THAT SAME AFTERNOON, while I was in my bedroom at the
hotel, packing my hired clothes, and wondering how Victor was dealing
with the parents, he came in dressed in an old tweed coat and flannels.
He flung himself into the easy chair and said, “Thank God, oh, thank
God, that's over I How wise of me, quite unconsciously wise, to fetch you
along to be best man. You were a sort of touchstone, or the alarm clock
that woke me." While I was pondering this, and mechanically packing, he changed the
subject. “Harry, old man," he said, “don't go home yet, unless you
must. The least I can do after getting you into this mess is to tell
you more about myself. It's rather urgent, because I may go back into
my sleep-life at any minute. If you can spare a few hours, let's walk
somewhere." This suggestion itself was surprising, Victor normally despised the
humblest form of physical exercise. Tennis, rugger, swimming, he
enjoyed; and in all of them he was competent, in some brilliant.
Walking he regarded as a mug's game. It was a means of transport to be
resorted to only when his sports car was off the road. And now, though the car was available to take us quickly into open
country, he asked me, rather sheepishly, if I should mind going by bus.
Sensing my surprise, he added, “You see, the car means the other life,
the sleep-walker's life, and so it- well, it gives me the creeps." How I remember that bus journey of nearly thirty years ago! The bus
was crowded, and we had to stand. The solid tyres chattered our teeth
together like dice in a box. When the conductor came for our fares,
Victor surprised me by muddling the transaction. The conductor, with
unspoken contempt, handed back the superfluous coins. Victor looked at
them, not with the shame of the business man who had fallen short of
the sacred virtue of business efficiency, but with a laugh which seemed
to express relief at his own carelessness. He then became entirely
absorbed in watching our fellow passengers, with the same wide-eyed
fascination as he had displayed in the vestry. He stared so hard and so
unselfconsciously that people began to grow restive and resentful. He
was particularly attentive to a comfortable body with an amiable face,
who finally remarked with an attempt at severity, "Young man, control
your eyes!" Suddenly realizing that he was not behaving correctly,
Victor chuckled and said in a breezy voice, " Sorry I You mustn't mind
me. I've been- well I've been asleep for several months, and it's so
exciting to see people again; real people, and not just dreams." A
florid man, who evidently considered himself a wag, remarked, "They've
let you out too soon, lad. If I were you I'd take the next bus back."
There was a general titter. Victor grinned; then winked, as he nudged
me and said, "It's all right. My keeper's with me." At the terminus we set out along a suburban street that presently
became more like a country road. Then came a path through woods and
fields. At last Victor began to tell me the strange facts about himself
which threw light not only on his conduct at the church but also on my
earlier relations with him. But while part of his mind was occupied
with recounting his biography, another part seemed to be intensely
concentrated in his senses. With alert eyes he looked about him at the
scenery. Sometimes he would stop to examine a leaf or a beetle as
though he had never seen such a thing before, or pause at a stile to
run his fingers curiously, lovingly, along the grain of the wood, or
dabble his hand in a stream with childish delight, or sniff the
complicated fragrance of a handful of earth. Once, when a woodpecker
called, he stood still to listen. "What's that bird? " he asked. "What
a lot I miss in my sleep-life! " All this was notable enough in itself, but far more so to anyone who
knew Victor's customary indifference to all, such commonplace
experiences. Normally his interest was almost wholly limited to motors,
sport, business, feminine charm, and the stability of society. His only
other subject was human character, which he judged with a quick eye for
a man's less reputable motives, and no eye at all for his personality
as a whole. This, at least, was the case with Victor in his normal
mood; but if this had been the whole Victor, I should never have grown
to admire him. I shall report as much as I can reconstruct of our memorable
conversation on that walk, but probably I shall fail to convey my vivid
impression of Victor's quickened vitality and intelligence, or the
sense of his anxiety to make full use of his brief spell of lucidity
while it lasted. However, I shall not miss any important facts, for I
subsequently persuaded him to help me to write fairly full notes about
all that he told me. "Well," he said, plunging at the root of the matter, "I am
apparently some sort of divided personality, but a queer sort; and up
to today I have never said a word about it to anyone. My first waking
up, so far as I know, was at my prep. school. It was only a
half-waking, and it lasted only for a minute or I so, but it was
something startlingly new to me. I had been, charged with circulating
smutty drawings, and really I hadn't even seen the things. The Head
lectured me on smut and on lying, and then whacked me. The whacking
stung me into life, or stung me awake. After about the third stroke the
pain suddenly became much more violent than it had been, and I began to
yell, having been the proper little silent Englishman up to that point.
