Let us take a worthy diversion to
learn some of the characteristics of a single typical Main Sequence star: our
Sun. You can start with an overview by running through the U. of Oregon
Solar Astronomy page. Marshall Space Flight Center hosts a Solar Physics site
where you can pick up much useful information by clicking on topics in the left
margin. These sites supplement the treatment here.
The importance of our Sun,
underlying the reasons for the attention given it below, is its internal density
and temperature profile, as seen in this diagram. It indicates that in the core
the temperature will have risen to levels that permit (require) fusion of
The Sun, whose alternate name is
Sol, is a Spectral Type G star on the M.S. and, like most stars of similar or
lower mass, began as a T-Tauri protostar, which started out as a
distended cloud of dense dust and molecular gas that took 10 - 100 m.y. to
contract into the hydrogen-burning stage. The Sun is an average star on the Main
Sequence. Its size is approximately 1,392,000 km (865,000 miles) in diameter
(109 Earth diameters) (it is 130,000 times the volume of Earth). Temperatures in
its central core are estimated to reach about 15,000,000° K; at the solar
surface (the photosphere) the temperature has decreased to about 5600° C. (5770°
K; 10,400 ° F). It rotates on an average of 35 earth days at its equator. Here
is a diagram showing the principal features associated with the Sun (and by
implication, most Main Sequence stars):
A slightly different version below
also identifies the Sun's main features:
The solar "atmosphere", largely a
plasma of ionized gases, extends outward from the photosphere, through the
chromosphere, a transitions zone, and then to its outer atmosphere, or corona.
The corona is very thin (much lower density than Earth's atmosphere), very hot
(up to 4,000,000° K), and made up mainly of hydrogen and helium ions moving at
high velocities (hence, the high temperatures). Both shock waves and magnetic
lines of force impel the particles. The corona is hard to see under ordinary
viewing conditions. But, it stands out when photographed during solar eclipses
(left, below) or through an instrument called the coronagraph (right). The
heights reached by the corona limit vary considerably over time, related in part
to solar storms.
Between the corona and the
photosphere is a gaseous atmosphere called the chromosphere (brighter inner
zone) in which temperatures vary around 500,000°K. The next image, made by the
SOHO satellite launched in 1996, shows the photospheric surface, with its
distinctive convective patches known as granules and sunspots. Superimposed
around this image is a telephoto of the Sun's chromosphere taken during the
solar eclipse of February 1998 and part of the lower corona, composed of tenuous
gaseous envelope in which kinetic temperatures of fast-moving molecules range
from 1,100,000 to 1,670,000 °C.
SOHO's EIT instrument has produced
an even more detailed image of the roiling surface of the Sun, caused by
convective transfer of hot gases:
This is a more detailed look at the
chromosphere taken through a ground helioscope, using a green filter and
blocking out the Sun's surface. At a height of its upper limit, from 10000 to
16000 km (6000 to 10000 miles), temperatures may be as high as 1,000,000° K. but
can be as low as 20000° K next to the photosphere.
As early as 1610, Galileo and
others first noted dark areas on the Sun's bright photosphere, its apparent
surface. These were named, aptly, sunspots and refer to large (often several
times the Earth's diameter) individual or clustered features on the Sun's
surface that are several thousand degrees cooler than their surroundings. Here
is a helioscope image of sunspots in March, 2001.
This black and white image also
shows great detail within a sunspot, which can be as much as twice the diameter
of Earth:
Sunspots are cooler than their
surroundings (around 3400° C compared with the 5600° C for the Sun's average
surface temperature) They tend to cluster around a band extending from the solar
equator. They are caused by churning up of hydrogen gas by the strong solar
bipolar magnetic field. That is shown in this diagram:
On average, sunspots come and go on
an 11 year cycle (min-max-min) but that cycle is further extended to 22 years
because of a polarity change (north-south-north) during the full interval.
Sunspots are associated with increases in expulsion of charged particles in the
solar wind and thus can produce interference in radio broadcast signals on
Earth. Below it is a plot of sunspot frequency measured over the last 400
Seen in a close-up, sunspots have a
distinctive appearance as seen in this solar telescope photo; the surrounding
surface contains small, irregular bright areas called granules which are
the upwelled part of numerous local convection currents that carry hot hydrogen
gas to the photosphere (dark areas represent the inward return paths of this
circulating gas).
A similar view, made through a
Swedish solar telescope, creates the impression of "bumps" or irregularities on
the Sun's surface - a convincing depiction that this surface is not strictly
Various turbulent flow patterns
(given descriptive non-technical names) develop in and around sunspots, as
depicted in these ground-based telescope pictures:
The closest view yet of a sunspot
and its neighborhood has been made by the Swedish Solar Telescope.
Our Sun (and by extrapolation,
stars in general) undergoes considerable variations in exterior activities,
along with some changes in energy and solar wind output, over time periods of
months to a few years. The term "Sun storm" is applied to one type of such
phenomena. The magnetic field generated by the Sun varies in this instance. On
Earth, these variations can notably affect radio and TV signal transmissions
(satellites, and even astronauts in space, are also influenced). The Sun goes
through different cycles of varying activity; these show characteristic
periodicity. Here are three solar images showing the appearance of the Sun from
a half cycle that goes from a solar minimum to a maximum in 3 1/2 years (part of
the seven year cycle):
Solar flares extending well beyond
the photosphere occur during Sun storms (and, by inference, this is likely to
happen also to many, perhaps most, stars). Here is a TRACE image acquired in the
summer of 2000 that shows some spectacular solar flaring.
