Heather M. Lufkin
page / Objectives
/ History
/ Program
Development / Tutoring
Program / grants
/ camp
BA in Elementary Education/Religious Studies (May 1999), Trinity College of Vermont
SOS (Spirituality, Outreach and Social Justice) Club, founding member and president, 1996-1999 Triple Key, member and secretary, 1995-1999
Alternative Spring Break Coordinator, 1997-1999
Enhance Residence Assistant, 1998-1999
Retreat Coordinator, 1996-1999
Certified in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts (K-6)
Member, National Catholic Education Association
Teaching Experience
Urban Catholic Teacher Corps of Boston College and the Archdiocese of Boston (July 1999-June 2001)
St. Mary's School, South Boston MA (July 1999-June 2001): Volunteer Teacher, Fifth Grade
responsible for assessing and meeting academic and social needs of 20 students planned and facilitated parent-teacher conferences, monthly masses, Catholic Schools Weeks and International Night
created and implemented classroom Book club and Reading Buddies with KI children to instill in all students a love of reading
organized projects based on literacy and writing through the use of history and children's literature
coordinated the after-school program, "Rainbows," focusing on loss and death
school mission coordinator, responsible for organizing food/clothing drives and informational activities centered on community service
St. Albans Town Educational Center, St. Albans VT (December 1998-May 1999): Student Teacher, Fourth Grade
planned, implemented and assessed thematic units and writing and math portfolios help create and implemented Individualized Education Plans, 504 plans and behavior plans
Archdiocese of Burlington: Special Needs Ministry (September-December 1998): Intern
collaborated with Director of adapt religion curriculum for children with special needs facilitated meetings between Director and parents of children with special needs
created a workshop to train adult volunteers for the diocese's program for adults with special needs (SPREAD)
Mater Christi Elementary School, Burlington VT (September-December 1998): Student Teacher of Religion, Grades 4-8
Colchester VT: Student Teacher, Grades 1-2 multi-age (December 1997-May 1998)
Colchester VT: Student Teacher, Grade 2 (September-December 1997)
Hinesburg VT: Student Teacher, Grades 1-2 multi-age (January-May 1996)
page / Objectives
/ History
/ Program
Development / Tutoring
Program / grants
/ camp