Gerona Circle
kabbalists like Rabbi Azriel and Jacob ben Sheshet were, at times, criticized
for their work.
By Joseph Dan
Reprinted with
permission from The Early Kabbalah, edited by Joseph Dan and published by Paulist Press.
The largest body of Kabbalistic works from the pre‑Zoharic
period derives from a circle of Kabbalists writing in Gerona,* a small town in
Catalonia near Barcelona.
The center of the Kabbalah in Gerona was established by the
disciples of Rabbi Isaac the Blind, especially two great writers: the elder
Rabbi Ezra ben Solomon and his younger colleague Rabbi Azriel. In later
generations these two pioneering Spanish mystics were often confused with each
other (no doubt because of the similarity of their names) or with their
compatriots, but thanks to the studies of [Gershom] Scholem and [Isaiah] Tishby
we are now able to establish their unique tendencies and theological
perspectives. For example, Ezra?s commentary to the Song of Songs has for years
been attributed to the great Geronese Bible commentator and fellow Kabbalist
Rabbi Moses ben Nahman (Nahmanides, 1195‑1270)?a recent edition of
Nahmanides? corpus still includes this commentary?but both stylistic and
theological features bear the unmistakable mark of Azriel?s Kabbalah.
These two mystics and their later Geronese disciples laid
the foundation for all future Kabbalistic speculation. Much of the terminology
and basic ideas that prevailed in the Kabbalah during the next seven centuries
was formulated in Gerona, and despite enormous metamorphoses in Kabbalistic
thought, the legacy of Gerona survived intact. In their own way, the mystics of
Gerona turned the heretofore cloistered and peripheral Kabbalah into an active
spiritual and intellectual force within medieval Jewish culture.
That these Gerona mystics, particularly Rabbis Ezra and
Azriel, wrote Kabbalistic books was not universally regarded as a positive
development among other Kabbalistic esotericists. Rabbi Isaac the Blind sent an
angry missive to Gerona, demanding that Kabbalistic theories be kept secret and
protected from the public forum. He forbade the dissemination of exoteric
compositions of Kabbalah because, as he wrote, ?a book which is written cannot
be hidden in a cupboard.? The dean of the Provencal Kabbalists declined an
invitation to visit Gerona, sending instead his nephew, Rabbi Asher ben David,
in order to instruct the circle in Gerona as to the proper modes of mystical
speculation. (Rabbi Isaac the Blind?s epistle was published by Scholem in Sefer Bialik, Tel Aviv, 1934, pp.
This admonition concerning the nature of Kabbalistic
creativity had important consequences for the younger generation of budding
Geronese Kabbalists. It seems that after receiving Rabbi Isaac?s letter, the
Spanish Kabbalists decided not to write Kabbalistic works any more and to
hide?at least to some extent?the full meaning of their mystical worldview. Some
of them, like Rabbi Jonah Gerondi, composed ethical works based on Talmudic and
Midrashic homilies, totally lacking in Kabbalistic symbolism. Nahmanides
inserted into his non‑Kabbalistic Bible commentary a number of esoteric
passages, ?according to the true path? (al
pi derekh ha‑emet), which
contained veiled and guarded Kabbalistic allusions that are not obvious in the
least. Again, Rabbi Jacob ben Sheshet one of the important leaders of this
circle, wrote an ethical treatise entitled Sefer
ha‑Emunah ve‑ha‑Bittahon (Faith and Trust) and an anti‑Maimonidean critique entitled Meshiv Devarim Nekhohim (Reply of Correct Statements). In neither
work does Kabbalah or Kabbalistic symbolism loom prominently.**
But the most important Kabbalistic works of this circle were
written by Rabbi Azriel, probably before Rabbi Isaac?s letter ever reached
Gerona. (In fact, it may well be that Rabbi Azriel?s prodigious literary output
was the cause of Rabbi Isaac?s admonition.) Rabbi Azriel?s works represent an
important step in the systematization of Kabbalistic symbolism and its
application to various aspects of Jewish religious life. Rabbi Azriel, like
other Gerona Kabbalists, was well educated in philosophy, and it is due to his
mastery of that subject that many philosophical terms were incorporated into
the Kabbalah. These often scholastic and unemotional terms became powerful and
cherished symbols of an inner spiritual quest, laden with new layers of
mystical significance. Some of the most profound and penetrating expressions of
pre‑Zoharic Kabbalah are to be found in Rabbi Azriel?s harmonious blend
of philosophy and mysticism as found in his commentary to Talmudic legends and
his shorter thematic treatises. (Rabbi Azriel?s Perush ha-Aggadot was edited by I. Tishby and published in 1943 and
reprinted in 1983.)
*On the Gerona circle, see G. Scholem, Ursprung und Anfänge, pp. 324-407; and his Kabbalah, pp. 48-52. Finally, see his Hebrew book on the subject, ha-Qabbalah be-Gerona, ed. J. Ben-Shlomo
(Jerusalem, 1964).
**The relationship between mysticism and ethics in the work
of the Gerona Kabbalists is presented in detail by J. Dan, Jewish Mysticism and Jewish Ethics.
Joseph Dan is the
Gershom Scholem Professor of Kabbalah at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. A
winner of the Israel Prize in 1997, he is recognized as one of the most
influential scholars of Jewish mysticism in the world today.
Excerpts from THE EARLY KABBALAH, edited and introduced
by Joseph Dan, texts translated by Ronald C. Kiener, preface by Moshe Idel,
from The Classics of Western Spirituality, Copyright © 1986 by Joseph Dan and
Ronald C. Kiener, Paulist Press, Inc., New York / Mahwah, N.J. Used with
permission of Paulist Press,