth lunar "moonth" which begins in the Zodiac sign of Cancer the crab. During this "moonth" the tribe of Reuben officiates at the Altar of Incense in the Temple of Suns Ahman.
331 SAVIORS ON MT. ZION (Also Bnia-Amin in Aramaic) Those souls so unified thru sealing Ordinances with the Savior that they can function in his Name to take upon themselves the karmic darkness of those that they preside over. Thru this process man can share with Xristos in the great work of bringing to pass the eternal life of man. As in all Messianic offices, the shedding of blood is required if true redemption is to occur.
332 SCHOOL OF THE PROPHETS Term denoting the first of eight levels of education promoted by SAI. Concerns itself with Jaradite matters and information pertinant to understanding the overall system of initiation. First one was on Mt Karmel.
333 SCROLLS Term used for the 22 educational materials used on the Zadokian Level.
334 SCRIPTURES (Also Ginzia in Aramaic) Term referring to sacred writings of the Mohonrite Order of Sons Ahman.
335 SEA OF BITTERNESS Font of water in the Temple of Beth-Ahman which is found behind the Nesher Veil in the Gan-Eden Chamber. It represents death & so is consecrated with sea salt. It is associated with the Sephirah of Daath & the seventh degree of the Enochian & represents the total annihilation of the ego when such is swallowed up in the light of the Messiah.
336 SEALED PLATES Refers to the collection of inspired writings left untranslated by Joseph the Seer when he brought forth the record of the Nephites. These were translated in 1982 & form a portion of the canon of Sacred Scrolls of Suns Ahman Israel called the "Oracles of Mohonri" or simply O.M.. A term also used to denote the sealed off Shunyata portion of man's spirit.
337 SECOND ANOINTINGS Term used among the tribe of Ephraim, especially in the early days, to describe certain ordinances reserved for only the most spiritually mature among them. Originally the initiatory Rite used by Joseph the Seer to bring advanced souls into the Anointed Quorum or Church of the Firstborn which he began in Nauvoo in January 1836. The second in a series of four Anointings administered in the Temple rites of Suns Ahman Israel. See Anointings.
338 SEED OF THE HOLY SPIRIT Sun Ahman is the Seed of Ahman the Father/Mother "God"; Suns Ahman is the seed of Sun Ahman or Xristos; & the Seed of Suns Ahman or the Holy Spirit are they that are beginning birth in the Messiah thru being administered to by those of Suns Ahman Israel.
339 SEER STONE Stones, often of little outward beauty, used to help induce spiritual vision. Joseph the Seer possessed many, one which he found thirty feet below ground when digging a well. Any stone, with sufficient consecration, can become such a seer stone of vision. Usually different stones vibrate at different levels & so are useful to one & not another. Ephraimite legends attest that every one has such a stone which they will find when ready to receive such. The biblical book of Revelations speaks of everyone receiving a white stone wherein is written a new name.
340 SEFIR Hebrew term meaning scroll used to describe sacred Qabbalistic scrolls used by the Enochian Order.
341 SEFIR YETZIRAH The Book of Formation, attributed to Abraham, which describes in detail the 10 Sephiroth of the Tree of Life together with its 22 Mysterious Paths of Wisdom. The basic text used in the 22nd Tah Assembly of the Enochian Enshroudings.
342 SEKHEM An Egyptian term referring to the level of the soul associated with the Brow Chakra area and with the Yohonian Order.
343 SEPHIROTH Hebrew term meaning spheres referring to the Ten spheres of light that form the pattern of the Tree of Life used for meditation in the School of the Prophets of Suns Ahman Israel.
344 SERAPHIM Literally serpents, these are the angelic choir of the Sephirah of Geburah where rules the archangel Kommiel. Also an Enshroudment office of the fifth degree of Enoch.
345 SETHIAN DYNASTY Period of time, consisting of several generations, wherein the influence of the Patriarch Seth, son of Adam, was the major Hoe-oophah-phaheh influence among the children of Deity.
346 SEVEN THUNDERS Mysterious voices heard by John the Revelator on Patmos. These are the mystery behind the seven vowels of the seven Archangels of the Enochian Enshrouding. The vibratory thunderings of the seven spiritual Chakra centers within the resurrected flesh of Star Ahman Xristos which echo themselves within the spiritual body of those sanctified in His Holy Name.
