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Professor, Department of Management
Academic Co-Director, Sustainable Solutions Lab
1991-Present Professor,
Courses taught: Organization Theory, Strategy, Business and Society, Multinationals and Globalization, Business and Climate Change
2013- 2015 Associate Dean Graduate Programs and
Research, College of Management
2010- present Founder and Director of the Center for Sustainable Enterprise and
Regional Competitiveness, UMass Boston
1998-1999 Harvard University,
Research Fellow,
1987-1992 Harvard
Business School,
Doctor of Business Administration
Thesis Title: The Costs of Coordinating International Production
1976-1979: University
B.Sc. Management Science, 1st Class Honours Degree.
2017 Journal of Management Studies Best Paper
award for Levy,
D., Reinecke, J. and Manning (2016). The Political Dynamics of Sustainable
Coffee: Contested Value Regimes and the Transformation of Sustainability.
2016 Strategic Organization 2016 SO! WHAT award winner for the best
essay published in the journal five years earlier. Knox-Hayes,
Janelle, and David Levy (2011). The
politics of carbon disclosure as climate governance. Strategic Organization 9(1):1-9
2016 Chancellor’s Award for Distinguished
Research, UMass Boston
Aspen Institute, Business and Society Program, Faculty
Pioneer Award
To download files, simply click on ‘download’, or if you have trouble with this,
right-click on ‘download’ to save the file before opening it. These are
pre-publication versions. I am providing a single copy of each article for
colleagues, but for copyright reasons, please do not make further reproductions
or transmissions.
Wissman-Weber, N. and D. L. Levy (2018,
forthcoming). Climate
Adaptation in the Anthropocene: Constructing and Contesting Urban Risk Regimes.
Munir, K., Tanoli, A., Levy, D., and Willmott, H. (2018). The Role of Intermediaries in Governance of Global Production Networks: Restructuring Work Relations in Pakistan’s Apparel Industry. Human Relations, 71(4): 560-583
Online First:
E., Bharati, P., Levy, D., and Chaudhury, A. (2017, Forthcoming). Social Movements as Catalysts for Corporate Social
Innovation: Environmental Activism and the Adoption of Green Information
Systems. Business and Society.
Online First:
Levy, D.,
Reinecke, J. and Manning (2016). The Political Dynamics of Sustainable Coffee:
Contested Value Regimes and the Transformation of Sustainability. Journal of Management Studies,
53(3):364-401. Download
David L. and Andre Spicer (2013). Contested
Imaginaries and the Cultural Political Economy of Climate Change. Organization, 20(5): 659–678
Wittneben, B. B.
F., Okereke, C., Banerjee, S. B., & Levy, D. L. (2012). Climate Change and
the Emergence of New Organizational Landscapes. Organization Studies, 33(11): 1431-1450 Download
Rothenberg, Sandra, and David L. Levy
(2012) Corporate Perceptions of Climate Science: The Role of Corporate
Environmental Scientists. Business and
Society, 51(1): 31-61. Download
Levy, David L. (2011). Private
Sector Governance for a Sustainable Economy: A Strategic Approach, Review of Policy Research 28(5): 487-493 Download.
Janelle, and David Levy (2011). “The
politics of carbon disclosure as climate governance.” Strategic Organization 9(1):1-9
Levy, David L., Halina S. Brown, and Martin De Jong (2010). The Contested Politics of Corporate Governance: The Case of the Global Reporting Initiative. Business and Society Vol. 49. No. 1: 88-115. Download.
H., De Jong, M., and Levy, D. (2009). “Building Institutions Based on
Information Disclosure: Lessons from GRI’s Sustainability Reporting.” Journal
of Cleaner Production 17(6): 571-580.
Kolk, Ans, David
L. Levy, and
Levy, David L. (2008) “Political Contestation in
Global Production Networks”, Academy of
Management Review, Vol. 33, No. 4.
Jones, Charles
A. and David L. Levy (2007) “North American Business Strategies Towards Climate
Change”, European Management Journal,
Vol. 25, No. 6, pp. 428-440. Download.
David L. and
Levy, David L. and
Levy, David L. (2005) “Offshoring in the New Global Political Economy”, Journal of Management Studies Vol. 42, No. 3. Download.
Levy, David L. and Aseem Prakesh (2003) “Bargains Old and New: Multinationals in International Governance”, Business and Politics Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 131-151. Download.
in Thomas Clarke and Marie Dela Rama, eds., 2006, Corporate Governance and
(reprinted in
Levy, David L. and Daniel Egan (2003) “A Neo-Gramscian Approach to Corporate Political Strategy: Conflict and Accommodation in the Climate Change Negotiations”, Journal of Management Studies, Vol. 40, No. 4, pp. 803-30. Download.
Levy, David L. and .
Levy, David L. and Ans Kolk (2002) “Strategic Responses to Global Climate Change: Conflicting Pressures on Multinationals in the Oil Industry” Business and Politics. Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 275-300. Download.
(reprinted in Andrew Crane and Dirk
Matten, eds., 2007, Corporate Social
Responsibility, Vol. 3.
