1. One must make for it at first a small tag above on the left side. 2. And at the back one should be careful initially that it is squared like a dalet and not rounded like a resh. 3. One does not have to make it a heel like with a dalet only that it will be a sharp letter (however the custom is to do this - kol sofrim) 4. And the stroke inside the letter should not be close to the roof, rather there should be a division between them so that an average person can perceive it well from a Sefer Torah...5. ... the stroke should initially be thin above and a bit fatter below like yud [upside down]. 6. and initially it should slant a little at the bottom, to the right side and not to the left lest it resemble a tav. 7. And the length of the stroke should be no less the length of a yud with its underneath prickle... |