347 SEVENTH HEAVEN The heaven called Arabaoth, highest in the Yetziric world. In the seventh level of this seventh heaven abides Sabaoth, the "Lord of Hosts" who rules the lower worlds under the guidance & influence of the Holy Shekinah Spirit from above. This is the realm of the Demiurge, the Creator God, established by the Higher Lords of Light after the fall of the 12 Dukes of Edom prior to the consecration of this earth for the advent of the Adamites in Eden. The seven levels of the seventh heaven of Arabaoth are:
Hekel Lebanath ha-Sapphire (Palace
of Sapphire Pavement)
Hekel Gonah (Palace of Serenity)
Hekel Etzem Shamaim (Palace of the
Body of Heaven)
Hekel Ratzon (Palace of Delight)
Hekel Zakoth (Palace of Merit)
Hekel Ahbah (Palace of Love)
Hekel Qadosh Qadashim (Palace of
the Holy of Holies)
348 SHABBATHAI Lord of Rest, Lord of the Seventh heaven. This is Sabaoth the Gnostic Demiurge which corresponds to Daath on the Tree of Life.
349 SHAMAYIM Hebrew term meaning heavens, referring specifically to those of the Yetziric Telestial worlds.
350 SHAUR Hebrew term meaning bull, referring to the second Zodiac sign of Taurus the bull & the lunar "moonth" which begins in it.
351 SHEGAL Highest of the three family offices of woman sealed to a Patriarch. Literally queen wife, shegal has the same Hebrew spelling as shahgal meaning to lie with. To officiate in this office presiding over the spiritual & intellectual teaching in a 'Atriarchal family, one should have developed their Neshamah soul to the point where the Light of Ahman can direct them in all their educating & initiating endeavors within the family. These three family offices do not denote the worth of souls, but are an expediencey of family government based upon ones level of initiation thru ordinance & sealing. See Pelegish & Shiphghah.
352 SHEKINAH Hebrew term meaning the presence of Deity, referring specifically to a state of spiritual peace & unity that comes as a consequence of the Mystery of Messianic Marriage. Also a title of Heavenly Mother, especially in her state of exile in the outer worlds in Her function as Holy Spirit or Guiding Light to her lost children fallen from the Presence of the Father. The Shekinah abode over the embracing Cherubim of the Ark of the Covenant where Moses communed with the Heavens. Its existence & manifestation is a direct consequence of holy & pure union ennacted in the Name of the Messiah & His bride.
353 SHEMA Hebrew term meaning name, referring to the phrase "HEAR O ISRAEL, YAHWEH THY ELOHIM, YOD HEH VAH HEH IS ONE". Meaning the masculine Yahweh is sealed to the feminine Elohim, & the Tetragrammaton of YHVH is restored from its fallen separate state of YHV-H to its original unified state by virtue of the Messiah the Bridegroom who is the Vah, being once again wed to the fallen bride who is the last Heh. Thus fulfilling the verse "& IN THAT DAY THE LORD, & HIS NAME, THEY SHALL BE ONE."
354 SHEMESH Hebrew title for the solar orb of day, which is associated with the Sephirah of Tephereth, the fourth degree of Enoch & the Golden Altar of Incense within the Gan-Eden Chamber of the Temple of Sun Ahman.
355 SHEOL A Hebrew term meaning depth of the earth, referring to the first of seven hells corresponding to Yesod & Malkuth.
356 SHIPHGAH Hebrew term usually translated as concubine, the second of three female offices in a 'Atriarchal Firstborn Family. Requirements for this office are a functioning Ruach spirit or Eve-Abel soul & a love & desire to nurture & mother the children of the Holy Family. This love is expressed thru the care & entertainment of infants, feeding & clothing & general loving of all in the Family. See Shegal & Peligesh.
357 SHOFAR Ram's horn used as a trumpet to bring in New Moons, which represents the sounding of the conch within the bones of the elect when Leviathan, the crooked serpent, is purified & ascendeth up the Highway of Holiness into the third brain ventricle.
358 SHUNYATA Sanscrit term for the inner core of being, referring to that pure Garden of Eden land within called the Yechidah spirit in the Qabbalah, which is the inner most portion of a man which is protected from the defiling consciousness by the Cherubimic sword of the mind.
359 SHUSHUMNA Sanscrit term referring to the middle core of the spine, running from the Sanscrit equivalent of the Biblical term Highway of Holiness. Thru "girding up the loins" thru contracting the sphincter muscles, & thru alternate breathing thru the nostrils to induce Prana flow in the Ida & Pingala nadis, the Leviathan light, called Kundalini in the east, arises up this channel toward the brain.
360 SIDDUR Hebrew term meaning order, referring to prescribed pattern of prayer & worship according to times & seasons. The siddur of Suns Ahman Israel has a daily cycle of eight "Offices of the Hours". The weekly cycle is based on the four seven day quarters of the lunar "moonth"; the beginning & ending being especially sacred days. One of study related to the gentile Saturday, & one of worship related to the gentile Sunday. The monthly cycle, beginning on the new moon with Mystical Immersion, follows the schedule of the Zadokian & Enochian Ordinances - one each day, until the full moon which is a feast according to the nature of the celestial influence of that "moonth". The yearly cycle has four main 8 day festivals beginning on the full moon after the solstices & equinoxes. This year begins on Rosh Hashana (autumn new moon) & is followed 10 days later by Yom Kippir, or the day of Atonement, when worthy candidates are ushered thru the veil into higher orders of Enshroudment.