The base of a solar flare, imaged
by SOHO, might remind you of an active lava surface in a volcanic caldera,
except in the example below it is very much hotter and incandescent gases rise
much higher.
SOHO is capable of time-lapse
imagery so that the history or sequence of a flare (prominence) can be displayed
as a series. This image shows the succession of growth and dissipation of a
prominence as observed with the LASCO sensor on SOHO. The instrument also
provides temperature data, giving an average of 107,000 °K for the gases that
make up the feature.
The largest and strongest solar
flare recorded in history occurred in early November of 2003, during which
several other prominent flares were observed. Much disruption of communications
was inflicted. This is a SOHO image of this strongest flare on November 4:
Using its Extreme Ultraviolet
Photometer System (XPS) instrument, SORCE (Solar Radiation and Cloud
Experiment), a new solar observing satellite launched in early 2003, caught the
series of these strong flares during this October-November, 2003 period. Rapid
monitoring of flare activity is imporntant on Earth since these can cause severe
radio disturbances in the terrestrial atmosphere and can damage orbiting
satellites. A SOHO Extreme UV (EIT) image of the Sun's face is shown in this
diagram along with the plot of solar flares during this span of intense
A somewhat different picture of the
Sun's activity is gained by converting x-radiation into an image; the one shown
here was obtained by the Japanese Yohkoh satellite:
SOHO is equipped to image the Sun
at various wavelengths in the Ultraviolet. Images at 1710, 1950, and 840
nanometers (blue, green, red respectively) are combined in this false color
composite which emphasizes UV emission variations on the Sun's surface.
In the Extreme Ultraviolet
wavelength region, here is a view taken from the above image that is colored
blue to accentuate one of the invisible wavelengths in the UV. Plumes of very
hot gases enter the chromosphere from discrete locations out of the Sun.
One type of plume, discovered only
30 years ago, is called Coronal Mass Ejection (CME), in which electrified
hydrogen gas is expelled considerable distances from the Sun's surface,
following helical pathways outward; this SOHO captured this effect:
A CME expels a huge number of
particles over a short period. Here is a four panel time sequence of the CME
that occurred on March 20, 2000:
Another feature above the
corona-photosphere boundary, associated with loops and flares, has been dubbed
"moss" because of its spongy light-dark appearance owing to variations in
temperature within the 10000 to 1000000° K range. Here it is imaged by TRACE
(Transition Region and Coronal Explorer) in ultraviolet light:
It should be no surprise that the
Sun (and by inference all stars) undergoes various physical movements and
displacements in and near the photosphere. Some of these result from violent
events that send seismic-like waves within the surficial gases. A whole field -
helioseismology - has evolved to study these phenomena. A broad review of this
subject is found at this Stanford University
site. The subject deals mainly with systematic oscillations detectable at the
surface and waves that can be used to probe the Sun's interior structure and
dynamics. Here is a generalized map of the
Sun's interior in terms of sonic velocities that are sensitive to temperature
differences. Red refers to hotter zones in which acoustic speeds are slowed;
blue to faster - hence cooler - zones.
Surficial disturbances, including
explosions, also produce acoustic waves (largely at low frequencies). The
illustration below shows a sound wave associated with the emergence of a solar
flare which radiates outward in the gas much as a ripple moves when a stone is
cast in water.
One of the consequences of
these techniques for penetrating the solar interior, making it as though
"transparent", is the ability to see some broad features on the surface of the
Sun not facing the observing instrument. The Michelson Doppler Imager on SOHO
used sonic waves to create this pair of images, the top showing sunspots on the
visible solar face and the bottom detecting features on the opposite face.
Several satellites have been placed
in space to get more information on the heliosphere - which pertains mainly to
the solar environment beyond the Sun's corona. Our understanding of this huge
feature - it consists of the Sun, the planets, and the solar cavity through
which flows the solar wind - is summarized in this diagram:
The heliosphere's magnetic field is
responsible for deflecting extrasolar particles, such as makes ups part of
cosmic rays, from neighboring stellar sources. There is continuous emission of
charged particles, mainly hydrogen ions in a plasma, from the corona outward
into the heliosphere and beyond. This is the solar wind which through
particle expulsion at high velocities causes these to escape the Sun's
gravitational field and travel great distances outward through the solar system.
These particles along with galactic cosmic rays (stellar winds, some part of
which is derived from stars that expel gamma rays and energetic ions of many
atomic species) continuously bombard the Earth; the Van Allen Belts provide
major protection from the solar and cosmic influx that otherwise would affect
(or even prevented the inception of) life on our planet. Solar flares and
magnetic storms occur randomly to periodically on the Sun during which the wind
is intensified. Here is a view which shows particles being pushed beyond the
Sun's gaseous envelope. Ulysses, a joint ESA-NASA program
managed out of JPL, was launched on October 6, 1990 to monitor several aspects
of the heliosphere environment. A good review of this project is found at the
Ulysses Home
Page. Traveling far into the outer
reaches of the solar system, Ulysses makes a complete orbit around the Sun once
every 6 years. Here is a plot of the data on the Solar Wind achieved during two
cycles, one during a solar minimum and the other during a maximum (these occur
during magnetic pole reversals over an eleven year period) :
Another Ulysses instrument, called
DUST, provides data on the density and motions of the myriads of interplanetary
dust (also called "stardust") moving around the Sun. This stardust is mostly
very small particles in sizes of less than a millimeter. The distribution
appears to be controlled in part by solar wind maxima and minima, as seen in
this diagram.
