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Henry Adams
John Adams
Louisa May Alcott
Horatio Jr. Alger
Hans Christian Andersen
Anonymous Epic
Lodovico Ariosto
Matthew Arnold
Saint Augustine
Aurelius (Marcus Aurel
Jane Austen
Francis Bacon
James M Barrie
Frederic Bastiat
L Frank Baum
Aphra Behn
George Berkeley
William Blake
Giovanni Boccaccio
James Boswell
William Bradford
Anne Bradstreet
Charlotte Bronte
Emily Bronte
Rupert Brooke
Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Robert Browning
William Cullen Bryant
Thomas Bulfinch
Edward Bulwer-Lytton
John Bunyan
Edmund Burke
Frances Hodgson Burnett
Robert Burns
Edgar Rice Burroughs
Sir Richard Burton
Samuel Butler
William Byrd
Lord Byron
Tommaso Campanella
Thomas Carlyle
Lewis Carroll
Willa Cather
Giaus Valeri Catullus
Miguel de Cervantes
Geoffrey Chaucer
G. K. Chesterton
Chief Joseph
Kate Chopin
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Wilkie Collins
Carlo Collodi
Walter Colton
William Congreve
Joseph Conrad
James Fenimore Cooper
Stephen Crane
Edward Shepherd Creasy
Hector De Crevecoeur
Richard Henry Dana
Dante Alighieri
Charles Darwin
Thomas De Quincey
Daniel Defoe
Rene Descartes
Charles Dickens
Emily Dickinson
John Donne
Fyodor Dostoevsky
Frederick Douglass
Rene Doumic
Ernest Dowson
Arthur Conan Doyle
Theodore Dreiser
John Dryden
Alexandre Dumas
Jonathan Edwards
George Eliot
T. S. Eliot
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Desiderius Erasmus
Henry Fielding
Gustave Flaubert
Sam Walter Foss
Anatole France
Benjamin Franklin
Harold Frederic
Philip Freneau
Sigmund Freud
Robert Frost
John Gay
Johann Wolfgang Goethe
Kenneth Grahame
Thomas Gray
Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm
H Rider Haggard
Thomas Hardy
Nathaniel Hawthorne
William Hazlitt
Felicia Hemans
William Ernest Henley
O. Henry
Robert Herrick
Historical Document
Thomas Hobbes
Alfred Edward Housman
Elbert Hubbard
Victor Hugo
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David Humphreys
Leigh Hunt
Henrik Ibsen
Washington Irving
Henry James
William James
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Francis Jeffrey
Ben Jonson
James Joyce
Immanuel Kant
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Helen Keller
Omar Khayyam
Charles Kingsley
Rudyard Kipling
Charles Lamb
Walter Savage Landor
Lao Tzu
D. H. Lawrence
Emma Lazarus
Edward Lear
Gottfried Wil Leibniz
Gaston Leroux
Abraham Lincoln
John Locke
Jack London
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Richard Lovelace
James Russell Lowell
Nicolo Machiavelli
Christopher Marlowe
Andrew Marvell
Karl/Engels, Fri Marx
Cotton Mather
W Somerset Maugham
Guy de Maupassant
Clarence P McDonald
Herman Melville
John Stuart Mill
Edna St. Vincent Millay
John Milton
Michel Eyquem de Montaigne
L. M. Montgomery
Maurice Morgann
Christopher Morley
Gouverneur Morris
William Morris
Thomas Morton
H. H. (Saki) Munro
Friedrich W Nietzsche
Alfred Noyes
Baroness Orczy
Jose Ortega y Gasset
Thomas Paine
Blaise Pascal
Samuel Peters
King of Macedonia Philip
David Graham Phillips
Edgar Allan Poe
Alexander Pope
Gene Stratton Porter
Ezra Pound
William Hickling Prescott
Sir Walter Raleigh
Religious Document
Louis Rhead
Grantland Rice
Edwin Arlington Robinson
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Christina Rossetti
Edmond Rostand
Jean Jacques Rousseau
Mary Rowlandson
Susanna Haswel Rowson
Sheykh Moslehodd Sadi
Carl Sandburg
Philip Schaff
Sir Walter Scott
Alan Seeger
Robert W. Service
Samuel Sewall
William Shakespeare
George Bernard Shaw
Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley
Percy Bysshe Shelley
Thomas Shepard
Richard Brinsley Sheridan
Henryk Sienkiewicz
Upton Sinclair
Adam Smith
John Smith
Edmund Spenser
Johanna Spyri
Robert Louis Stevenson
Bram Stoker
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Montague Summers
Jonathan Swift
P Cornelius Tacitus
Rabindranath Tagore
Alfred Lord Tennyson
Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Thomas a Kempis
Francis Thompson
Henry David Thoreau
Leo Tolstoy
Mark Twain
Jules Verne
Alfred Russel Wallace
Lew Wallace
Mercy Warren
Booker T Washington
Jean Webster
H G Wells
Edith Wharton
Thomas Whately
Phillis Wheatley
Walt Whitman
John Greeleaf Whittier
Michael Wigglesworth
Oscar Wilde
Roger Williams
John Winthrop
Margaret Winthrop
Mary Wollstonecraftecraft
Virginia Woolf
John Woolman
William Wordsworth
Johann Wyss
William Butler Yeats

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