361 SMALL FACED ONE Zoharistic title of the Gnostic Demiurge, the Creator "God" of justice of the Old Testament.
362 SOD Hebrew term meaning secret, having a mystical relationship with the consecrated wine of the Eucharist Meal of the Messiah.
363 SONS AHMAN ISRAEL Variant spelling of Suns/Stars Ahman/Amen Israel/Ishrael. The Chevrah B'Qor in the Dispensation of the Fulness of Times when all things are gathered together in one. Term denoting the middle of three levels of Order of Nazorean Essenes. A tranlation of Bnia-Amin.
364 SONS OF GOD Those sealed up unto the Father/Mother thru the sanctifying Mysteries of the Messiah, being adopted into the pure "Enshroudment" lineage & made partakers of the heavenly promises.
365 SONS OF MAN Those that are the elect seed of Ahman, the Man of Holiness, who offers His gift of son\daughtership to all they that faithfully call upon His Holy Name. Although Ahman is a unified body of many exalted Gods & Goddesses, they are spoken of in the singular because of their unity of purpose & mind. See Sons of Men.
366 SONS OF MEN Those lost souls divorced from the lineage of light, who have no inheritance in the courts on high, being bereft of that promise that comes to them sealed into the Patri-Matriarchal chain extending back into the eternities.
367 SOUL (Also Nishimta, Ruha and nepfesh in Aramaic) The nonphysical portion of man woven from the light of the various worlds or dimensions of reality thru which the spiritual essence has passed thru in its downward journey into a material body. The creative life spark or Will, born of Heavenly Parents above, is clothed in a Neshamah light body during its stay in the Atziluthian Celestial World. In the Briatic Terrestrial World the Yechida or spiritual spark of individuality is clothed in a Ruach light body. In the Yetziric Telestial World one receives physical flesh. With each of these souls, or spiritual forms, comes a mind of like nature. These three souls & states of spirituality & thought are symbolized by the three legendary wives of Adam; Sarah, Havah & Lilith. The work of the Enshroudment Ceremonies is to recreate these various souls in a more perfect and lasting form. The recreated souls are called the Sahu, Khaibit, Ka, Ba. Akh, Sekhem, and Hammemet.
368 SPIRIT There are many levels of both good & evil spirits, the three most important for those seeking to return unto the highest heaven are the Neshamah Ha-Qadesh, the Ruach Ha-Qadesh & the Nephesh Ha-Qadesh. Influxes of these Holy Spirits come most easily thru conformity to the Mysteries of the Messiah, for it is by the charis of Yesu the Messiah that these waves of refreshing light cascade over those that congregate in His Name.
369 SPROUTED CAKES Method of preparing grains so as to be a more perfect type of the resurrected flesh of the Messiah because of their bursting forth from a sleeping dormant state to one of growth in the light. Records of such can be traced back as far as ancient Egypt, who sprouted their grain in molds formed on the pattern of Osiris who is a code name for Xristos.
370 STAR Every elect soul is a potential Star awaiting deification thru initiation. Once luminous, stars unite with other endowed ones to form constellations or Families of Holiness. Yeshu means star in Aramaic.
371 STELAE Sacred tablets whose use originated in ancient Egypt, but which are used in the B'Qor to lock certain energies into certain ceremonial locations on consecrated land. These tablets of the various Neters of Egypt contain five commandments each. The two Tablets of the Law of Moses being an example of two stelae. The first two which he broke were stelae of Osiris and Isis, each with five higher laws of light on them. When these were broken they were replaced by two tablets containing the ten commandents of Seth and Nephthys, his consort. These are valid beautiful laws when properly interpreted and understood, but more so when connected with the full gamet of 160 principles of all 32 stelae.
372 STELLAR SCIENCE Resurrection of the fallen art of astrology thru use of modern planetary discoveries & studies using modern investigative techniques & computers which have helped restore this art closer to the perfection it once enjoyed during the reign of enlightened Patriarchs & Matriarchs who delved into the mystery of the heavens thru revelation & use of Urim & Thummims.
373 STICKS Slang term used by the house of Ephraim to denote their scriptures or four standard works. As sacred writings were anciently wrapped around sticks of support, so the Scrolls or esoteric translations of the inner order of Suns Ahman wrap around or encompass the more basic writings esteemed by the outer church.