During the minimum the highest dust
concentration collects below the plane of the ecliptic (defined by planetary
orbits) but reverts to that plane during a maximum. Moving at an average speed of 26
km/sec, the transit time for a given dust particle to orbit around the Sun has
been determined to be about 20 years. Using these data and extrapolating from
other information, this diagram depicts the location of major dust
concentrations around the Sun and extending to the local stars in our part of
the galaxy:
Knowledge of stardust distribution
and behavior is relevant to a better understanding of the history of planetary
bodies in dust clouds around stars, as discussed on page 20-11. The strong magnetic field
associated with the Sun is believed to form around stars in general,
particularly those still burning their elemental fuel. Sometimes the materials
ejected from stars will follow magnetic field lines that organize the escaping
gases and accompanying non-gaseous elements into prominences and loops. This is
beautifully displayed in the Hourglass planetary nebula (see below) that has
developed around a Red Giant (see below)that is evolving into an eventual White
Dwarf. At the Red Giant stage, the star can have a magnetic field between 50 and
500 Gauss, strong enough to induce the Zeeman effect. This effect, associated
with strong magnetic fields, alters the spectrum of excited molecules; in the
Hourglass case, water is the substance giving off the light associated with the
With this in-depth examination of
one star, the Sun, let us return to the evolution of stars in general, as this
diagram suggests, stars undergo a series of changes as they form and then pass
through their fuel burning cycle. They can be further categorized in terms of
their end products at completion of the burning; the type of star that evolves
depends on the initial mass of H gas as it reaches its early stage of burning.
Stars can also be classed according to their relative ages into Population
I and Population II types. Type I stars are generally younger, and
continue to form even today. In Spiral galaxies, they are most common in the
arms. They contain a larger proportion of the heavier elements (which, as shown
later, are largely produced during late stages in an earlier large star's
history which ended in its explosive destruction that spewed out these elements
into the gas-dust nebular debris from which present type I stars have formed).
Type II stars are older, having burned much of their fuel, and generally reside
near the galactic core in Spirals or are the dominant stars in Elliptical
galaxies. Type II's are deficient in heavier elements which means that they
developed when the Universe was younger from raw materials that had not yet
accumulated these elements; many are small enough to have lived long lives.
These chemical differences are evident in the spectra characteristic of each
type: this pair of spectral strips shows the upper one, from a Population II
star in the Milky Way, to display almost exclusively hydrogen lines whereas a
Population I star (the Sun) in the same galaxy (lower strip) has those lines
plus many others representing different excited elements beyond helium in atomic
Star formation is a continuous
process in galaxies, even those that formed early in Universe time. Older
galaxies tend to have used up much of their hydrogen gas fuel dispersed in
intergalactic space, so that the rate and number of new stars will be less (in
general, diminish with time). Some galaxies (uncommon) as observed today show
large numbers of new stars formed over intervals of hundreds of millions of
years. These so-called "starburst galaxies" display numerous areas of light
blue-white representing many stars that formed during a narrow span of time.
NGC3310, seen below, contains several hundred clots of young stars, each clot
containing up to a million stars (estimated):
A more obvious and dramatic example
of localized starbursts is in the NGC604 nebula in the M33 galaxy, some 2.7
million light years away. The image below, which shows at least 200 young
blue-white stars, was made by combining Hubble observations over several years.
The nebula itself, 1300 l.y. wide, is a small part of the full galaxy.
The H-R and Evolution diagrams
above show several classes of stars whose initial mass lies below that of the
Sun. Of particular interest are the Brown and Red Dwarfs (the Brown, in
particular, whose masses can be as low as 0.08 that of the Sun [arbitrarily set
at 1; Black Dwarfs have even less mass]). (Another class of small stars, the
White Dwarf, is the end product of stages of expansion or explosion of large
stars.) A recent HST infrared image (right) of the Orion Nebula (shown on the
left below in visible light) has revealed that Brown Dwarfs (the brownish-orange
spots) are widespread throughout the region here imaged.
This next image shows more than 30
Brown Dwarfs (the most ever observed in one small region) in the vicinity of the
rho Ophiuchi Cloud (some 570 l.y. away). These are each only a small fraction of
the Sun's mass and are less than 1 million years old. In the image, made in the
infrared by ESA's Infrared Space Explorer, are several bright, very massive
The Brown Dwarfs do produce
internal energy from limited fusion of deuterium but never reach the hydrogen
fusion stage of larger stars (for this reason they have been called "failed
stars). Their surface temperatures fall below 2600° C, insuffient to fuse
lithium in the outer layers (Li spectral lines become an indicator of this type
of dwarf). These have low luminosities and are hard to detect even in our
galaxy, the Milky Way. Yet they may be very abundant within galaxies (one
estimate holds them to approach luminous stars in number), accounting for a
considerable fraction of the total mass of stellar bodies. Since the Dwarfs burn
their hydrogen at very low rates, they will be long-lived. The smallest of the
Dwarfs are not much larger than some giant planets, into which they grade (a
planet does not produce a significant output of radiation through nuclear
processes). In October 2000, astronomers reported spherical objects smaller than
Brown Dwarfs, ranging in mass from 5 to 15 times that of Jupiter, that appear to
"free float" (do not orbit stars). They are not hot enough to initiate any
nuclear burning. They may be incipient "dwarfs" that could grow larger into
eventual stars. What we presently know about brown dwarfs is neatly summarized
in this diagram: Not shown on the H-R plot are the
Red Dwarfs. These are M type stars that plot on the Main Sequence near the lower
right of the H-R diagram. They have masses ranging from about 0.1 to 0.4 that of
the Sun; their surface brightness is less than 1/2000th of the Sun. Their
surface temperatures are around 3000° K, producing light that is distinctly red.