I bolted for the door, but the Head caught me. For a moment we faced
one another, he with a horrible look that I couldn't understand at the
time, but it seemed all wrong. It reminded me of our dog when I found
him guzzling a beef- steak in the larder, growling hideously while he
went on gulping the stuff down. I was so startled by the Head's new
face that I let out a throat-breaking scream, and tried to bash him on
the nose. You see, faces had been just masks before that waking, and
now here was one that turned into a window with a soul looking out of
it, and a soul (I vaguely felt) in a very terrible state. I remember
quite distinctly feeling all in a flash that God almighty had turned
out to be just a filthy monster. I yelled out ‘Beast ! Why do you like
hurting me?' Then I think I must have fainted, for I can't remember
anything more. Needless to say, I was expelled." Victor fell silent, contemplating the past with his twisted smile.
When I asked him whether the waking came often after that incident, he
remained silent. We were now leaning over the rail of a footbridge
above a stream, and Victor was all the while intently watching several
fishes that were dimly visible in the dark water. "My mind," he suddenly said, "is like this stream. When I am my real
self it's clear right to the bottom, with all sorts of live things
moving about at different levels. When I am that I thick-headed snob,
the water is muddy. Awake, I can look down into my mind and see every
little minnow of a desire, every little sprat of a thought, busily
nosing about, feeding and growing, or fading into old age, or being
hunted down and swallowed up by stronger creatures. Yes, and when I am
fully awake, I can not only see them but control them, tame them, order
them, all to do as I will, make them dance to my tune; ‘I’ being always
a something outside the water, or floating on its surface. The
image breaks down, but perhaps you see what I mean. In the dream-life I
am the sport of those creatures (or at least of some of them) that come
nosing up through the opaque water, pushing me hither and thither with
the swirl of their lashing tails, and sometimes threatening to swallow
me, my real self. In fact, they do sometimes completely swallow my real
self. Over and over again I have simply been completely identified with
one or other of those brutes. Do you see what I mean? " " Partly," I said; and again I asked if the waking state happened
often. "Not often, but more frequently as time goes on. And it tends to
last longer, and also to be more thorough." He sighed, and said,
"Perhaps some day I shall be permanently awake. But I hardly dare hope
for that. For the present, full waking comes seldom, and never lasts
long, just long enough to get me into the most distressing scrapes, and
then, let the wretched dreamer suffer for it. Once, when I was about
seventeen, I woke when I was persecuting some miserable fag. I was
taking a high moral line with him over some very small crime of his,
and leading sadistically up to a thrashing. Suddenly I saw the
kid as a live human person, and at the same time I caught a terrifying
glimpse of myself as the cad I was. I saw as clear as daylight what was
happening in my own mind. The affair with the Head of my prep. school
had roused an ugly monster from some dark cranny at the bottom of the
river, and this creature had been ranging about ever since, devouring a
lot of harmless small-fry, and growing fat and strong, unseen under the
muddy water. The sudden waking seemed to be due to the commotion caused
by this brute even on the surface of my mind. The danger woke me, and
in a flash I saw right down into the depths. I can remember the
unendurable shame of waking to find myself behaving so disgustingly. I
forget exactly what happened in consequence. But I can remember being
so upset that I said, ‘Gosh I How you must hate me, Johnson minor, and
quite right too!’ Then I actually wrote a note telling him if ever he
saw me being a cad again he must remind me how, when I did it before, I
woke up and was sorry. I signed the thing and gave it him. Naturally
the kid was bewildered by my sudden change, and frightened, I think.
But he took the note: Well, a few days later he had an excellent
opportunity of using it, and he did use it. In my somnolent, doltish
phase, I couldn't remember a thing about the earlier, awake phase. When
he showed me the note I had written and signed, I was confident it was
a forgery. Of course I was furious. And of course I regarded his
behaviour as insufferable cheek. With great gusto I whacked him.