374 STREAM The flow of existence produced by the union of the upper & lower waters.
375 SUTRAS Sanscrit term meaning scriptures, being a corpus of many texts intrumental in teaching one to seek out their essential spiritual core thru meditation & other renunciation techniques. The Zohar tells us that the key teachings of the east were taken there by Abraham's concubines whom he taught these mysteries to prior to their departure to that land. This term is used in Suns Ahman Israel to refer to the 22 sacred lessons of the Berashithian Order.
376 SUFI Esoteric order of Islam which teaches many truths identical to the teachings of Suns Ahman & the Chevrah or "Church" of the Firstborn.
377 SUKKOT Hebrew title to the eight day feast of the full moon of the "moonth" of Mosnaim. Called the Festival of Booths, or Visions, this ancient feast was a prefiguring of the ingathering of Neo-Israel in the Last Days. Celebrated in Suns Ahman by 7 days of outdoor worship in the Name of Sun Ahman.
378 SWEET SEA Temple pool consecrated with holy oil located behind the Bethulah Veil in the Gan-Eden chamber. The mystical womb waters of Heavenly Mother wherein one is fetally immersed into new birth in Maria- Yeheshuah the Holy Ones. Used in Patri-Matriarchal Ordinances of Immersion.
379 SYLLABUS A corpus of writings, study material, and summary of a prescribed course of study and examination requirements needed to pass certain secular or spiritual courses. A term employed by S.A.I. to describe its seminary requirements of study.
380 TAO Chinese term denoting the unity & merging of all opposites in the Keter crown of creation. It is out of the Tao-Tei that Yin & Yang, Chockmah & Binah emerge.
381 TALEH Hebrew term meaning lamb, referring to the first lunar "moonth" beginning in the Zodiac sign of Aries the ram.
382 TANTRA Eastern title referring to spiritual transcendence & reformation thru the use of sexual means.
383 TEMPLE (Also Manda in Aramaic) Sacred house of Deity. Ones flesh may become a temple of the indwelling Shekinah presence of the Elohim if one is willing to learn & apply the heavenly pattern taught in temples of stone wherein is enacted the redeeming rites of the Messiah.
384 TEOMIM Hebrew term meaning twins, referring to the third lunar "moonth" which begins in Gemini the twins.
385 TEPHERET Hebrew term meaning beauty referring to the central Sephirah on the Tree of Life, which is associated with Shemesh the sun, the Archangel Michael & the fourth of the seven heavens of the Yetziric world.
386 TETRAGRAMMATON The sacred Name composed of Yod, Heh, Vah, Heh. ThEON, the name of Deity in the Greek tongue is also a Tetragrammaton, as is the English LORD. Avoided in O:N:E:.
387 THIRD EYE The pineal gland located in the third ventricle of the brain, activated by the rising of the Leviathan light stored at the base of the spine. Thru marriage of the pineal & pituitary gland within the center of the brain, like the two Cherubim of the Holy Ark which shadow them, a third principle of spiritual sight is born. Often accompanied by loud roaring or buzzing in ones head, once this eye is opened, vision into non physical realms ensues. Thru having one's "eye" single to the glory of Ahman, one may see past the illusions of the lower astral worlds & behold heavenly wonders of eternal import.
388 THEOSOPHY Metaphysical school of thought centered around a text called the Secret Doctrine written by H. P. Blavasky & published in 1888. This quasi-buddhist movement arose thru the instrumentality of an order of spirits abiding in the sixth heaven of the fallen Yetziric world. Being a compilation of the esoteric teachings of various spiritual movements once founded in truth, Theosophy became a source to many of obscure information unavailable elsewhere. By careful avoidance of the central & all important truth of Yeheshuah the Messiah, this movement became as an anti-thesis to the more pure teachings of the true School of the Prophets which seeks for its illuminating light in the Messiah rather than in the flickering dim flame hidden within fallen man & fallen angels.
389 THRESHOLD The place of initiation where one is ushered thru the veil into a higher order of light by one who abides & weilds that light.
390 THRONE Planets or Stars, rather than ornate chairs, thru which denizens of that sphere store & transmit their light & influence to other points in the universe.
391 TIME Relative concept transcended by the Elohim as their molecular structure vibrates at the speed of light. Time is warped or quickened thru the Holy Spirit in the Mysteries of the Messiah so that spiritual evolution which might take millennia is accomplished in a matter of moments. Hence the saying that He would quicken the times for His elect's sake.
392 TOHU/BOHU Qabbalistic terms meaning "without form/void". Used to describe the earth prior to the influence of the spirit moving back & forth over the water, which symbolizes the state of fallen man in his darkened chaotic condition prior to the indwelling of the Spirit of the Messiah in their lives which brings order out of chaos & dethrones the 12 dukes of Edom within.