They do burn their hydrogen fuel but are too small to develop a helium core; the
helium as produced is redistributed throughout the star by convection. Because
of very slow fusion rates, the Red Dwarfs are capable of very long lifetimes (up
to 100 billion years). They are fairly common within galaxies but do not
contribute much to the total galactic mass. Barnard's star, which is the second
closest to the Sun (5.9 light years) is a Red Dwarf. Below is GL623, a Red Dwarf
with an even smaller companion (possible White Dwarf - see below):
Both Brown and Red Dwarfs
are primary, that is, they are not the final product of a multi-step stellar
evolution. They are simply clots of gas that did not accrue enough mass as
hydrogen to burn efficiently until forced to leave the Main Sequence by
inflationary or explosive means. Near the top left of the H-R
diagram, above the Main Sequence, is a region containing an extreme opposite of
the Dwarfs (but not named in the plot): the Blue Giants and Supergiants. These
stars simply grew into masses that carried them beyond the upper limits assigned
to the Main Sequence. Typically, a Blue Giant is more than 40000 times more
massive than the Sun, has a diameter at least 8 times greater, and has surface
temperatures exceeding 20000° K. It tends to have a short life span (~100
million years) but can go into a Red Giant phase (see below). One of the
brightest stars in the sky is Rigel, in the Constellation Orion, a Blue
Supergiant (B type), as seen here:
Among the brightest of the Main
Sequence stars are the B types with surface temperatures in excess of 11000° K.
Perhaps the best known are a small cluster of blue-white stars known as the
Pleiades (the Seven Sisters) which lie in the Milky Way only about 375 light
years from Earth.
The HST has found a star, in the
Pistol Nebula, that is currently the brightest known in the Milky Way,
being ten million times more luminous than the Sun, and 100 times more massive.
The star, only 25000 l.y. away, is estimated to have begun its hydrogen burning
only about 1-3 million years ago. In this view, the red "clouds" around the
central star may, according to one interpretation, be hydrogen gas and other
material shedding from the star perhaps as it enters a destructive phase, or,
less likely, are still involved in continuing collapse onto that star. This view
is in the infrared; in visible light the star is shrouded with opaque dust.
The Wolf-Rayet star is one type of
very massive O star which has a surface temperature of around 50000° K. It is
short-lived after reaching the Main Sequence and before destroying itself it
sheds much of its mass by expulsion of hydrogen driven away by its stellar
winds. This next image shows a Wolf-Rayet (WR) star (arrow) (NGC2359) imaged in
the visible; below it is WR124 (in the constellation Sagittarius) imaged in the
near infrared. Both show the extent to which the gases are expelled even as the
parent star remains intact (this separates the WR types from planetary nebulae
in which the central star has exploded.
WR stars are rare. Less than 200
have been detected in the Milky Way Galaxy over the last 150 years The Sun, now about 5 b.y. old, has
a life expectancy of another 5 b.y. or so until it converts (following some arm
up and to the right on the H-R diagram) first into a Red Giant (hot
contracted core but cooler outer envelope of greatly expanded [up to 100x the
normal star diameter] diffuse gases emitting surface radiation in the visible
red). A feel for just how large a Giant is relative to a typical G star (e.g.,
our Sun) is given by this scale diagram - the large Red Giant is Arcturus:
Red Giants develop as the hydrogen
in the deep interior (core) is finally depleted and the helium derived from it
tries to fuse (burn) to carbon. The core shrinks even as fusion continues in the
outer regions of the star. Energy is rapidly lost, so that hydrostatic
equilibrium is disturbed, allowing for expansion driven by stellar winds. The
energy density of the star's surface, being lower, shifts emerging light
wavelengths from bluish towards red. A Red Giant, sometimes described as a
"bloated" star, can exist up to 500,000 million years. (Note: our Sun is
scheduled to become a Red Giant in about 5 billion years when its final fuel
material will expand as a hot gas out to roughly the limits of the present Earth
orbit). Below is a typical Red Giant, Betelguese (actually classed as a Red
Supergiant; it is present in the constellation Betelguese and can easily be seen
by a small telescope) as seen by the HST; among other well known Red Giants are
Arcturus and Aldabaran (of which no good images were found by an Internet
Another Red Giant in the Mira star
group shows a pronounced asymmetry of its outer envelope, as imaged in the
This next HST image shows the
globular cluster M10. It is notable for the large number of Red Giants and some
Blue Giants, besides smaller stars on the Main Sequence.