Naturally this incident was soon known to the whole school. I used to
be frightfully popular, being good at games and correct about school
etiquette. But this affair broke my popularity completely. Everyone
despised and distrusted me. And as popularity was my ruling passion
(though I didn't know it), I went through agonies trying to restore my
position. Sometimes I half succeeded. But always, just when everything
seemed going well, I would wake up for a few minutes and do something
outrageous, so that the fat was in the fire all over again." Victor fell silent, gazing down into the stream, with folded arms on
the rail of the bridge. Suddenly he stood upright, with a laugh that
was also a sigh, stretching himself as though in relief after some kind
of bondage. We moved along the path. " Tell me," I said, " when you say
you saw the kid as a live human person, what do you really
mean? Telepathy?" "No, no I Perhaps telepathy may have something to do with it
sometimes, but mainly it's just a heightening of imaginative insight.
The other person's tone of voice and facial expression, the whole smell
of him, so to speak, suddenly flash a meaning at me. Johnson minor
suddenly became a vivid picture of a desperately perplexed and
frightened little person. And also I saw myself with the same
imaginative penetration. I saw myself as he saw me, and indeed very
much more clearly than he could possibly have seen me." "You see," he said, looking round at me with an open smile which was
impossible to the normal Victor, " it's not only other people that come
clear, and not only my own mind, but everything. To pursue the
metaphor, not only the stream turns limpid, but the banks, the fields,
the people in them, the sky, the whole universe become- yes, limpid. I
see into everything, in a sense. Not, of course, spatially,
like X-rays. Not mystically either, seeing God in them, or what not.
Rather, instead of being just coloured shapes, they become
bewilderingly pregnant symbols; pregnant with whatever was relevant to
them in my past experience. That's it! The wretched Johnson minor's
puckered brows and quivering lip suddenly flooded me with all my
forgotten experience of such things, and with anew, shattering insight
into their meaning in terms of the mental suffering of Johnson himself,
there and then." I think it was at this point that Victor bent down to watch a
violent drama that had staged itself in a cobweb strung between the
tall grasses beside our path. But he did not stop talking. "Sometimes,"
he said, "I seem able to trace the waking to some event outside myself.
It's the impact of experience that shakes me into life- Johnson minor's
struggle not to blub, or the conjunction of you and Edith and the
marriage service. The sight of this spider preparing its dinner might
do the trick, if ever my sleep-walking self could stoop to notice such
things. God I what a spectacle it is, isn't it!" He jerked out an
almost frightened laugh. "See how he's tying up the wretched fly like a
struggling parcel! Over and over the string goes, and tighter and
tighter. And the poor devil goes on buzzing, steadily as a machine. Ha!
There's one of his wings roped now. And he's getting tired. It's like
catching a lion in a net in the Sahara, or one of those gladiatorial
duels with net and sword. Now the whole string bag is finished, and
next comes the feasting." Another question occurred to me. "When you slipped back into the
dream-life after the Johnson minor incident, you had no idea (as you
said) of what had happened in the wide-awake state. Then, is the waking
state also vague about the events of the dreaming state. For instance,
have you now forgotten what happened before you ‘woke’ in the church
this morning? " "No, no! " He laughed rather bitterly. "In the wide-awake life I
remember the sleep-walker life with most distressing clarity, and often
in far more detail than the somnambulist could notice when things were
actually happening. I remember it all not only more clearly but in a
new light, from a new angle. For instance, I remember damning you
brutally yesterday because you had booked us several three-star hotels
instead of the four-star ones I had demanded for the honeymoon tour.
And I remember, too, what I did not notice at the time, namely that
your look of contrition had also a tinge of disgust and contempt about
it. Now, of course, my outburst fills me with unutterable shame. At
least it does, and it doesn't; because when I look harder at the memory
it doesn't really seem mine at all, not something I
did, but something that stupid snob did, who shares my body. Then
again, I remember saying ‘good- night’ to Edith on the evening before
the wedding. The greedy-respectful kiss, and the soapy remarks! Now, it
makes me shudder, both for myself and for her. I wonder just how much
damage that fool somnambulist has done to her. What I did to
her, breaking off the match, was just the pain of a necessary
operation. It had to be. (But, oh, I hope she gets through with it
quickly.) What he did was to keep on for months poisoning her
with his insincerity and false values. Yes! The memory of last night’s
‘goodnight’ makes me go hot all over. Then, I (if I must say
‘I’ and not ‘he’) thought of myself as the romantic lover, worshipping
the beloved as a being of superior calibre, almost divine; and ready to
live for her all the rest of my life. But looking back, I see precisely
what was happening in my mind, and it's not at all edifying. Of course
there was plenty of good healthy physical lust for Edith's extremely
seductive body; but it was presented to the somnambulist not as lust at
all but as the physical consequence of my adoration of her pure spirit.