393 TORAH OR The Law of Light which is the esoteric true interpretation of the outward Law which men erroneously think to be the ways of Elohim. The Torah Or is the spiritual blueprint by which fallen man evolves himself into the image of the Man of Light.
394 TRANSFIGURATION Manifestation of ones light body woven from the grace collected in the ordinances & lifestyle of the Messiah whose transfiguration on the mount foreshadows our own eventual metamorphosis & glorification.
395 TREASURY OF LIGHT Name given the Briatic Terrestrial Treasury of Light where abides the Seven Amens & Five Trees. Called a treasury because in the Holy Orders of this realm exists the Ra-Shin & Ra-Mem Shekinah Light, collected & increased within the resevoir of hearts of the sanctified there.
396 TREE OF DEATH The Otz Daath or Tree of Knowledge is the Tree of Death inasmuch as gnosis (knowledge) independant of pure Xristos like love leads to a state of stagnation more empty than the grave. Orders of evil built up on principles of truth & knowledge flourish in the lower heavens, but are devoid of the Xristos Love that makes existence worthwhile. These Edomite orders accomplish much good in the world, educate many & keep the world from degenerating into chaos, but prove a deceptive trap for those unable to discern the final outcome of their path into emptiness.
397 TREE OF GOOD & EVIL The Tree of Death of which the Adamites & all that have descended from them have eaten. It is the ability & knowledge to judge between opposites that comes thru experience that is the foundation of the lesson of this tree. After having digested its fruit, one must relearn to transcend such duality & again view the universe as one unified whole. Yeheshuah said that the Kingdom of Heaven would come when "THE MALE IS WITH THE FEMALE, NEITHER MALE NOR FEMALE". This Keter like condition comes to pass thru digesting light thru the fruit of the Tree of Life, which is the Messiah.
398 TREE OF LIFE The point from which the stream of existence commences to diverge into separate souls. This is the Messiah, whose 12 healing leaves are the redeeming rites of Zadok & Enoch, & its 12 fruit are the 12 Ordinances of the Patri-Matriarchal Enshrouding. Also a 32 path glyph useful in reprogramming the mind after a more pure Qabbalistic pattern.
399 TRIGRAMS Eight three yin-yang line symbols used in divination, either on their own in geomancy, or in pairs forming 64 Hexagrams. They are associated with eight family members from Father down to youngest daughter, and in this context hint at the Ogdoad of the Pleromatic worlds above.
400 TRINITY The three fold expression of the absolute unity of the Ain Sof Aur Light, represented on various levels by various Father- Mother-Child partnerships. The Depth-Silence-Mind unity in the Celestial Atziluth reflects down to the Ancient of Days, Future of Days, & Present of Days in the Terrestrial Briatic world, Sabaoth-Sophia- Metatron trinity in Telestial Yetzirah, & the Adam-Eve-Seth council below in Assiah. This lower council, composed of a Patriarch-Matriarch- Sealed Child forms the coordinating Council of the "Chevrah of the Firstborn" on earth & is always established where there is a connecting link with the Firstborn Family above. Under its influence abide the threefold council of the Seventh Degree of Enoch which consists of an accuser under Mem, a forgiver under Shin, & a reconciler under Aleph who is often the Sealed Son of the Firstborn Family Trinity of the next highest order of Enshroudment. This Enochian Trinity or First Presidency coordinates all affairs below the Firstborn Veil, especially those of the Temple. The threefold Zadokian Council regulates the material wealth of the Order & acts in harmony with the two higher councils to bring to pass the will of Ahman on the earth. These trinites are further reflected down in the First Presidency of outer exoteric churches.
401 TWENTYFOUR ELDERS Twelve pairs of Patri-Matriarchs, one from each zodiac sign or tribe, who preside over the 12 full moon Ordinances of the 'Atriarchal portion of the Firstborn family. These are shadows of the 12 Patri-Matriarchal pairs that "rule" in the 12 kingdoms of the Briatic Terrestrial Treasury of Light. The 24 Patri-Matriarchs of the upper levels of the earthly Chevrah of the Firstborn are shadowed in the ruling Councils of the Enochian Enshroudment by the Patriarch & Matriarch, together with the 22 other yearly elected officers which consist of the twelve, & the Seven Archseventies of this Enshrouding order.
402 TZEDEK Hebrew term meaning righteousness, referring to saints who daily bath in heavenly light. This word is the root of the Hebrew term for priests & for the planet Jupiter & is related to Zadok, the name bequeather of the temporally concerned Zadokian Enshrouding Order of Suns Ahman.