What happens to a star after
hydrogen and helium fuel is consumed depends on its size. Smaller stars
(Spectral types A through M) end up as the surviving cores of Red Giants which
are greatly reduced in size to the White Dwarf stage. Larger stars (O and B)
undergo a different process that involves explosive shedding of nearly all their
remaining gaseous matter and synthesized elements in a supernova (see next
page). Type O stars (8-10 solar masses) follow a sequence that involves a small
supernova which ends with a White Dwarf. More massive stars which explode leave
a small stellar body known as a Neutron star (next page). After the bulk of the mass is shed from the
outer envelope of a Red Giant whose initial mass was < 10 solar masses, it
will have lost nearly all its remaining nuclear fuel, shrinking rather abruptly
(over a few thousand years) to a radius much less than Sun size (some as small
as the Earth) and ending up as a dense, hot core (~1.4 solar masses) that
becomes a very hot, luminous White Dwarf (surface temperatures as high as
170,000° K). A White Dwarf is, as the name suggests, small (but it differs from
the Brown Dwarf group described above by having started out with a mass greater
than 1): A star not much larger than the Sun, shrinks to a size comparable to
Earth but with a density of about 1,000,000 g/cubic cm. Its core mass is said to
consist of degenerate matter, i.e., owing to quantum effects its pressure no
longer depends on temperature, i.e., can vary independently, - in this case
close-packed electrons are degenerate (a state in very dense matter in
which the pressure in a very hot gas or plasma depends on density but is
independent of temperature) but not protons or neutrons. The White Dwarf
nevertheless is still hot and bright. The ultimate fate of a White Dwarf is to
cool and fade away. Both White and Brown Dwarfs can eventually lose any
fusionable fuel and become Black Dwarves (star "cinders") that are no longer
luminous but continue to radiate heat away.
Although White Dwarf stars are
small, they still shine early in their history. The HST has succeeded in
detecting these stellar "midgets" amidst nearby stars. The image below show
seven tiny bright dots which are actually White Dwarfs: One or more rings or shells often
represent the shedding of matter in the final ejection phase around a Red Giant
as it becomes a White Dwarf star. This stage is comparatively rapid, taking
10000 - 20000 years for the rings to disperse. These rings, and their shape
variants, are also referred to as planetary nebulae (a misnomer in
that planets are not the end product; early observers (the first being Wm.
Herschel, discoverer of Uranus) once thought that, at the then poorer spatial
resolution of their telescopes, the objects they saw with a torus- or disk-like
appearance resembled an early stage of a planet's formation). The scale of
expansion places the edge of these gaseous envelopes at diameters around 1000
times that of our solar system.
The important thing to remember
about planetary nebulas (or, in Latin, nebulae) is that they are the atmospheres
of dying stars that are shed as these stars use up their fuel, expand into the
Red Giant phase, and finally throw off the remaining gas envelope at high speeds
into surrounding space. We see these nebulae after they have pushed out huge
distances from their parent star = which usually becomes a White Dwarf (some
larger stars that end up as Neutron stars may also shed their remaining gases).
Stars of 8 solar masses and smaller end their lives in spurts of the ejected
material making up planetary nebulae, spread over thousands of years, in
contrast to supernovae (next page), which are the death throes of stars of mass
greater than 8 suns that explode just once, almost instantaneously, and disperse
their debris at high speeds over shorter time periods. A classic example of a planetary
nebula is M57, the Ring Nebula, as seen by HST (red tones represent excited
hydrogen; green is associated with ionized oxygen).
However, the prototype of a
planetary nebula is also the youngest yet found, the Stingray Nebula, which
first appeared about 20 years ago. It shows both a central ring and opposing
lobes, the hallmarks of these nebulae, formed as explained below. It is near the
Earth; all (or most) planetary nebulae observed in the detail shown in the
following images are formed within our Milky Way.
At first (when telescope acuity was
limited), the planetary nebulae were thought to be normally spherical, resulting
when strong winds blew out the remaining gases equally in all directions. Now,
only about 10% remain that way as expansion continues. Some nebulae, such as
Abell 39, are still nearly spherical having possibly not yet broken up into
Another apparently spherical nebula
is nicknamed the Owl Nebula (NGC 3587) for its obvious resemblance to an owl's
face. Located in the Milky Way ~2000 l.y. from Earth, this nebula contains three
distinct layers: a faint dark blue outer ring consisting of now dispersed gases
expelled in the early stages; a medium blue middle ring driven by superwinds,
and an inner light blue ring, plus a purplish central filling that represents
material that has migrated inward:
A typical elliptical form is
associated with IC418, which shows a delicate lacing of gas streamers
The more common expression of a
planetary nebula shows the gases (which appeared colored in the images below
because of excitation into ionic states from UV radiation emanating from the
star remnant) to distribute in a wide array of shapes. Rings (torus),
ellipsoids, bi-polar lobes, and streamers are shape components of the nebulae.
One to several (combination) factors account for this diversity: winds of
different speeds coming off the surviving star remnant; accretion tails, binary
stars (one star not exploded influences the dispersal of the nebula), and
complex twisting of magnetic lines of force all are likely to play roles. In the first stages of development,
the gas expulsions have been called proto-nebulae. A famed example is known
whimsically as "Gomez' Hamburger, named after its discover, Arturo Gomez using a
telescope at the Cerro Toledo Observatory in Chile. The "buns" are gas clouds
that glow her in visible reflected light; the "meat" appears to be thick
obscuring dust:
Another example is this early stage
of proto-nebula development around an exploding Red Giant, as seen by the HST
The most striking views of
planetary nebulae in later development stages are taken as ultraviolet images
because the gases expelled from a dying star are excited by ultraviolet
radiation during the process. Other HST images of planetary nebula are
instructive: beneath is NGC7027 in which the explosion of gases is in an early
In the next image, the Cats-Eye
nebula (NGC6543), some 3000 l.y. away, appears to be a later stage of the
outward propulsion of gases around a Red Giant (possibly one of a binary pair,
with the second star a possible dwarf) in which several rings are made luminous
through excitation by expelled particles. This is the color scheme most often
used for the nebula.