Kolk, Ans and David L. Levy (October 2001) “Winds of Change: Corporate Strategy, Climate Change and Oil Multinationals, European Management Journal, Vol. 19, No. 5, pp. 501-509. Download.
Levy, David L. and Daniel Egan (1998). "Capital Contests: National and Transnational Channels of Corporate Influence on the Climate Change Negotiations", Politics and Society, Vol. 26, No. 3 (September), pp. 335-359. Download.
Levy, David L. (1997). "Environmental Management as Political Sustainability", Organization and Environment, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 126-147. Download pdf file.
Levy, David L. (1997). "Business
and International Environmental Treaties".
Levy, David L. (1997). "Lean Production in an International Supply Chain", Sloan Management Review, Vol. 38, No. 2 (Winter), pp. 94-102 Download.
in: Smart Globalization: Designing Global Strategies, Creating Global
Networks." Editors: Anil K. Gupta and Eleanor Westney.
Levy, David L. (1995) "The Environmental Practices and Performance of TNCs", Transnational Corporations, Vol. 4, No. 1 (April), pp. 44-68 Download.
Levy, David L. (1995) "International Sourcing and Supply Chain Stability", Journal of International Business Studies, Vol. 26, No. 2, pp. 343-360 Download.
Reprinted in Global Supply Chain Management, Vol. 2, Masaaki Kotabe and Michael J. Mol (eds.), Edward Elgar (2006).
Levy, David L. (1994), "Chaos Theory and Strategy: Theory, Application, and Managerial Implications", Strategic Management Journal, Vol. 15 (Summer), pp. 167-178. Download.
in Complexity and Organization (2006).
Edited by Robert MacIntosh, Donald Maclean, Ralph Stacey and Douglas Griffin.
Levy, David L. with John D. Dunning (1993), "International Production and Sourcing: Trends and Issues", Science, Technology, and Industry Review, No. 13 (December), pp. 14-59 Download.
Reprinted in Global Supply Chain Management, Vol. 1, M. Kotabe and M. J. Mol (eds.), Edward Elgar (2006).
Levy, David L. and Peter J. Newell, Editors, (2005)
Business in International Environmental
Governance: A Political Economy Approach.
Begg, Kathryn, Frans van der Woerd, and David L.
Levy, Editors, (forthcoming, 2004) Corporate
Responses to Climate Change.
David L. and Palpacuer, Florence (2017). Global
Production Networks and the Changing Corporation. In: The
Corporation: A Critical, Interdisciplinary Handbook. Edited by
Andre Spicer and Grietje Baars. Cambridge
University Press. Download
David L. (2015). Strategy, Power and Practice, in Raza Mir, Hugh
Willmott, Michelle Greenwood, Editors, The
Routledge Companion to Philosophy in Organization Studies. (Routledge: New York) Download
Janelle and David Levy (2014) The Political Economy of Governance by
Disclosure: Carbon Disclosure and Nonfinancial reporting as Contested Fields of
Governance. In Aarti Gupta and Michael Mason (eds.) Transparency in Global Environmental Governance (Cambridge, Mass.:
MIT Press). Pp. 204-224
David L. and Sandra Rothenberg (2014) The Role of Corporate Scientists and
Institutional Context: Corporate Responses to Climate Change in the Automobile
Industry. In Neil Harrison and John Mikler (eds.) Climate Innovation:
Liberal Capitalism and Climate Change (Palgrave Macmillan) Ch.
David L. (2012) Private actors and strategies in global environmental
governance: The role of information disclosure. In Peter Dauvergne, ed., Handbook of Global Environmental Politics
(2nd edition).
David L. and Halina Brown (2012) The Global Reporting Initiative: The Promise
and Limitations of Non-Financial Reporting for Corporate Governance. In Peter
Utting, Darryl Reed, and Ananya Mukherjee-Reed (eds). Business Regulation and Non-State Actors.
Levy, David L. and
David L. and Halina Brown. (2011) The Global Reporting Initiative:
Collaboration and conflict in the development of non-financial reporting. In
Subhash Jain and Ben Kedia (eds.), Enhancing
Global Competitiveness through Sustainable Environmental Stewardship.
Levy, David
L. (2011) “Environmentalism” In: Key Concepts in Critical Management Studies.
Edited by Mark Tadajewski, Pauline Maclaran, Elizabeth Parsons and Martin
Charles A. Jones and David L. Levy (2009. “Business Strategies and Climate Change”. In Henrik Selin
and Stacy D. VanDeveer (eds.), Changing Climates in North American Politics: Institutions,
Policymaking and Multilevel Governance.
Levy, David L. and
Levy, David L. and Peter
J. Newell (2006) “Multinationals in Global Governance”, in Sushil Vachani, ed.,
Transformations in Global Governance: Implications for
Multinationals and Other Stakeholders (
Peter J. and David L. Levy (2006) “The Political Economy of the Firm in Global
Environmental Governance” in May, Chris (Ed.) Global Corporate Power
(IPE Yearbook, Vol. 15). (
Ans and David L. Levy (2004) “Multinationals and Global Climate Change: Issues
for the Automotive and Oil Industries” in Sarianna Lundan (ed.),
Multinationals, environment and global competition, Research in Global
Strategic Management, Vol. 9, Oxford, UK. JAI an imprint of Elsevier Science.
