C. Knight

A Roman Time Line (65BC - 140AD)
Satirists and History

65     Horace born, son of a freedman, in southern Italy.

49     Caesar crosses the Rubicon, beginning civil war against Pompey, who is defeated at Pharsalus.

46     Horace goes to Athens to attend the Academy.  Caesar defeats Cato in Africa.

44     Assassination of Caesar by conspirators, including Brutus and Cassius.

42     Horace serves as an officer for Brutus and Cassius at the Battle of Philippi, at which they are defeated by Antony and Octavian.

40     Treaty of Brundisium divides the Roman world into two spheres controlled by Octavian and Antony.

39     Horace becomes a treasury clerk. General amnesty for adherents of the conspirators.

38     Horace introduced to Gaius Maecenas; becomes part of his circle of writers;
noticed by Octavian.

37     Horace's Journey to Brundisium

35     Publication of Sermones 1; composition of the epodes; H. receives the Sabine
farm from Maecenas.

31     Publication of Epodes.  Battle of Actium; defeat of Antony and Cleopatra.

30-29     Publication of Sermones 2. Virgil begins Aeneid.

27     Octavian becomes Augustus.

23     Publication of Odes, Books 1-3 (88 poems).

20-15    Epistles and Carmen saeculare.

19   Death of Virgil

13   Odes 4.

8     Death of Horace. Death of Maecenas; exile of Ovid.

14     Death of Augustus; accession of Tiberius.

34     Birth of Persius.

37     Death of Tiberius; accession of Caligula.

41     Assassination of Caligula; accession of Claudius.

54     Seneca, Apocolocyntosis. Death of Claudius, accession of Nero.

55     Birth of Juvenal.

62     Death of Persius.

65     Death of Seneca.

66     Death of Petronius (Satyricon)

68     Suicide of Nero after coup (July).

68-69     Year of four emperors (Galba, Otho, Vitellus, Vespasian).

78     Death of Vespasian; accession of Titus.

78-80     Juvenal's possible military service in Britain.

81     Death of Titus; accession of Domitian.

92     Martial refers to Juvenal (Epigrams Book VII).

93-96     Juvenal's possible exile in Egypt.

96     Assassination of Domitian; accession of Nerva.

98     Martial leaves for Spain. Death of Nerva, accession of Trajan.

c.110     Juvenal, Satires, Book 1 (1-5).

c.116     Satires, Book 2 (6).

117     Death of Trajan; accession of Hadrian.

c.120    Satires, Book 3 (7-9).

c.125    Satires, Book 4 (10-12).

c.130    Satires, Book 5 (13-16).

c.140    Death of Juvenal.

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