A second color scheme is also
chosen to present the "beauty" of this nebula:
A recent observation made using the
Nordic Optical Telescope (ground-based) has revealed that the Cats-Eye nebula is
surrounded by a halo ring and filaments extending beyond that. This stunning
image shows the full Cats-Eye complex in a false color rendition in which the
red is due to excited nitrogen and greens and blues to oxygen:
The HST has caught a Red Giant in
the act of finishing its existence in this state as it transposes into the Twin
Jet nebula. As shown in this next image, some of its outer, less dense mass is
being ejected from the main body of the star:
The Red Spider nebula (NGC6537),
below, shows a common feature noted in many explosive stars, namely, lobes
(usually in a pair) of gas being driven outward at high speeds (1 million km/hr)
by stellar winds (in this case moving at even higher velocity). The lobes result
from shock that compresses the gas expelled as the nebula develops. Note the
ripples in the lobes. These lobe consist of the now cast-off gases that once
formed the bulk of the star whose core has survived after it has passed into the
White Dwarf phase.
Similar to this is what is
whimsically called the "Garden Sprinkler" nebula. Its curved lobes of ejected
gases are traveling well beyond the dying parent star.
The next example shows the Crescent
nebula. In the lower right of the image below is a black and white ground
telescope view of the elliptical (16 by 24 light years) gas cloud being
propelled by strong stellar winds outward from the dying WR 136, a Wolf-Rayet
star (derived from a super red giant, and extremely hot, such that outer mass
loss has exposed inner shells of helium, or even nitrogen or carbon (see page 20-7). The color portion
is an HST view of the outer edge of part of the nebula; the different hues
relate to compositional variations.
Still another example shows details
of the wispy strands of gases and particles in a supernova found in the Vela
group in the Milky Way, as imaged by the Schmidt telescope at the
Anglo-Australian Observatory in New South Wales:
As the nebula expands over time and
debris organizes into these wispy strands, the entity takes on a filamentous
structure as shown here in the Veil Nebula, some 2500 l.y away in the Milky
This next image shows a violent
explosion around NGC6302, a very hot (surface temperature of 250000°C or
450000°F) star 4000 l.y. away. Now almost gone, the destroyed star is invisible
in the Hubble image below. The nebular material has much dust but also water ice
crystals around particles as the expelled vapor condenses in outer space:
One of the most peculiar nebulae is
the Red Rectangle, whose shaped is defined by two pairs of jets emanating from a
center that is a binary star pair, HD44179. The resulting X-shapes seem to have
"ladder bars" joining them. Much of the red color is due to excitation of
The Hubble Space Telescope has now
gathered hundreds of images showing "dying" stars, i.e., those in their last
stages of fuel burning that are shedding matter explosively. The variety and
complexity of a star's final activities has proved to be much more diverse than
known from the era of conventional telescopic observations. A recent NASA press
release documents work done by astronomers at the University of Washington and
elsewhere that illustrates different observed end stages, shown in a panel of
six images typifying this diversity of gaseous envelopes (these are typical
planetary nebulae):
These brief descriptions define
each observation: Top Left: A round planetary nebula with a bright inner shell
and fainter outer envelope; this uniform expansion is the mode predicted for the
final phase of the Sun's demise; Top Center: A hot remnant star surrounded by a
green (color assigned) oval in which older gas is pushed ahead to form a bright
interior rim; more gas further out shows hot spots (red); Top Right: A spherical
outer envelope and an elongated inner "balloon" shell, both inflated by a fast
wind from the interior star; Bottom Left: A "butterfly" or bipolar (two-lobed)
nebula; Bottom Center: A bright central star at the center of a dark cavity
bounded by a football-shaped rim of dense, blue and red gas; the star's former
outer layers is shown in green; note long greenish jets; Bottom Right: A
planetary nebula with a pinwheel or spiral structure with blobs of gas ejected
from the central star.