Now, it makes me squirm. And what sort of a pure Spirit has she,
poor girl? No doubt, deep down inside her there's a little smothered
germ of honesty and generosity, the true and pure Edith. But it hardly
ever manages to express itself, because of the loads of false
conventions and false values overlying it. And while I was protesting
my selfless devotion to her as a person, what I was actually thinking
(though I didn't notice it) was that she was an excellent match for me,
well trained in all the antics of our sort of people, perhaps rather
‘better class’ than myself, thoroughly presentable, something to show
off with complacency. But far from worshipping her, I felt that I was
definitely better stuff in away, and that she was really only raw
material for me to work up into a first-class partner. Sometimes, for
instance, she had shown a tendency to think for herself. That sort of
thing mustn't be allowed. Her function was to be the adoring and
helpful wife." He paused, then concluded, " So you see my wide-awake self does very
clearly remember the experiences of the other. If it didn't it wouldn't
have any background at all. It would be merely an infant mind. The
actual sum of its existence has been far shorter than the other's." " Do you mean it's never active for more than a few minutes or
hours? " " Sometimes days, even weeks; and it's spells grow longer as I grow
older. For the present, at any rate. But I can't help fearing that the
general stiffening thatt sets in in middle age will reverse the
process. Now let me get back to my story. My first really important
spell of wide-awake living was brought on by you, in our third year at
Oxford, when we first got to know each other." " Now," I interrupted," I understand why you were so inconsequent;
first stand-offish, then friendly, then cold again." " It began," he said, " after that bump supper, when some of us, all
a bit tight, invaded your room. Instead of taking it lying down, you
had the cheek to make a fuss, so we began chucking things out of the
window into the quad. You actually put up a fight, which was surprising
and amusing, because we had always regarded you as a worm. You had come
from some bloody little unheard-of grammar school, and you had an
accent like the mud on a provincial street. We weren't going to stand
cheek from that sort. No doubt you remember, when you were being I held
down, I stared at you as offensively as I could, and said you reminded
me of my hosier. It was then that I came awake. It was your pinched
little face that did it. Instead of seeing you as just a type, and a
despised type, I suddenly saw you, as I had seen Johnson minor. Somehow
I saw you being torn between contempt for us all and irrational envy
and self-abasement. And I saw how horribly hurt you were, not
simply by our brutality but by your own involuntary treason to
yourself." Interrupting Victor, I said, "I can distinctly remember how your
face suddenly changed. Your eyes opened wide with surprise, and your
mouth too. Then you turned away with an odd, awkward little laugh. You
picked up a book, and sat on the arm of the easy chair, apparently
reading." " Yes, but really I was just feeling mortally ashamed." "Then suddenly you shut the book, gently, and laid it on the table,
and said something about this being pretty caddish, really, and what
about stopping it. Then there was an argument, but finally your gang
took itself off; and you- it struck me as odd at the time-stayed behind
to help me clear up the mess. Remember? First I tried to push you off
with the others, and then when you began to go, meek as a lamb, I
suddenly changed my mind. What a grind it was, wasn't it, fetching the
damaged books and furniture from the quad up the staircase to the top
floor." " Yes, and when we had finished, you offered me cocoa! Cocoa! My
God! To me, who considered myself one of the bloods! But I had the
sense to accept, for I was thoroughly awake by then. And it was a
damned good drink, too. And we sat there talking till the small hours,
till you nearly fell asleep. Then I borrowed your Bateson's Heredity
and took it off to my own room. By breakfast time I had just about
finished it. That first talk we had was an eye-opener to me. Do you
remember how we leapt about from heredity to socialism, religion,
astronomy, like a couple of monkeys swinging from branch to branch.
Monkeying with the universe! You had the advantage of far greater
knowledge, and I had an absolutely fresh, innocent zest." "And a diabolical quick-wittedness," I added, "an intelligence that
frightened me."2
From 1890 to 1912