403 TZIM-TZIM Qabbalistic term meaning Veil, spoken of in the Chaim scroll of Isaac Luria as the constriction made by Deity as Light was withdrawn & veiled so as to leave a void for creation of the outer worlds. Internally our own Yechidah light is constricted & hidden by our own personal cherubimic mind so as to allow for the coming into existence of an ego independent of our higher life spark.
404 TZUKIEL 12 Archangels of the Sephirah of Chesed who rule over mercy received thru the Endowments of Elohim. This quorum exists in both the Yetziric world & our own Assiac when the Enochian Enshroudment is fully organized & functional.
405 TWELVE TRIBES Twelvefold division of New-Israel determined by the Zodiac sign under which one comes into the world. One arangement of which is:
Aries (Taleh)-Asher
Taurus (Shaur)-Mannaseh
Gemini (Teomim)-Benjamin
Cancer (Sartan)-Reuben
Leo (Ari)-Judah
Virgo (Bethulah)-Joseph
Libra (Moznaim)-Levi
Scorpio (Nesher)-Gad
Sagittarius (Qashot)-Simeon
Capricorn (Gedi)-Naphtali
Aquarius (Deli) - Zabulen
Pisces (Daghim)-Issachar
406 UNITED ORDER Ephraimite term referring to communities founded on equality of earthly possessions. Holy Orders of Suns Ahman Israel are founded upon this principle of consecration of all wealth on the Zadokian level and above, but have the added benefit of all the ordinances of Elohim which make true equality on all levels possible.
407 UNIVERSITY OF REVELATORS The School of the Prophets on the Messianic Enshroudment level.
408 URIEL Three member Archangelic council related to the seventh degree of Enoch, the Sephirah Daath, & the order of ruling angels in the seventh Yetziric heaven of Arabaoth. Their duties are administrative.
409 URIM & THUMMIM Hebrew term meaning lights & perfection, being the two gonads found in the human body wherein is stored the Nephesh Ha- Mashiach which is used in prophecy & seership. Two stones, one light colored & the other dark, were used to symbolize these body organs in the ancient temple Ordinances established by the "Lord" thru Moses. These stones are used in divination in three ways in both ancient & modern orders of Suns Ahman. To answer a yes or no question, one stone is drawn out of the pouch. Dark being no, the light stone meaning yes. A more spirit filled "Priesthood" holder can hold these stones before the breastplate worn on the chest wherein is inscribed all 22 letters of the paths of the Tree of Life in the form of the names of the 12 tribes. Ancient records attest to the fact that once it was common for these 22 letters to glow with an unearthly light which reflected itself in the Urim & Thummim in the form of words. A very gifted seer can also use the stones to gaze in as if they were spectacles, thus seeing whole sentances or strings of words. Eventually a spiritual adept graduates altogether from the need to use physical stones to enhance spiritual sight, & can use the light of Xristos within ones internal Urim & Thummim to receive revelation & insight into heavenly matters. Joseph the Seer experienced this graduation after translating the record of the Nephites, giving away his sacred stones to another saying he had no use of them anymore.
410 VAH Sixth letter in the Hebrew alphabet meaning a nail or fastener. The third letter in the Divine Name symbolizing the original heavens. Also a path on the Tree of Life dealing with sealings & Covenants, & that mystery which binds together heaven & earth, which is Xristos.
411 VAST FACED ONE Title of Aatic Yomin, the Ancient of Days. Used extensively in the Ancient of Days scrolls of the Zohar to differentiate the Merciful Deity from the lower "God" of Justice called the Contracted Faced One, who is Sabaoth, the "God" set over the Yetziric Telestial world who was worshipped by Jews in the Old Testament days and by Mormons in our day.
412 VEGETARIANISM Form of diet prevalent before the flood, & practised afterward by all Holy Orders of Suns Ahman set up upon the earth. Thru avoidance of the low vibration of decaying animal flesh, the spirtual world is made more accessible to man. Prophesied to be practiced on a world wide basis during the reign of peace, when it is written that even the lion shall lay down with the lamb & eat straw as the ox.
413 VEIL That which separates one from another dimension or order of light. Our flesh is the Assiac veil separating us from the Yetziric world, wherein exists another veil which separates us from the Briatic world. This Yetziric veil within our souls is represented by the diaphram separating the lower body cavity from the heart region, & by the Paroket or Abyss Veil in the Temple which separates the Middle Gan- Eden chamber from the Holy of Holies beyond. Above this veil is another which cloaks the celestial Atziluthian world & which is found in the body in the neck region. These three body veils are parted by contracting the anal-sphincter muscle, which is scripturally called "girding up ones loins", which allows Leviathan light to flow upwards to the diaphram. Thru the contraction of the diaphram, light is lifted up into the thorax, from whence Leviathan light can flow into the heart region. Thru pulling the chin back into the collar-breast bone, Leviathan light is allowed to travel into the head region, thus mingling Nephesh, Ruach, & Neshamah spirit into one unified whole. The details of this practice are taught in the Enochian level of the School of the Prophets.