The lobed Ant Nebula (or Menzel 3),
has been the subject of a recent explanation for some of the unusual shapes
associated with this class of stellar objects:
According to Dr. Adam Frank and
colleagues at the University of Rochester, as stars age and begin to shed
materials, they appear to slow their rotation. But as that material leaves the
parent star, the star's core begins to rotate more rapidly. With increased
rotation, the associated magnetic field becomes stronger and influences the
patterns or shapes of the escaping material. The image on the left below shows
NGC6751, in the constellation Aquila, but actually located some 6500 l.y. from
Earth. It exploded less than 5000 years ago and the outer shell of the star has
now moved out from the white hot central core (light yellow in center) to
produce a near spherical shell about 0.8 l.y. in diameter. The outer gases
(mostly hydrogen, in orange) are cooler than the (bluish) inner gases. Notice
the radial streaks of gas marking the trajectories of these streamers. The
colors given to the various gas components are computer modifications of colors
perceived by HST owing to excitation by UV radiation. On the right is the Eskimo
The HST has now obtained a good
image and temperature data for what is called the Boomerang nebula. Despite the
obvious incandescence that makes visible the two extensions, the temperatures
measured for in these lobes were as low as -272° K, just above absolute zero and
possibly lower than the general cosmic background radiation, making this feature
the coldest region of visual mass around a central star yet found in the
One of the most "delicate"
appearing nebulae is Barnard's Merope Nebula, just 380 light years from Earth,
and found in the celestial sphere within the space defined by the Pleides. In
this long-exposure ground telescope image, the material is mainly dust
reflecting light from a nearby star (just beyond the upper right corner):
The appearance of these planetary
nebulae can be misleading. Orientation of a nebula relative to our vantage point
from Earth, may present shapes that are distorted from their reality. For
example, a ring may actually be the edge-on view of a cylinder (looking down
axis). Most planetary nebulae are non-spherical gas-dust ejections showing
usually axisymmetric morphology. We see this gas because it is excited (and thus
glows) by ultraviolet radiation from the surviving White Dwarf as the Red Giant
phase nears its end. The gas envelope shapes (jets, interlocking rings,
"rectangles", etc.) are the consequence of strong stellar winds overtaking, at
this stage, earlier, slower particle winds involved in Red Giant growth. The
shapes assumed (such as the Butterfly type) indicate some degree of asymmetric
wind release. Another factor is the likelihood of these nebulae being influenced
or associated with companion binary stars (or a star and a large orbiting
More massive stars than those
discussed above proceed through their final stages of fuel consumption by
different processes. These result in events called novae and supernovae, of
sufficient importance and complexity to warrant treatment on the next page
(20-6). The end result can be a white dwarf star, a neutron star, or a Black
Hole, depending on the star's mass. Another way in which a star can be
destroyed is by being torn apart as it approaches a Black Hole. Although
extremely luminous conditions called quasars (page 20-6) are thought to be light
given off as stars fall into a Black Hole, individual star destruction is seldom
observed. However, one such event has been recorded by X-ray telescopes around a
galaxy that is 700 million light years away. What takes place is shown in these
next two figures, identified parts of which are actual observations but the rest
are artist's rendidtions of the detected changes and a reconstruction of the
sequence of events in the past and the future - read the captions for
Having now talked about star types
and their histories, let's summarize what is known or extrapolated about the
estimates of the percentages of each star type in the Universe. This is
difficult for all but the nearest galaxies because most stars cannot be resolved
into individuals. A better inventory is available for the Milky Way. Here it is:
Red/brown dwarfs = 70%; Main Sequence (F,G,K) = 20%; White Dwarfs = 8%; Main
Sequence (O, B, A) = 2%. A more tenuous extrapolation to the Universe; M stars =
30%; LT (red/brown dwarfs) = 30%; White Dwarfs = 20%; Evolved Supergiants = 10%;
OBA stars = 5%; FGK stars = 5%. Of note is the relative rarity of Sun-like G
stars (perhaps as infrequent as 2%). We close this page with a
discussion about star formation in the early Universe - the saga of the first
stars. (A good summary of this topic is found in Science News. Evidence
is building that stars began to form about 100 to 250 million years after the
Big Bang. Hydrogen gas that had been concentrating in protogalactic clumps or
clouds was at that time hotter than in later gas clouds as the Universe matured.
One reason for these is that there was little more than hydrogen and helium as
the heavier elements had not yet been synthesized and dispersed (by supernovae;
see next page); such elements lower gas cloud temperatures. Thus, in the first
nebulae the stars that form were mainly massive - tens to several hundred times
a solar mass. The early galaxies thus contain many more huge blue stars (O and
B) relative to F, G and M stars that make up the bulk of the star populations
seen in the developed galaxies we observe today. These Giants burned rapidly,
typically after 3 to 5 million years following their compaction into
hydrogen-burners, and were thus short-lived. They were quite luminous and had
surface temperatures in the 100000 °K range. Those with less than 250 solar
masses destroyed themselves as supernovae; greater than 250 solar mass stars
ended up as black holes. Of course, these stars (which fall
in the category of Population III, the group consisting of just hydrogen and
some primordial helium as fuel at their start) were short-lived. At present none
of these have been observed but are being looked for in the early Universe.
Because of their size, they burn out and explode very rapidly. Thus, they would
have existed mainly in the first billion (or significantly less) years. The HST
cannot see star objects that for back in time but the James Webb Space Telescope
scheduled to launch in 2010 may be able to detect evidence of their existence.
But, enough is known, or seems probable, about the astrophysics of star
formation under conditions that likely prevailed in the first millions of years
after the Big Bang to be able to model their inception and subsequent history
during early times.
One such computer-driven model
(using ENZO, a cosmological hydrodynamics code) has been developed by Tom Abel
(Pennsylvania State University ) and colleagues (Gregory Brant, Oxford U. and
Michael Norman, UC-San Diego) over the last 7 years. The model divides regions
of an opaque, dark matter-rich Universe into cells of varying dimensions. When
the program is run, the primordial hydrogen filling this still dark space begins
to clot and gradually warm as it seeks to condense. The events leading to the
First Stars can be examined by the model over time and at successively
higher magnifications (cell sizes cover smaller volumes). Here is a series of
computer-generated images (each panel involving the growth of the hydrogen cloud
[first row] as it proceeds into a star; the second and third rows representing
later, more detailed looks at the stages involved) that give rise to the initial
star, which formed near the center of each hydrogen gas cloud. See this figure's
caption (click on lower right) for description of the information presented.
The clouds of cold dark matter
(CDM), which also contained the hydrogen that separates to make these first
stars, typically contained enough star material to produce 100000 sunlike stars.
