The divine Name
Some etymological comments on the meaning of the Divine name YHVH
Interesting to note, YHVH is listed as the Piel fut.
3 pers masc sing. form of the verb HVH (to be, to exist), and hence, has
the meaning "I will become." In Hebrew, when you put the Yod in front of
a verb root, it generally makes it future tense. In old Egyptian
heiroglyphics, when you put YH in front of a verb root, it makes it future
tense. The old Hebrews had extensive contact with and interaction with
the old Egyptians.
YHVH, as the active principle of the AYN in the Lower Worlds, is differentiated
as both male and female. Underscores the unfortunate paternalistic
bias that has been given to both YHVH and ALLAH. In the SeferYetzirah,
Tifareth is called "Last," and its created pair Daath is called "First."
Daniel Feldman
Qababalah - Ideas and Practices by Daniel Feldman
[the fourth of the seven Hebrew verbal paradigms
is piel or pu'al]
page history
page uploaded 18 November 1998
revised 21 March 1999