414 VIRGIN Enshrouding title referring to the highest twelfth degree of the Patri-Matriarchal Enshroudment. Denotes a degree of spiritual purity having nothing to do with whether one has been sexually active.
415 VOICE The instrument of creation identified with the original heavens, the totality of all the mystical letters.
416 WATCHERS Lower angels from the Yetziric world who fell in the days of Jarad. They lusted after the daughters of men & begot thru them the Nephilim or fallen ones, sometimes erroneously translated as giants. These angels taught man a corrupt form of the teachings of the heavenly School of the Prophets. From these partial teachings comes the occult lore & magical practices of fallen man.
417 WELL OF SOULS Secret chamber beneath the rock foundation stone at the temple site in Jerusalem. Mystically referred to by Saint John who mentions the souls under the Altar in Revelations. It has its modern counterpart under the Altars in the BA Temples of Suns Ahman Israel.
418 WHORE Because this term denotes the opposite idea from that of the chaste christian virgin, and because it tends to envoke such a powerful subconscious response in English speaking individuals, it is often used in a holy sense in Suns Ahman Israel. The Thunder and the Perfect Mind text of the Nag Hamaddi library has Heavenly Mother saying She is the Whore and the Holy One, perhaps connecting the ancient Hebrew word Qadesh which means both Holy and Whore in that language. A Holy Whore certainly is not a slut, and certainly would not exchange her favors for filthy lucre, but she would nevertheless be a far cry from the impotent celibate nun of apostate Christianity.
419 WINDERSHINS Counterclockwise incircling of Altars used by the Chevrah B'Qor to withdraw light and concentrate it in one location after its diffusion into a chamber in Ordinance Ceremonies.
420 WINE (Also Hamra in Aramaic) Qabbalistic code word meaning secret, for both have the same numerical value of 70. Substance used in the Eucharist sacrament of the Messiah. First introduced in Eden by Nachash the serpent in a false form of worship, but later used in true & proper ordinances of Elohim after the Adamites' repentance. The intoxicating influence of this drink opens one up to spirits, hence such is often referred to as "spirits". Under false & improper use, wine allows fallen man to be partially possessed by their lower Chakras by disembodied entities longing for sensual gratification thru mortals. Because of this the Lords of Light in the "Word of Wisdom" revelation counsels us to use this fermented fruit of the vine only in His sacraments. Within the ordinances of the Elohim, wine helps part the veils woven of our fears so as to allow a greater influx of the Ruach Ha-Qadesh into ones life. Initially wine is mingled with water, the percentage of wine increasing with the degree of Ordinance until it is pure wine in the seventh Enochian degree. All wine in this & lower orders is red, signifying blood. Above this order & beyond the abyss veil in the Chevrah or Church of the Firstborn, the wine used is white, signifying resurrected fluid in redeemed beings. All wine used in Holy Orders should be produced by that order if possible, grown on consecrated ground & stored in consecrated vessels wherein is written "Holiness to Yeheshuah- Maria".
421 WISDOM English translation of Chockmah, second Sephirah on the Tree of Life.
422 YAMA First of eight Yoga programs of Suns Ahman Israel used to begin the weaning process for those desiring to abandon the pleasures of the world for a life of holiness.
423 YANG Taoist name for the masculine principle opposite the feminine yin nature.
424 YECHIDAH Highest degree of the soul mentioned in the Zohar, being the upper third of the Neshamah spirit.
425 YEHESHUAH Hebrew for "Jesus", formed by the addition of the Letter Shin, the Qabbalistic hieroglyph for the Holy Spirit, to the four-fold Tetragrammaton name of YHVH, thus changing it to YHSHVH or Yeheshuah, meaning "Jesus". Also spelled as Yeshuah, Yesu and Yeshu.
426 YETZIRAH Hebrew term meaning "forming", referring to the spiritual heavens of this Assiac earth. This is the world of angelic quoirs abiding beneath the Briatic world above. Called the Telestial Kingdom by Ephraim.
427 YHVH Ancient fourfold name of Deity used extensively in the Torah, but never pronounced by the house of Judah because of its holiness. Only the High Priest would whisper it once a year. The name Adonai was always substituted in its stead when reading. Its "Y" represents fire & Heavenly Father, "H" represents water & the Heavenly Mother, "V", a conjunction in Hebrew, represents air & the Messiah which forms this function by restoring the final fallen away letter once more to the fourfold name, for thru disobedience the final "H" representing the earth & the exiled Shekinah with all her lost children is redeemed by the "V" of Yeheshuah, thus fulfilling the prophecy that "IN THAT DAY THE YHVH & HIS NAME SHALL BE ONE".