However, the actual star population coming out of a cloud forms fewer, more
massive stars. These in a few million years reached an end-stage where they
exploded as supernovae (see next page), at a rate (frequency) much greater than
later stars in evolved galaxies. In so doing, driven by supernova winds, they
dispersed small amounts of heavier elements into space to mix with the pervasive
hydrogen/helium. Thereafter, various protogalaxies began to form along lines
described at the bottom of page 20-2. This process may have
been aided by the Black Holes, which themselves might coalesce, left behind
after the supernovae had cleared out much of the star population These first stars may have been
numerous enough to provide radiation that helped to dissociate hydrogen into a
proton and an electron, which is the mechanism that produces re-ionization,
after which the early Universe becomes transparent to electromagnetic radiation
(including visible light photons), and the Universe lit up with the first
stellar bodies that may have existed as star clusters. As might be expected, other models
for early stars take a different position. One espoused by Kenneth Lanzetta of
Princeton University also believes that first stars, almost devoid of heavier
elements, formed rapidly and early in cosmic time. But these stars, he proposes,
did organize into larger numbers sufficient to exist in actual protogalaxies.
In related models, these first
stars that began to "precipitate" out of the hot hydrogen gases were created
within filamentous stringers (especially at crossing nodes), as shown below as
an artist's depiction, which were destined to break up into protogalaxies.
These, in turn, were then the gravitational attractors for more gas that helped
the protogalaxies to develop into spiral, elliptical, globular, and irregular
galaxies that began to proliferate after about a billion years, and then to
dominate, after 2 billion years or so, the expanding Universe.
A group at the University of
Chicago, led by Jason Tumlinson, has called attention to the likelihood that the
second generation of stars may have contained a higher percentage of numerous
small (low mass) stars than previously thought that contained significant
amounts of the first generation of heavy elements, as shown in this diagram:
Note the use of the term "Dark
Ages" for the time during recombination into reionization during which we have
yet to be able to see the stars and galaxies by sampling EM radiation. The
second generation occurred near the end of reionization, at a redshift (see page
20-9) around 7 (at present the oldest stars detected display redshifts just
greater than 6). The process of new galaxy formation
has slowed with time, so that today fewer new ones are being organized. As time
went on the temperature reduction in gas clouds that happens as heavy "metals"
are dispersed from supernovae has caused increasing proportions of smaller stars
so that the population of galaxies has experienced overall increases in numbers
of individuals. In this model, the maximum numbers of stars has occurred about
5-7 billion years after the Big Bang. As this is happening the number of Giants
has decreased proportinately, as the early ones ended their lives and fewer
massive stars were produced. Since this peak, the total number of stars has
decreased relatively since the available hydrogen in the galaxies (including
their halos) has been dropping in quantity (no new hydrogen is created in large
amounts). In the future, the majority of remaining stars will be small ones that
have long lives. This population history is
summarized in the next diagram, with the dashed white line indicating the above
model. There is, however, a recently reported competing model which is based on
arguments favoring an intense period in early cosmic time of stars of all sizes,
with these numbers then decreasing as bigger ones are destroyed and few newer
ones are created:
In time the bulk of the galaxy that
evolved from the clouds of original stars was enriched in hydrogen
HII, but surviving molecular hydrogen was still available for further
star formation. Protogalaxies in the early Universe were more close-spaced and
tended to collide to start the growth of the galaxies extant today. As time
progressed, the early massive stars exploded in large numbers, much of the
debris, containing the heavier elements, were expelled into intergalactic space
to mix with hydrogen and here and there clump into new clouds that evolved into
more galaxies. (Gradual enrichment of elements with atomic numbers higher than
helium is the norm, since supernovae continue to occur beyond the early days of
the Universe.) As we have seen above, the tendency since then has been to gather
groups of galaxies into clusters that comprise present cosmic structure. At the (recent) time this chart was
made, the actual post-Big Bang time when these first stars began to form was
believed to be less than 0.5 billion years. Some argued for a first production
starting about 300 million years after the B.B. Reliable results from the
Wilkenson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP; discussed on page 20-9) have moved
the inception of star formation back in time to about 200 million years
post-B.B. As described 9 paragraphs earlier,
in the beginning, there were probably a larger number of stars with masses
>250 solar mass than in later times (the Type III stars mentioned above).
Since these are one source of black holes, their abundance may have controlled
the number of galaxies that formed thereafter. We know that black holes
(discussed on the next page) are believed to lie within a galaxy's central core
(some have already been affirmed or inferred from on-going studies). They could
function as a gravitational nucleus that activates galaxy formation. However,
some of these core black holes may develop after a galaxy has developed its
initial structure. Stars are responsible for nearly
all the visible light in the Universe. In its early eons, this visible light
averaged, from all kinds of star types, wavelengths that fell in the blue region
of the spectrum. Today, that average visible light radiation spread has shifted
to longer wavelengths, producing a blue-green (similar to turquois) light. Of
course, individual stars of a range of colors are not of that shade (aren't
blue-green), but taken together their numerically weighted sums of all visible
wavelengths would be represented by this blue-green value. In time, the average
color will continue to shift towards the red and, tens of billions of years from
now this will, in fact, be associated with the then dominant star type, the Red
Dwarf. The bottom line to the gist of this
page is that stars appear to be the most obvious and dominant type of large
single body making up the Universe. But as we shall see on pages 20-9 and 20-10,
stars actually comprise less than one percent of the mass of the Universe. But,
because of their luminosity, they give the impression that they are the "top
dogs" of the Cosmos. They do have importance beyond their seeming low ranking in
the mass inventory because they are necessary partners in planet formation - and
as far as we are concerned, one of their kind has been the controlling "parent"
of our (insignificant) planet.
Primary Author: Nicholas M.
Short, Sr. email: mailto:%20nmshort@ptd.net