David L., Mats Alvesson and Hugh Willmott, (2003) “Critical approaches to
strategic management.” in Mats Alvesson and Hugh Willmott (eds.) Studying Management Critically (Newbury Park, Cal.: Sage)
David L. and
Egan, Daniel and Levy, David L. (2000) “International
Environmental Politics and the Internationalization of the State: The Cases of
MAI and Climate Change”, in Dimitris Stevis and Valerie Ansetto, eds., The International Political Economy of the
Environment. Vol. 12 of the International Political Economy Yearbook (
Levy, David L. (2000) "Applications and Limitations of
Complexity Theory in Organization Theory and Strategy", in Jack Rabin,
Gerald J. Miller, and W. Bartley Hildreth (editors), Handbook of Strategic Management, Second Edition (
Levy, David L. and Egan, Daniel (2000) "Corporate
Political Action in the Global Polity: National and Transnational Strategies in
the Climate Change Negotiations" in Richard Higgott,
Non-Refereed Articles, Reports, Book
Reviews, and Working Papers
Levy, David L./Sustainable Solutions Lab (2018) Financing Climate Resilience: Mobilizing Resources and Incentives to Protect Boston from Climate Risks. Download
Levy, David L. (2012) Book review of Climate Capitalism by Peter Newell
and Matthew Paterson for Ephemera, 12:1/2
Levy, David L. (2011)
Private Sector Governance for a Sustainable Economy: A Strategic Approach.
Levy, David L. (2011) Climate
change, corporate change: shifting business models towards the climate agenda.
Transparency International
Levy, David L. (2011) Book review of Challenged by Carbon, Cambridge
University Press, by Bryan Lovell, for International Affairs, 87: 2: 13-14
Levy, David L. (2011) “Business and
Climate Change beyond
of AoM Organizations and Natural Environment Division, Feb. 2010
Levy, David L. and Charles A. Jones (2006) “
Reprinted in The Encyclopedia of
David L. (2005) “The Passion, Prescience, and Politics of The End of
Nature.” Organization and Environment, Vol. 18, No. 2 pp. 177-182.
Levy, David L. and
2016 Collaborator on City of
Boston-Barr Foundation grants through Sustainable Solutions Lab. $330,000.
Climate Ready Boston Phase 2: Finance and Governance - Evaluation and
Recommendations. Leader of Finance sub-group. Grant is supporting 2 PhD
students, Nichole Weber and Steve Loren. On steering committee for SSL Harbor
Protection study, $300,000 City of Boston/Barr Foundation project.
2016 Co-PI. Agency: NOAA
COCA: Ecosystem Services for a Resilient Coast in a Changing Climate. Award NA16OAR4310154. Title: Improving
the environment while protecting our coasts: A holistic accounting of ecosystem
services of “Green Infrastructure and Natural and Nature-Based Features (NNBF)”
in an urbanized coastal environment. PI: Ellen Douglas. Total Budget: $279,000.
Duration Aug 2016 to Jul 2018
2013 Co-PI on $3.1 million NSF Division of
Graduate Ed. IGERT Grant: Coasts and Communities: Natural and Human Systems in
Urbanizing Environments. PI: Robyn Hannigan, School for Environment. NSF EDGE:
1249946. Duration: 09/01/13 to 08/31/18. College of Management and SERC are
partners, and funded PhD students will integrate business, science, and policy
in research on complex environmental policy.
2005 Awarded grant from NESCAUM (North East States for Coordinated Air Use Management) to study business and economic impact of regional carbon trading system.
2001 Awarded
grant from Mass. Technology Collaborative/Renewable Energy Trust Fund, through
campus STEP program, to research public role in stimulating region’s renewable
energy industry. $200,000
1998: One-year Research Fellowship,
1999: Summer. Visiting Research Scientist, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
1998: Awarded $30,000 from the Consortium on Environmental Challenges, MIT, to research corporate strategic responses to the emerging greenhouse gas regime
Membership of Professional Governance Bodies, Editorial and Advisory Boards
Associate Editor Business and
Society. Member of editorial boards of
Organization, Organization and
Environment, and Critical Perspectives on International Business.
September 2002 till present: Member, International Advisory Board of the New Zealand Centre for Business and Sustainable Development
Guest editor of Organization and Environment, 2005, Vol.
18, No. 2, special issue on 15th anniversary of publication of Bill
McKibben’s The End of Nature.
Occasional reviewer for National Science Foundation, Administrative Science Quarterly, Journal
of International Business Studies, Strategic Management Journal, Human Relations,
Organization, Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review,
Organization Science, California Management Review, Global Environmental
Politics, Business and Politics, Review of International Political Economy,
Transnational Corporations, International Business Review, Regulation
and Governance, Social Forces, Business and Society.