428 YIN The opposite of Yang, is all that is expansive, passive, & feminine in nature. An overabundance of yin turns to yang & vice versa. Yin is related to the Sephirah Chockmah, which with its opposite Binah, have emerged out of the Tao unity of Keter.
429 YOD Hebrew for "hand", but esoterically in the Qabbalah said to be the orifice of the penis & the seed which flows from it. The tenth letter in the Hebrew alphabet & the first of the fourfold Tetragrammaton name of YHVH. Also the name of the Path on the Enochian Tree of Life connecting Daath with Chesed.
430 YOGA Sanscrit for "union", referring to spiritual practices which bring one more in harmony with oneself & the universe. Hatha, or sun/moon Yoga being a system of stretching postures called Asanas which bring equilibrium to the body thus allowing peaceful deep meditation to ensue. Used in the Enochian Order as a preparation for the meditation practices of the mysterious Path of Beth connecting Daath with Tephereth.
431 YOM AUR Hebrew for "day of light", referring to the hour one graduates from one's present cycle of learning, similar to the Egyptian "day come unto us" which is either a personal or group apocatastasis or re-ascension & reabsorption upward into the light.
432 YOM KIPPUR Hebrew term meaning Day of Atonement, celebrated the tenth day after Rosh Hashana or the first new moon after the autumn equinox. It is a time for renewal of Enshrouding & for the link to be reestablished between the powers of heaven & those on earth who serve them. It is the day set aside for the High Priest to enter the Veil into the Holy of Holies & there receive of Elohim a renewal of Enshroudings.
433 ZADIKIM Hebrew term meaning saint, used in a Firstborn sense to denote those having reaped the full blessings inherent in the Covenant of the Zadokian Enshroudment thru implementation of all its various laws & Ordinances.
434 ZADOK A righteous priest of the Aaronic order mentioned in the Bible which was promised that in the last days when the true Enshrouding was restored, that its lower order would be called after him, for Zadok means righteousness & so they would be in that day of full restoration.
435 ZADOKIAN ORDER That order of Enshroudment which deals with the replanting & gardening of the Garden of Eden on earth & in perfecting a state of proper worship & organization of the Firstborn Family who abides there. With its three preliminary degrees of Immersion, Anointing, & Eucharist, together with its five temple degrees, this Enshrouding corresponds to the Yetziric world. This Sephiroth is at the apex of the physical world at the veil which merges into the higher Yetziric realms & so forms the link between the fallen world & the heavens of holiness above.
436 ZAINIM Angelic choir receiving light from the Pleidees, channeling such to Jah-oh-eh thru their throne orb called Cupido by the Hamburg school of Astrology, but called Ptah in the Ahmanite Circle.
437 ZAITEN False system arising in opposition to the true Holy Order of the Garden of Eden, characterized by ownership, weights & measures & subservience to others. The rural communal form of Babylon abhored by all Ahmanites.
438 ZAZEN Form of meditation which concentrates on seemingly unanswerable questions such as: "What is the sound of one hand clapping?".
439 ZEN Spiritual form of discipline brought by Bodhidarma to China, which emphasizes an escape from normal thought by use of zazen meditation & nonsensical statements called koans.
440 ZOHAR This Qabbalistic "Scroll of Splendour" is attributed to Rabbi Shimon Ben Yohai who is said to have spent thirteen years in a cave hiding from the Roman conquerors with his son recording the secrets of the Temple after its destruction.
441 ZOMER ZION Egyptian term used by Joseph the Seer to define the word Beth: "The place appointed of Elohim for the residence of man; Adam-Ondi-Ahman, a garden made to be fruitful, by blessing or promise, great valley or plain given by promise; filled with fruit trees & precious flowers, made for the healing of man. Good to the taste, pleasing to the eye, sweet & delightful to the smell; place of happiness, purity, holiness, & rest; even Zomer Zion." Also spelled as Summer Zion, the goal of the Jaradite Order.
442 ZOOL Signifying the lineage that lawfully holds the keys of the kingdom of Deity by promise. These are they linked together thru the Mystery of Klis-flos-isis wherein the Infusion of Holiness awakeneth the sleeper within.
443 ZUB ZOOL EH The first inhabitants in the Garden of Eden in the first generations; in the first spiritual organization. These are those of the Chevrah (Spiritual Society) of the Firstborn who exist in our day under the name of Chevrah B'Qor and Suns Ahman Israel. These are they, heir to the Infusions from above, that animate the Pneumatikoi unto liberation from all encumberances. Blessed are they that are numbered among them in the Last Days.
Blessed Be Miryai & Yeshu! |